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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT REPORT ON MULTIPLAY"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION Multiplay is an extension of Triple-Play technology, meaning, running all sorts of services on the same medium. BSNL Multiplay aims to make your telephone wire carry multiple applications of voice, data and video through the BSNL Multiplay will strive to be your one stop solution for all your information, communication and entertainment needs.

3 A standard telephone installation consists of a pair of copper wires that the phone company installs in your home. The copper wires have lots of room for carrying more than your phone conversations — they are capable of handling a much greater bandwidth, or range of frequencies, than that demanded for voice. DSL exploits this extra capacity to carry information on the wire without disturbing the line’s ability to carry conversations.

4 The entire plan is based on matching particular frequencies to specific tasks. So the same line can be made to carry voice, data and video without one interfering with the other.

5 MULTIPLAY SERVICES These services are enabled through a WICE.Box - Window for Information Communication and Entertainment. To subscribe for a BSNL Multiplay connection, you need to already have a DataOne connection from BSNL .The following services are either being currently offered or will shortly be offered: Television Channels: 100+ channels with CAS provision (currently not enabled). Conditional Access System means

6 that the user can subscribe to the desired number of channels and will be charged only for those selected channels. Radio Channels: Multiple FM channels are available on the These include AIR regional language channels, pop music channels and some high quality WorldSpace channels on a test basis. We will keep on adding other Satellite based as well as terrestrial FM channels to this list as and when we license more channels.

7 Video On Demand: VOD aims to replace your DVD player by offering the same features while making it so simple to operate. You need not rent a DVD for viewing. You need not see only what is being shown. At the click of a button a huge library of movies from the old to the latest, from all genres is brought right into your home. Video On Demand means you are in control of what to watch, when to watch it, when to stop and when to resume. Best of all, you can pause and rewind programs just like a VCR or DVD player and watch them over and over again. You have instant access to a tremendous

8 assortment of content. With a constantly growing offering of 100+ movies, we plan to include various content like Marathi plays, English movies, animated features, documentaries, regional movies, educational content and many more. T Education: T Education includes academic syllabus based Course contents, interactive questions and answers covering board exams, competitive exams etc., Progress tracking, personalized advice to students .etc. This will include a host of tools and programs like calculators, note-books, t-blackboards, interactive virtual classrooms, one-to-one student-teacher interaction and many more.

9 IP TV and the company is betting big in the emerging IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) segment in India. What is required? Broadband is Backbone of IP Tv, so to run this service you need a bsnl Broadband connection. Type -I or Type – IV modem/router . For proper viewing your home should be in around 3km distance from the telephone exchange.

10 Markets and Subjects Analyzed
Broadband, voice, video, and wireless bundled services Evolving consumer voice market (TDM, VoIP, OTT) Wireless displacement of wireline voice and broadband services Service provider bundled services strategy, online portal strategy, and competitive positioning The role of consumer devices and the networked, digital home in the delivery of multiplay services

11 Emerging services such as managed videoconferencing and telemedicine
Effect of FCC regulation and government stimulus spending on service providers' ability to manage their networks

12 BROADBAND Broadband access technology is broadly classified into two categories. They are Wired Line & Wireless and further classified as detailed in the following diagram. Wired line Wireless FSO (Free Space Optics) Satellite DSL (Digital Sub’s Line) Cable Modem Optical Fibre Technologies PLC (Power Line Communication) 3G Mobile Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) WiMAX LMDS & MMDS Broadband Technologies

13 BASIC COMPONENTS USED Multiplay project consists of DSL (Digital
subscriber line) technology having DSLAM : It aggregates the subscriber lines, Separates voice and data of subscriber Voice is given to exchange switch Data fed to IP network by LAN switch LAN SWITCHES : They provide gigabit Ethernet (GE) interfaces , Fast Ethernet (FE) interfaces connecting elements such as BRAS and DSLAMS.

14 TIER 1 are GE aggregations to which BRAS , TIER 2 LAN are connected through GE interfaces.
All DSLAMS are aggregated to TIER2 switches through FE interfaces except 480 ports DSLAMS are aggregated through GE interfaces. Both are used for monitoring and fault diagnosis , managing and calculating the route. BRAS (Broadband remote access server) : It supports termination of DSL customers . Allotment of IP address to customers. Bandwidth control using rate limiting.

Here TIER 2 switches are interconnected through RESONANT PACKET RING topology. To each TIER 2 several DSLAMS are connected which merges ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) used for fast data transmission over copper lines and PSTN (public switch telephone network). ADSL has a distinguishing characteristic that data can flow faster during downloading than uploading . Then from DSLAM , the information signal passes through Splitter box which is a low pass filter splitting voice and data. The data at modem works on ADSL technology .

16 Here bandwidth sharing is facilitated so a particular bandwidth is alloted to computer and a certain bandwidth to IPTV through set top box. Then finally TIER 2 is connected to BNG ( BRAS + TIER 1) which is further connected to billing server and DNS ( domain name server) . BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN P2.2 AND MULTIPLAY : LINEARITY (If one component breaks then whole process stops.)

17 ADVANTAGES Internet speed was increased and synced with DSLAM at 6mbps. so now we get true 2mbps speeds of around 250kBps. earlier we used to get around 200kBps. so now my download speed is increased by 25% . video on demand:imagine ability to rewind and forward while watching movies on your TV. As starting there are around 200 titles which are free to watch[ Free Movies List ] and other can be ordered by paying small amount of money Triple Play: Phone,Broadband and Television via a single wire. pretty neat

18 DISADVANTAGES Unreliable: as everything is via a single wire, if your phone goes down. your broadband and TV won’t function. Requirement of Broadband connection: Suppose one day you no longer need your broadband, so you decide to part with it. then you also have to bit farewell it your IPTV connection

19 BANDWIDTH SHARING : Users of neighborhood are sharing the bandwidth so network congestion may occur.
SECURITY: Risk of loss of privacy due hacking may take place.

20 CONCLUSION With the advent of new technologies in the field of communication which has brought the world closer and closer, the consumer will be in a better position to choose and reap the benefits, the broadband technology offers viz. High Speed Internet, Video Conferencing, Telemedicine, Video on Demand ,Internet Radio, Instant messaging, etc.

Study Module during theory classes.


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