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SURREALI SM Surrealism is an art movement that started in the late 1910s and early 20s. Came from the Manifesto of Surrealism written by poet Andre Breton.

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Presentation on theme: "SURREALI SM Surrealism is an art movement that started in the late 1910s and early 20s. Came from the Manifesto of Surrealism written by poet Andre Breton."— Presentation transcript:

1 SURREALI SM Surrealism is an art movement that started in the late 1910s and early 20s. Came from the Manifesto of Surrealism written by poet Andre Breton in Paris. It became a very political movement originally started with just poets who were very reluctant at the start to associate with visual artists. Breton, didn’t completely ignore the art world and had a high opinion for visual artists such as Pablo Picasso, Francis Picabia and Marcel Duchamp. Some of the first artists to work within surrealism include Max Ernst, Andre Masson and Man Ray.

2 SALVADOR DALI The clocks Dali use within his work are placed in an unfamiliar way and in some ways in an unfamiliar context. The central part of this way compromises of a deformed nose and eye, these were from Dali’s imagination even though some think of them as a self-portrait. Time is something that is visible within this work, clocks being the central point melting. The reason I have selected this work is because in regards to responding to this I can interpret it in more than one way. I can take it quite literally and melt things emerging them together to form a very 3D piece of work, or something that has come to my mind is the way some contemporary artists have done 3D work within pavements and roads. This idea has been thought of by the central part of this piece of work.

3 RENE MAGRITTE One of the most famous and well known surrealist artists of all time and was one of the most influential in making the surrealism movement as popular as what it was. A lot of Magritte’s work included everyday normal objects. He would then re arrange the objects and the location. This caused the viewer to look more deeply at what was in front of them and what it actually represented. The overall layout of this specific work intrigued me because only in the art world would you see anything like this, the chess board acting as the sand actually gives it a real effect despite having a very different texture and appearance to sand.

4 MAN RAY – LA FORTUNE - 1938 Man Ray was one of the leaders of the Dada and Surrealism movements, both in America and France. He produced photography and avant-garde art in the 20 th century. Man Ray’s work has always intrigued me because of the darkroom processes and his own conceptions of art. The main focus point is clearly visible with the pool table but this doesn’t totally rule out the different coloured clouds, they give the pool table the sense of surrealism because we probably wont ever see a pool table in this location or see multi-coloured clouds. I think that this work will help me develop an idea for my own work, focusing on locations, colours and objects.

5 JOE HILL – 3D STREET ARTIST Joe Hill has created the worlds largest 3D piece of street painting. It is centred at Canary Wharf district of London. It is 12,490 square feet and got sponsored by Reebok CrossFit and only took Hill 7 days to create. I have looked into Joe Hill’s work because the 3D elements within this work gives it a very surreal feeling. Doing a larger scale piece of work like this is personally on too much of a big scale for me too contemplate doing but there is ways around doing anything within art.

6 GEORGE GRIE – UNAUTHORIZED OBSESSION A computer graphic artist who has produced neo-surrealism work. He has done work on digital artworks, fine-art paintings and surreal gothic work. Grie produces prints, posters, limited editions, desktop wallpapers and framed art pictures. Something I personally like about this work is the central part, the head seems to be the overall focal point and gets you to look closely at the surrounding it and what is placed on and around the head. I think the mountains and the sky in the background adds more depth within this work, the foreground to me gives a more darker approach.

7 MARIUSZ ZAWADZKI Mariusz Zawadzki specialises in illustrations, fine- art painting, drawing, photography and photo- manipulation. He is influenced by the surrealist art movement and creates his own worlds and interpretations. These leave the viewers to have there own perceptions of his work. I especially like the work I have included here, a space like effect gives the work a sense of darkness and potential isolation. A numerous amount of doors on the floating objects adds confusion, I think this as it could represent the meaning of being somewhat lost.

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