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Designing a Wellness Program Presented by Russell Epperson Director of Human Resources Freed-Hardeman University.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a Wellness Program Presented by Russell Epperson Director of Human Resources Freed-Hardeman University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a Wellness Program Presented by Russell Epperson Director of Human Resources Freed-Hardeman University

2 Five reasons to have a wellness program 1. The US spends more dollars on health care than any other nation yet we are not the world’s healthiest –Largely sedentary –Tobacco use is still popular –Stress is at epidemic levels (WHO) –Alcohol continues to take its toll on Americans

3 Five reasons to have a wellness program 2. Much of the illness in the US is preventable –Tobacco and alcohol are leading causes of death –As much as 70% of the cost of healthcare is driven by preventable illness

4 Five reasons to have a wellness program 3. Healthcare costs continue to rise –Healthcare premiums continue to rise and to be passed on to the employee –Healthcare cost are usually the number one benefit cost to most employers

5 Five reasons to have a wellness program 4. The worksite is an ideal setting to address health and well being –Most Americans work –Poor health habits take a toll on American business –Employers have a vested interest in health related issues.

6 Five reasons to have a wellness program 5. Research validates that health promotion programs can improve health, save money, and even produce a ROI. Aldana,S.G. (1998). Financial impact of worksite health promotion and methodological quality of the evidence. The Art of Health Promotion. Vol 2, Number 1. Wilson, M.G. (1996). A comprehensive review of the effects of worksite health promotion on health related outcomes: An update. The American Journal of health promotion. Vol 10, Number 6. Wilson, M.G. (1996). A comprehensive review of the effects of worksite health promotion on health related outcomes: An update. The American Journal of health promotion. Vol 10, Number 6. Wilson, M.G. (1996). A comprehensive review of the effects of worksite health promotion on health related outcomes: An update. The American Journal of health promotion. Vol 11, Number 2. Chapman, L.S. Proof Positive: An analysis of the cost-effectiveness of worksite wellness. 3 rd ed. Seattle: Summex Corporation, 1996. Pelletier, K.R. A review of the health and cost-effective outcomes studies of comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention programs at the worksite: 1993-1995 Update. The American Journal of Health and Promotion. Vol. 10, Number 5.

7 Key Components of a Wellness program Will focus on 5 key areas Will focus on 5 key areas –Physical wellness –Emotional wellness –Financial wellness –Spiritual wellness –Nutritional wellness

8 Physical wellness Focuses on the development, maintenance, or improvement of one’s physical fitness Focuses on the development, maintenance, or improvement of one’s physical fitness –Annual health screening –Regular physical activity –Good safety habits

9 Emotional wellness Focuses on all aspects of mental fitness. Focuses on all aspects of mental fitness. –Workshops Stress management Stress management Dealing with aging Dealing with aging Addictive behaviors Addictive behaviors Parenting Parenting –Counseling services EAP EAP Campus counseling center Campus counseling center

10 Financial wellness Focuses on improving the quality of life of employees by assisting families and individuals in becoming financially stable. Focuses on improving the quality of life of employees by assisting families and individuals in becoming financially stable. Workshops focus on the following: Workshops focus on the following: –Financial management –Savings and Investing –Credit and Purchasing –Insurance and Estate Planning

11 Spiritual wellness Focuses on promoting a healthy inner self. Focuses on promoting a healthy inner self. –Encourage daily devotional readings –Provide regular service opportunities –Provide a daily/weekly/monthly chapel (meditation) time during work hours

12 Nutritional wellness Will meet the needs of the employees through group and individual nutritional services Will meet the needs of the employees through group and individual nutritional services –Individual nutritional Assessment –Individual and group counseling –Educational classes –Weight loss programs

13 FHU FHitness for U Wellness Program Idea was started from a committee three years ago Idea was started from a committee three years ago Human Resources implemented the program in Fall of 2006. Human Resources implemented the program in Fall of 2006. Average participation has been over one third of total employees. Average participation has been over one third of total employees. Awarded over $20,000 dollars in incentives in the first year of the program Awarded over $20,000 dollars in incentives in the first year of the program

14 FHU FHitness for U Wellness Program Created a catchy and recognizable name Created a catchy and recognizable name Designed a logo Designed a logo Provide weekly reminder emails to encourage timely reporting of exercise (through an internet survey tool) Provide weekly reminder emails to encourage timely reporting of exercise (through an internet survey tool) Send monthly FHitness for U newsletters Send monthly FHitness for U newsletters Purchased Top Health monthly wellness newsletters Purchased Top Health monthly wellness newsletters

15 Will it really work? MSNBC article MSNBC article

16 Benchmark program UI Wellness UI Wellness woow/ woow/ woow/ woow/ Awesome detailed web site. Awesome detailed web site. Employees were willing to give advice t help me start our program. Employees were willing to give advice t help me start our program.

17 Body Fat % Chart

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