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College Teaching & Learning Conference. GAMING & LEARNING.

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Presentation on theme: "College Teaching & Learning Conference. GAMING & LEARNING."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Teaching & Learning Conference


3  Video Excerpt – James Paul Gee  Pre-Reading Blog  In Class Discussion – Steven Johnson  Reading – James Paul Gee  Action Research Project REALITY LEARNING

4 James Paul Gee VIDEO EXCERPT


6 “…a false premise: that the intelligence of these games lies in their content, in the themes and characters they represent.” (p. 57) Excerpts CONTENT

7 “You have to shed your expectations about older cultural forms to make sense of the new.” (p. 39) Excerpts CULTURAL FORMS

8 “We need to think, talk, and listen. When we tell students that popular culture has no place in classroom discussions, we are signaling to them that what they learn in school has little to do with the things that matter to them at home.” (p. 229) Excerpts POPULAR CULTURE

9 “I think there is another way to assess the social virtue of pop culture, one that looks at media as a kind of cognitive workout, not as a series of life lessons.” (p. 14) Excerpts COGNITIVE WORKOUT

10 “’You’re supposed to figure out what you’re supposed to do.’ You have to probe the depths of the game’s logic to make sense of it, and like most probing expeditions, you get results by trial and error, by stumbling across things, by following hunches.” (pp. 42-43) Excerpts TRIAL AND ERROR

11 1.Active, Critical Learning 2.Design 3.Semiotic 4.Semiotic Domains 5.Metalevel Thinking 6.“Psychosocial Moratorium” 7.Committed Learning 8.Identity 9.Self-Knowledge 10.Amplification of Input 11.Achievement 12.Practice 13.Ongoing Learning 14.“Regime of Competence” 15.Probing 16.Multiple Routes 17.Situated Meaning 18.Text 36 PRINCIPLES

12 19.Intertextual 20.Multimodal 21.“Material Intelligence” 22.Intuitive Knowledge 23.Subset 24.Incremental 25.Concentrated Sample 26.Bottom-up Basic Skills 27.Explicit Information On- Demand and Just-In-Time 28.Discovery 29.Transfer 30.Cultural Models about the World 31.Cultural Models about Learning 32.Cultural Models about Semiotic Domains 33.Distributed 34.Dispersed 35.Affinity Group 36.Insider 36 PRINCIPLES

13  Option 1 - Interview a gamer  Option 2 - Play a game  Demographics  Questions  Findings  Discussion Qualitative ResearchPaper Requirements REALITY LEARNING

14 Melissa Farrish

15  Logan, age 14  Middle school student  An avid “gamer” since the age of 3  Spends 6 to 14 hours per day playing games SUBJECT

16  Credits reading skills to gaming  Recently scored at the college level on the Star test for reading comprehension  Reading and understanding text is a central part of many games  According to Gee (2007), video games have “a great deal to teach us about how reading works when people actually understand what they are reading” (p. 96). READING

17  Plays with friends and e-Friends  Social experience  Distribution of knowledge and skills SOCIAL ASPECT

18 ADVENTURE  Ability to be adventurous  Takes risks, explores, and tries new things  Makes his own decisions

19  A desire to see how the story will end  Motivated to successfully master the highest level  Personal satisfaction  Ability to create CHALLENGE

20 IN THE CLASSROOM  Spark interest and enthusiasm  Move from "skill and drill" to forms of assessment integrated into the learning  Ability to teach at each child’s level  Create a “network” of learning following the dispersed (#34) and affinity group (#35) principles.

21 Ingrida Barker

22  Middle School English Language Arts Teacher  Teacher  WV Virtual School Spanish I Facilitator  Principal of Curriculum and Instruction at River View High School  Doctoral Student at ABOUT ME

23  Not a Gamer!  Benefits of Playing and Creating Games  Globaloria and Dr. Idit Caperton Globaloria  Networked world PRE-READING

24  Jason, Male, late 20s, Southern West Virginia  IT Specialist  Changed His Name  Cisco Systems Networking Academy Graduate  Systems Development Courses  Passionate Gamer for 20 Years SUBJECT

25 Ongoing, committed learning to retrieve the treasure internal and external grammars Clear identification of setting and quest to follow internal and external grammars of the game content andsocial practices/ views affinity groups Navigation of content and social practices/ views established by affinity groups. Learning from mistakes - psychosocial moratorium and risk taking (p. 222) OBSERVATIONS

26 Games help players “understand and produce meanings in a particular semiotic domain” and “think about the domains at a ‘meta’ level as a complex system of interrelated parts.” (p. 25) Critical, active learning in the virtual world of games forces gamers to make novel decisions to adapt to increasing levels of challenge and collaborate with others to build knowledge and skills. Passive to ActiveLearning from Games IMPLICATIONS

27  Require Practice  Provide Feedback  Encourage Trial and Error  Facilitate Perseverance to Mastery  Scaffold Learning  Apply Concepts to New Situations TEACHERS CAN

28 Lee Ann Hvidak Porter

29  My Initial Thoughts and Attitudes  Special Intelligence Communicator Sergeant in USMC  Age 25  No Post High School Degree  Married to “Alyx”  Plays FPS (First Person Shooters) THE INTERVIEW

30  e-Friends  Meeting People  Cliques – Young Crowd / Old Crowd SOCIAL ASPECTS

31  Active and Passive Learning  Strategies  Choices Determine Outcomes  Different Styles CONNECTIONS

32  Incorporate Interactive Activities  More Meaningful Challenges  Avoid Teaching Concepts in Isolation  Choices  Ultimate Goal…to Educate! CLASSROOMS

33  A Different Kind of Learning Occurs  Learning Occurs in Different Places  A Different Kind of Assessment  Get a First Hand Experience  How Do You Spend Your Time? PERCEPTIONS

34 Gee, J. P. (2012). How complex gaming environments can help young people solve problems and innovate in a world that is constantly changing. Retrieved from Gee, J. P. (2007). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Johnson, S. (2006). Everything bad is good for you: How today’s popular culture is actually making us smarter. New York: Riverhead Books. Microsoft. (2013). Microsoft Clip Art. REFERENCES

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