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Learned Dog class 11 April 21, 2008 Dog Training.

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1 Learned Dog class 11 April 21, 2008 Dog Training

2 How Dogs Learn To clarify a question about whether I was saying anything on the video’s last week Training Steps: A new alphabet B-C-A Maximizes learning & the quality of the final behavior performance B = Behavior: Get it C = Consequence: Give it A = Antecedent or A Signal: Add after behavior is strong, insert before behavior

3 How Dogs Learn Training Steps B = Behavior: Get the dog to perform the desired behavior Capture: R+ dog doing behavior Shape: R+ parts of the behavior working closer to the end behavior Lure: Use of food or toy as a guide to where you want the dog then R+

4 How Dogs Learn Training Steps C = Consequence: R+ When the dog does the behavior- Capturing When the dog does part of the behavior- Shaping As the dog follows the food into position or partial position - Luring

5 How Dogs Learn Training Steps A = Antecedent or Cue: Add after the dog becomes good at the behavior, cue will pair with the end behavior performance (usually better than beginning) Cue is presented just before the dog does the behavior = Classical Conditioning R+ as usual

6 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods - Negative Reinforcement Remove an unpleasant stimulus to increase behavior being repeated Often positive punishment as well or at least an aversive stimulus Have to add it to stop it Examples: –Stop collar pressure when dog sits –Stop pushing on hindquarters when dog sits

7 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Negative Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Pro’s: May get some behaviors happening quickly If dog will not or cannot eat treats Teaching self control Negative Reinforcement Con’s: Dog associating something unpleasant with trainer and or situation Physical damage to dog depending on technique Requires excellent timing

8 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Negative Reinforcement CAT: Constructional Aggression Treatment A method developed by Jesus Rosales-Ruis & Kellie Snyder Uses Negative Reinforcement To shape calm behaviors to replace aggressive displays towards dogs and humans Seminars and a 10 hr DVD is available Very new so all the pro’s and con’s are not yet known Many use this with R+ (more on this when I talk on reactive dogs)

9 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Negative Punishment Remove a pleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior being repeated Examples: Puppy biting hands: leave puppy Jumping up: turn back ignore dog Advanced training examples: Dog breaks a start line stay for agility: dog does not get to run the course (assuming lots of stay work)

10 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Negative Punishment Negative Punishment Pro’s A benign way to stop unwanted behavior Generally not harmful physically or mentally Negative Punishment Con’s Must be consistent otherwise you may be rewarding the unwanted behavior sometimes which is unfair

11 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Positive Punishment Adding an unpleasant stimulus directed at the dog to decrease/stop a behavior Examples: Pulling or jerking on the leash for pulling Choke Collars, Pinch Collars Electronic collars, spray or shock Running away/not coming, barking, fence Spray bottles for barking

12 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Positive Punishment Positive Punishment Pro’s: Stop unwanted behavior quickly at least short term Positive Punishment Con’s: Dog associating something unpleasant with trainer and or situation May increase or create fear and or aggression Physical damage to dog depending on the technique Learned helplessness Excellent timing required

13 Dog Training & Operant Conditioning Dog Training Methods – Summary Positive Reinforcement is least damaging Negative Punishment a safe addition Negative Reinforcement occasionally useful Positive Punishment mostly avoid When training behaviors I use mostly PR some NR When stopping unwanted behaviors I use NP when possible and PP if needed. When I use PP it is usually citronella spray


15 COLLARS BUCKLE (old fashioned buckle) SAFETY BUCKLE (quick release) MARTINGALE PRONG CHOKE



18 HEAD COLLARS Black dog

19 HEAD COLLARS Black dog Infin8 Similar to Newtrix design


21 ELECTRONICS CITRONELLA remote SHOCK remote FENCING & BARK Citronella, Shock

22 LEADS LEASH 6 foot to 30 foot cotton, nylon, leather, chain RETRACTABLE LEADS flat, cord ALL IN ONE: Collar and lead

23 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities!

24 Is there a difference Pet Dog vs. Competitive Dog Hopefully not for most Most of time - they are our pets Some of the time – Our competition partners, but at the end of the day many sleep on our pillow!

25 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Pet Dog Training What does the average pet owner need Walk on leash, come when called, don’t jump on people, socialization AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) covers the basics and is helpful with insurance companies

26 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Pet Dog Training What does the average pet owner WANT Often just one of the previously mentioned, come, not pull, not jump Needs to be a package for success - A complete program will build a relationship for success throughout the dogs life

27 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Pet Dog Training Methods: Positive Reinforcement training will set up a good relationship for life clicker is my 1 st choice average pet owners does well with the clicker clicker training gives the owner the tools needed to teach the dog beyond a class

28 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Pet Dog Training I have taught pet classes with the following methods: Traditional NR, PP, R+ Volhard/Fisher (80’s) Modeling, R – with R+ Beginning shaping (no clicker) Lure/Reward Clicker – works best in my opinion

29 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Pet Dog Training – Advanced classes Many pet owners get into advanced training as a way to keep training a young dog and keep it interesting “Bowling night” for some handlers Dogs that are more difficult (ex. higher energy, more independent) often need training classes to polish and maintain behaviors

30 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Pet Dog Training – Advanced classes Advanced classes sometimes leads to a new life that has gone to the dogs! For example… Conformation, Rally-O, Obedience, Freestyle, Agility, Fly-ball,Tracking, Hunting, Earth dog, Lure Coursing, Herding, Schutzhund, French Ring Sport, Dock Diving, Disc …

31 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! The Competition Dog

32 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog Dog Sports can be just for fun or competition Competition can be casual or serious Dog Sports should be FUN no matter what! Over the past 25 years I have competed in Conformation, Obedience, Tracking, Agility & Earth dog Hopefully I will be adding herding to the list!

33 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog A job for the dog ? Or A dog for the job ? there can be a big difference If you are a Bulldog owner or breeder and you want to do agility you may be limited in competitive ability Not a bad thing just reality

34 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog A job for the dog ? Or A dog for the job ? If you want to be highly competitive a Bulldog is probably not the best choice for you If you want to have fun with YOUR dog/s you can do almost anything with any dog within reason!

35 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog A job for the dog ? Or A dog for the job ? You are allowed to change from one to the other or have both! Example: I bred Springer's for 12 years and did things with them for better or worse! Fell in love with agility and wanted to finish championships and compete at nationals so got a PRT and next went for the BC

36 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog A job for the dog ? Or A dog for the job ? But part of me wants another Springer to do agility in the future, I guess I like the challenge! The important thing is to remember it is all for fun and you love your dog whether they perform well or not

37 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog Training needed: Same as a pet for starters Basic control: sit,down,stay,come,walk on leash Foundation exercises for sport of choice if known Socialization as preparation for life in chosen sport

38 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog Training methods: R+ can work for most behaviors needed P- and Pre-Mack work well where more is needed Example: Earth dog recalls, click and treat means nothing to Steiff when rats are present. So I use seeing the rats as the reward for coming away from the den

39 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog Training methods: There is a lot of; “this is how it has been done” which prolongs the use of punishment in some instances. There are people pioneering clicker training in field training where electronics are the norm as well as in herding

40 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog Training methods: Biggest training mistakes: Rushing a good foundation or skipping foundation work Not socializing for competition example: training in new places

41 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog Some of the Sports Beauty contest - Conformation General training - Rally-O, Obedience, Freestyle, Agility, Fly-ball, Tracking, Dock Diving, Disc, Draft dogs (pulling) Instinct - Hunting, Earth dog, Lure Coursing, Herding, Terrier racing Combo - Schutzhund, French Ring Sport

42 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Beauty contest - Conformation AKC American Kennel Club UKC United Kennel club CKC Canadian Kennel club Each recognizes certain breeds that can be shown

43 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Obedience - AKC, UKC, CKC 3 General levelsof titling classes Novice = Companion Dog Open = Companion Dog Excellent Utility= Utility dog Some variation between organizations

44 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Obedience - Novice - On and off leash heeling, figure 8 on leash, stand for exam, recall and stays with a group Open – All off leash, drop on recall, retrieve on the flat and over a jump, broad jump, longer stays out of sight

45 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Obedience - Utility – All off leash, hand signal only heeling exercise, signal from distance, for sit & down, scent discrimination, a moving stand stay and then exam, return to heel from a distance, directed retrieve, directed jumping, send away

46 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Rally-O Relatively new: APDT & AKC Combines obedience in a more casual way Can talk to dog more APDT version can use food As in agility you follow a course Instructions at each numbered station Timed

47 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Rally-O Some varied moves makes it interesting On leash and off leash categories Nice step to obedience which is more precision oriented 2 Video’s Practice with a Great Dane Competition with a Lab

48 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Rally-O Video Practice with a Great Dane

49 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Rally-O Video Competition with a Lab

50 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Freestyle “ Canine Freestyle is a choreographed performance organized with music, illustrating the training and joyful relationship of a dog and handler team. Freestyle is an excellent discipline to illustrate the conformation and movement of the dog. The reach, drive and beauty of an athletic, trained dog moving to music can take one’s breath away.” From

51 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Freestyle Dancing with Dog’s Uses a combination of obedience and tricks Done to music Some handlers do more dance than others Beautiful to watch Done for fun, demo’s and competition

52 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Agility Obstacle course for dogs, timed event The most popular competition venue’s USDAA: NADAC: UKC: CPE:

53 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Agility Levels: Generally 3 levels in each organization Different names for each group An intro level up to a championship class in each 2 Different programs available in most For lowered height and extra time

54 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Agility Obstacles – generally the same for each organization Types of obstacles Contacts: A-frame, Dog walk, Teeter Jumps: Single bar width, spreads Go thru obstacles: Tunnels, tire, chute Weaves

55 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Agility Classes offered: Standard: All equipment Jumpers: some with weaves some w/o Games: varied strategy games Some venues offer more games classes CPE, USDAA, NADAC

56 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Agility Video

57 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Tracking My old favorite! Natural for all dogs They know how to use their nose We just need to show them for what Venues: AKC, Part of Schutzhund work

58 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Tracking AKC: The primary TD Tracking Dog Title 440-500 yards.5 to 1.5 hours old 3 to 5 90 degree turns Open fields: cover varies with area Dog finds a glove at end belonging to tracklayer

59 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Tracking TDX Tracking Dog Excellent Title 800 yards 3 - 5 hours old 3 to 7 turns Open fields, Woods, Road crossing, Stone walls, Dog finds a glove at end and 2 personal items along the trackbelonging to tracklayer

60 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Tracking VST Tracking Dog Excellent Title 600 – 800yards 3-5 hours old 4 to 7 turns All terrain such as an industrial park, only 1/3 can be vegetation Dog finds items of plastic, leather, metal glove belonging to track layer

61 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Fly-ball Put on your ear plugs!! A wildly fun sport for dogs that love tennis balls and running! NAFA North American Flyball Association

62 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Fly-ball Team event 4 dogs on a team Run against another team Timed 4 low jumps (height determined by shortest dog on team) taken down and back Ball in box that dog has to hit to release and return with back over the jumps

63 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Fly-ball North American Flyball Association NAFA Photo my nancy thomton

64 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Disc Dogs Flying high and catching discs! International Disc Dog Handlers Association Multiple levels of competition Varied skill sets needed

65 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Disc Dogs Photos from

66 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Carting / Draft pulling / Mushing / Skijouring A wide variety of dog pulling events Carting: pulling a cart such as a milk wagon Draft: Pulling heavy weight Mushing: Sled dogs Skijoring: Pulling handler on skis

67 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Carting / Draft pulling / Mushing / Skijoring Info sources

68 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Carting / Draft pulling / Mushing / Skijoring From

69 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Dock Diving Long jumps off of docks into water A sport made for labs! Any dogs are welcome however

70 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports DockDogs® is the independent governing and sanctioning body for regional, national, and international dock jumping performance sport for dogs. DockDogs® establishes the rules and standards of the sport, tracks and records results, and promotes the growth of its athletes, Teams, events, spectators, and sponsors. To that end, DockDogs establishes and reviews, under committee direction, DockDogs® Rules and Policies - updated annually. From

71 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Dock Diving The following Divisions have been developed in order to allow competitors to be competitive at their current level of jumping and work toward additional milestones in advancement: Novice Jumper (NJ) 0’1” -- 9’ 11” Junior Jumper (JJ) 10’0” -- 14’ 11” Senior Jumper (SJ) 15’0” -- 19’ 11” Master Jumper (MJ) 20’0” -- 22’ 11” Elite Jumper (EJ) 23’0” and above From

72 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports “Instinct” Sports These are activities that are related to the purpose of the breed or type of dog Examples: Hunting, Earth dog, Lure Coursing, Herding, Terrier racing

73 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Lure Coursing A racing event where the dogs run in small groups chasing a ‘lure” (a plastic bag on a pulley) AKC event for Sight hounds American Sighthound Field Association

74 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Lure Coursing from the ASFA website: Hounds are normally run in trios, in yellow, pink, and blue colors. Judges assess performance based on each hound's abilities, identifying hounds by their blanket color. The hounds run a preliminary course and a final course, and then may run for Best of Breed. Finally, the Best of Breed run for Best in Field, as an optional stake. The hounds are scored by the following criteria Points Follow15 Enthusiasm 15 Agility 25 Speed 25 Endurance 20

75 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Lure Coursing – AKC Trials – Field Championships Earn 15 points Plus placements Tests – Earn titles Jr., Sr., Master Levels Video

76 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Lure Coursing – AKC Video

77 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Lure Coursing – AKC Video

78 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Hunting – Field AKC runs both Trials and Tests Similar to the Coursing Trials are usually more difficult Bassets, Beagles, Dachshund, Pointers, Retrievers, Spaniels Tests developed to be more accessible to all Spaniels, Pointers, Retrievers

79 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Hunting – Field Each type of hunting dog has a different job Example: Spaniels are for upland game (pheasant, grouse, wood cock) They flush and retrieve Different breeds are allowed in each group Breed clubs often offer working certificates Usually easier to qualify

80 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Earth dog – go to ground dogs AKC for all terriers recognized and dachshunds AWTA American Working Terrier Assoc. All terriers and mixed terriers

81 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Earth dog – go to ground dogs Tunnels underground made of wood with a dirt floor approximately 30 plus feet, 3-4 corners Caged rats at end behind bars (they are safe) Dogs have limited time depending on level Must “work” rats for a set amount of time Mid level needs a recall out of tunnel once rats are removed

82 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Earth dog – go to ground dogs Upper level dogs hunt for 200 yards as a brace (2 dogs off leash), 1 st dog to find tunnel gets to do tunnels 1 st while the other dog “honors”. Waits for his turn. There are 2 obstacles in the tunnel, a narrow part and a roller Terrier paradise!

83 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Earth dog – go to ground dogs

84 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Herding HERDING ORGANIZATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA from The United States Border Collie Handlers' Association, Inc. The Australian Shepherd Club of American The American Herding Breed Association

85 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Herding organizations continued The American Kennel Club Test/Trial Program The Canadian Kennel Club United Kennel Club

86 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog - Some of the Sports Terrier racing Different classes Pups through veterans Hurdles no hurdles All muzzled for safety

87 Pet Dog and Competitive Dog Job Opportunities! Competitive Dog – What is your sport?!

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