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Vertical Curves Sometimes required when two gradients meet Note terms

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1 Vertical Curves Sometimes required when two gradients meet Note terms
Transition too abrupt Sight Distances Note terms Distances measured horizontally Tangent offsets indicate cut or fill from flat grade to curve

2 Parabolic Curve Form: y = ax2 + bx +c Three important relationships
Curve at midpoint is always halfway between PVI and a line connecting PVC and PVT. Tangent offsets vary with the square of the distance from PVC. Second differences between equal points are equal.

3 Parabolic Example Extend g1, divide into 6 equal parts
If offset at 1 = “a” Offset2 = 4a Offset3 = 9a ACV similar to ABB’ CV = BB’/2 = 18a CM = MV = 9a

4 Vertical Curve by Proportions
Problem 21-3 g1 = 4%, g2 = -2.1% PVT = 46+50, E = L = 8 sta (800 ft) Sta PVC = Sta PVI – L/2 = 42+50, EPVC = – 4%(4 Sta) = Sta PVT Sta PVI + L/2 = 50+50, EPVT = Sta(-2.1%) =

5 Problem 21-3 (Cont.) Find yPVT, yMid
yPVT = EPVC + g1L – EPVT = (4%)(8 Sta) – = 24.40’ yMid = yPVT(4/8)2 = 24.40’(.5)2 = 6.10’, or

6 Problem 21-3, Cont. Ascending: E = EPVC + g1x + y
E43 = (4%)(0.5 sta) – 0.10 = y44 = (-6.10)(1.5)2/(4)2 = -0.86 E43 = (4%)(1.5 sta) – 0.86 = Descending: E = EPVT – g2x + y Sta 47+00, x from PVT = 3.5 sta y47 = (-6.10)(3.5)2/(4)2 = -4.67 E47 = (-2.1%)(3.5 sta) – 4.67 =

7 Curve Equation Elev = c + bx +ax2 ElevX = ElevA+g1x+ax2 Rate of Change
c = ElevA b = g1 (in %) x in Sta ElevX = ElevA+g1x+ax2 Rate of Change d2y/dx2 = 2a a = (g2-g1)/2L

8 Vertical Curve Equation
Change in grade: A = g2-g1 Rate of change: r = A/L High or Low Point Occurs when grade = 0 Grade changes from g1 to 0 at rate r

9 Problem 21-3 by Equation A = (-2.1% – 4%) = -6.1%
r = A/L = -6.1%/8 Sta = %/Sta E43 = (0.5) (.5)2 = E44 = (1.5) (1.5)2 = E46+50 = (4.0) (4.0)2 = E47 = (4.5) (4.5)2 = High Point: X = -g1/r = -4/ = Sta E = (5.2469) (5.2469)2 = E48 = (5.5) (5.5)2 =

10 Curve Thru a Point Say you want the curve to pass through a point of known Sta, Elev Select L to force curve through point Two possible solutions Tangent Offsets – Author Equation

11 Thru Point - Tangent Offset
xP = Distance from PVI to Point, in Sta yB = offset from the back tangent yF = offset from forward tangent

12 Thru Point – Tangent Offset

13 Thru Point – Equation yB – yF = (g2 - g1)xP
yB + yF = 2(EP - EPVI) - (g2 + g1)xP Recall A = g2 - g1 xP = Distance from PVI to point, in Sta

14 Superelevation Crown: 0.015 – 0.02 ft/ft Superelevation
Transverse Slope Depends on Side friction, speed, D Max: 8%- 10% Runoff – transition from flat to banked Linear change Min: ft Max: ft

15 Superelevation Example
Road conditions Curve, D = 4° , I = 53° PC at Sta 24+45, Elev = ’ Centerline grade from PC to PT is –3.5% Road top is 40’ wide, crown is ft/ft Superelevation = 4%, Runoff = 400 feet Design PC Centerline at ’ At PC need full superelevation,  .04(20’) = 0.80’ Out shoulder at ’, In shoulder at ’

16 Runoff PC at Sta 24+45, Elev = 299.75’
Out shoulder at ’, In shoulder at ’ 400 foot runoff – start at Sta 20+45 Centerline at Crown at 0.015*20’ = 0.30’ Out and In Shoulders at Linear transition Roll outside crown up to 1.5% (0.015 ft/ft) Roll both shoulders to 4%

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