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The Power of Collaboration Innovation Process The Power of Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Collaboration Innovation Process The Power of Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Collaboration Innovation Process The Power of Collaboration

2 Henk Korevaar is the author of a dozen books on topics such as team-building, project- management, costs and effects of (IT) projects as well as innovation modeling. His special areas of expertise include:  Innovation processes design and implementation in corporate, government and educational environments.  Professional development and change management workshop design and facilitation worldwide for groups of up to 200 participants. 2 This Powernoodle Solution was developed with Powernoodle Expert: Henk Korevaar, F-fectis Henk Korevaar Dispenser of enthusiasm and facilitator of peer-to-peer knowledge sharing networks.

3 Workplace developments:  Employees using ICT tools more and more  Growing demand for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)  Employees want to access data 24/7  Work is not limited to office or workspace  Trafifc jams and commuting times becoming more and more onerous  Cost of office space is getting higher  Percentage of time office space is in use is declining 3 What’s going on?

4 There’s a new terminology to describe the workplace:  New Way of Working  Flexible Working  Nomad Working  Smart Office  Smart Work Centre  Meeting Plaza  Flexible Office 4 What does that lead to?

5  Misunderstanding  Miscommunication  Misguided expectations  Large investments in ICT, office space, training  Low return on investments  Dissatisfied employees (and bosses..)  Failed projects  Empty offices  Unused IT 5 Where could this change take us?

6 Flexible working, smart working, workplace inno- vation, telecommuting. What is the name for this? New Ways We Work. Changes to structure of the workplace and the IT facilities require people to become more flexible and collaborative in how they work and communicate. Everyone is expected to develop new competencies to better achieve individual and team goals. 6 Our Challenge

7 Powernoodle! It helps groups, teams and individuals activate their creativity and make collaborative decisions in a well structured, goal- oriented interactive process. Groups visualize all possible options, filter and evaluate them and make decisions. This leads to prioritized action, achieving tangible results and effects. 7 Our Solution?

8 The Ultimate Goal Make maximum use of the lessons learnt by organisations that have successfully implemented a “new way of work’. 1.Allow staff to work independent of time and place, where possible. 2.Ensure employees and their managers have agreed to a well- defined set of SMART-defined goals. 3.Provide the technical and physical infrastructure and support. 4.Implement flexible working relationships and contracts. 8

9 Organizations need to look at their entire operations to understand where change needs to occur. New Ways of Working models make new use of technology, but they are not only about IT. Bricks = physical workspace and environment Bytes = all technology Behavior = the way people do their work, the culture of the organisation 9 The Focus

10 Company A decided that implementing a ‘New Way We Work’ will help achieve its strategic long-term goals. Management was committed to making these changes in close collaboration with employees. Powernoodle was selected as the collaboration tool to help guide decision- making throughout the whole company. The company installed a team of in-house ‘ambassadors’ to take the lead in changing the culture of the organization. These ambassadors identified what, how, and when elements of the workplace needed to foster the desired changes on ‘the ways we work’. To be successful they needed input and ideas from all employees. 10 How may we help you? An example.

11 The team of in-house ambassadors took the lead in changing the culture of the organization. This group also acted as the communication liaison between employees and management. They implemented ways to:  Understand and support what ‘New Way We Work’ really means  Seek and ask for input and ideas from all employees  Keep clear communication flow between employees and management 11 The implementation challenge.

12 The ambassador’s collaborated through Powernoodle and then used it to gather input and feedback from employees. 1.They added as many ideas as they could in the Brainstorm step, and made lots of comments on other people’s ideas. This created a rich and honest dialogue. 2.All ideas were categorised under one of:  BRICKS (meaning all elements that have relation with the physical workspace)  BYTES ( IT sytems or technologies)  BEHAVIOR (everything that related to the individual competencies of the staff) How did Powenoodle help? 12

13 The Powernoodle Brainstorm 13

14 Bricks, Bytes, Behavior 14

15 In the Rating step, the ambassadors considered every idea and rated each idea based how much it would:  lower cost  improve quality  improve productivity  decrease travel time and cost if adopted the idea under the New Way of Working model. And next? 15

16 Simplified process for Rating 16

17 A clear and comprehensive report that showed all the elements of ‘New Way We Work’ including its anticipated effect on the company’s Bricks, Bytes and Behaviors. It clearly demonstrated that these three elements need to be in balance in order to have ‘The New Ways We Work’ become a success! And What was the Result? 17

18 Powernoodle Report 18 Categorize Meeting : Brainstorm New Ways of Working Question : 1. Name all Way We Work issues that we are confronted with at the moment and in the future IDCategoryIdea 1BytesAvailablilty of new and mobile devices and technology 2BricksLimited office space to accommodate the growing number of staff 3Behaviorchanges in the way we work and communicate 4Behaviortoo many and too long number of meetings 5Behaviortoo mich time is spent commuting to and from work: too many traffic jams 6Byteswe are missing opportunities by lack of using new technology 7Byteswe don't want to bee too dependant on the availablility of ICT tools and systems 8Behavioruse of social media leads to bigger risks of leaking corporate date to the outside world 9Behaviorwe use too much paper 10Byteswe recieve too many email messages daily that are not intended 11Brickswe use the office more and more as a meeting point for colleagues and clients 12Byteswe hardly ever use video conferencing 13Behaviorour bosses want us to be present at the office all time 14Behaviorour efforts are measured by being present at the office instead of based on the results of our work

19 The result of these Powernoodle sessions – an Action Plan with carefully assessed priorities compiled from input across the company. 19

20 After implementing the ‘New Way We Work’, the company assessed the overall impact:  Higher productivity  Fewer miles traveled  Less time needed for transportation  Fewer and more effective meetings  Optimal use of available working space  Flexibility and accessibility (24/7) What did the company experience? 20

21 For more information, other examples and practical directions, you can:  Watch the Powernoodle Organizer Training Series videos.  Log in and visit the Help section.  Contact us at  Join the user groups online. Powernoodle Help and Support 21

22 Henk Korevaar F-fectis Follow Henk

23 The Power of Collaboration Powernoodle Template: Innovation Process The Power of Collaboration by Henk Korevaar and Powernoodle Inc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at and 23

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