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9/11 & ISLAM TODAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 9/11/01 TIMELINE ● 9:46am (CST), 1 minute into 3rd period o American Airlines, flight 11 crashed into the North.

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1 9/11 & ISLAM TODAY

2 SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

3 9/11/01 TIMELINE ● 9:46am (CST), 1 minute into 3rd period o American Airlines, flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. ● 10:03am (CST), 18 minutes into 3rd period o United Airlines, flight 175 crashed in the the South Tower of the World Trade Center ● 10:37am (CST), 3 minutes before the end of 3rd period. o American Airlines, flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon ● 10:59 am (CST), 14 minutes into 4th period o The South Tower collapsed. ● 11:03am (CST), 18 minutes into 4th period o United Airlines, flight 93 -- believed to be aiming for the White House, crashed in a field in PA. ● 11:38am (CST), passing period between 4th & 5th period o The North Tower collapsed

4 WHAT WE KNEW THAT DAY? Not much. Chicago might be a target. Parents work downtown. School stayed open.

5 WHY DID IT HAPPEN? ● 1957: Osama bin Laden born in Saudi Arabia ● 1979: USSR invaded Afghanistan to support Afghan Communists in a Civil War. o Start of Soviet-Afghan War, which lasted for 9 years. o Bin Laden age 22 ● 1984: Bin Laden went to Pakistan to support the Afghan cause ● 1988: Bin Laden formed al Qaeda in Pakistan ● 1990: Iraq invaded Kuwait; Saudi Arabia invited the US to in to defend Kuwait. Bin Laden did not like bringing in non-Muslim military assistance; holiest places of Islam are in Saudi Arabia. ● 1991: Saudi dissidents petition their gov’t to give religion great precedence in law making. ● 1994: Saudi authorities imprison leaders of religious dissent.

6 WHY DID IT HAPPEN? ● 1995: A truck bombing at a Saudi Arabian National Guard building killed 5 Americans, 2 Indians. ● 1996: Bin Laden moved to Afghanistan after the Taliban took control of it. 1 month later, a truck bombing in Saudi Arabia killed 19 US Soldiers. 2 months later, Bin Laden issued his “Declaration of Jihad Against Americans” ● 1998: Al Qaeda attacked US embassies in Kenya & Tanzania. ● 2000: Al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole, a ship off the coast of Yemen. ● 2001.... 9/11

7 ● Purpose: Propaganda to persuade Muslims that the US & its allies were responsible for oppressing them around the world, and that Muslims had a duty to fight America. ● Incidents referred to in the document: o Israel’s 1996 invasion of Lebanon (border classes with Hezbollah), Israeli artillery that hit a UN compound killing 100+ Arab civilians. Also, Israel’s occupation of Palestine. o Iraq under UN sanctions, blamed for shortage of food & medicine o list of 11 regions Muslims struggled against occupation by non-Muslims o US occupation of Saudi Arabia o The poverty, repression & injustices faced by Muslims in Saudi Arabia due to their own government’s policies. ● Link to full text: “THE DECLARATION OF JIHAD ON THE AMERICANS OCCUPYING THE COUNTRY OF THE TWO SACRED PLACES.”

8 ● Speaking against Saudi Arabia o Claimed the leaders were no longer legitimate but propped up by the US. ● Impact o Raised Bin Laden’s profile as an Islamic militant, but most militants remained focused on local issues. o 2 years later the attack on American embassies occurred  US responded with a cruise missile attack on al Qaeda bases in Afghanistan & Sudan o 2 years after that, USS Cole o 1 year after that 9/11. 2,977 Americans were killed. Link to full text:

9 THE IMPACT OF 9/11 ● US War in Afghanistan, 2001 - today o Bin Laden was hiding there, supported by the the government (The Taliban) ● US War with Iraq, 2003-2011 o Fear of hidden Nuclear weapons getting into extremists hands ● Economic impact o $3.3 Trillion dollars in damages & costs related to response *NY Times* ● Islamophobia, 2001 - today

10  Interactive timeline of the day’s events:   Very short TV clips of the day’s events as they happened:   NY Times’ Interactive Archives (on topics such as firemen, building structure, etc.):  NITS/index_UNITS.html NITS/index_UNITS.html  Mugshots of all of the terrorists:  GREAT RESOURCES…


12  Caliph = ruler of Islamic state  Caliphate = Islamic state led by the Caliph  Fundamentalist = strictly adheres to beliefs, usually word for word  Extremist = takes fundamentalist view to support use of violence  Muslim = those who follow Islam  Islam = submit your will to Allah  Arab = people living in primarily Arabic-speaking states ESSENTIAL VOCAB TO KNOW FIRST…


14 SUNNI VS. SHIA (SHI’ITES)  Why did they split?  Argument of who should succeed as leader of Islam  Should caliph be from Muhammad’s family [Shi’ites] or from Ummayid clan of recent caliphs [Sunni] ?  Two Shi’a caliphs were assassinated and war broke out  11 Shi’a imams or caliphs were assassinated in all  Hereditary line of Muhammad’s family ended with the disappearance of the “twelfth imam”  Office of caliph no longer exists but dispute continues  Best outsides sources for this split:  divide/p33176?cid=nlc-educators-education_bulletin- resources_for_the_academic_community-link4- 20140807&sp_mid=46660561&sp_rid=bWFyY2hiYW5rc2l2eUBnbWFpbC5 jb20S1#!/#overview-video divide/p33176?cid=nlc-educators-education_bulletin- resources_for_the_academic_community-link4- 20140807&sp_mid=46660561&sp_rid=bWFyY2hiYW5rc2l2eUBnbWFpbC5 jb20S1#!/#overview-video   About 83% of Muslims are Sunni today


16 Formerly known as ISIS ISLAMIC STATE (IS)

17  What is IS?  Sunni extremists  An offshoot of Al-Qaeda; US considers it a terrorist org.  Goal? To create a continuous state of an Islamic Caliphate carved out a territory in Syria and Iraq  What has IS done?  Started in Syria (160k deaths in its own civil war, Syria is weak) in towns where the government was weak (basically all of them)  Spread through borders to Iraq in surprise attack on Iraqi army  How the IS is affecting the lives of people in Iraq   Great short video on IS and the current situation over there:  explained/74607CBE-0725-4C02-A289- ABA34FEAB516.html#!74607CBE-0725-4C02-A289-ABA34FEAB516 explained/74607CBE-0725-4C02-A289- ABA34FEAB516.html#!74607CBE-0725-4C02-A289-ABA34FEAB516 ISLAMIC STATE (IS - FORMERLY ISIS)


19 1.Muslims are to blame for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in NYC. 2.The Islamic State (IS) simply a repeating historical pattern of Islamic sectarian violence. *Turn it in through, it will be open until midnight tonight. Class Number --- 7261691... Password: harweger *Use complete sentences. *Length should be at least five sentences each. *Use evidence in your arguments. 2 TWEDYAODWT’S

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