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Podcasting. What is Podcasting? A Podcast is an audio file on the Web that can be easily downloaded and listened to. It is usually a recurring “radio.

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1 Podcasting

2 What is Podcasting? A Podcast is an audio file on the Web that can be easily downloaded and listened to. It is usually a recurring “radio show” but can be stand alone episodes. Watch this: Podcasting in Plain EnglishPodcasting in Plain English

3 What are podcasts good for? Personal professional development Assigned listening for students ◦ Premade or found podcasts ◦ Teacher made podcasts Student created as assignment or presentation. (see students from Room 208)Room 208

4 Finding Podcasts iTunes Education podcast Network EPNEPN Podcast Alley CBC podcasts Learning in Hand – Finding Podcasts

5 Creating Podcasts You need ◦ Audacity ◦ A microphone ◦ A podcasting website like “Pod-o-matic”Pod-o-matic Watch “Podcasting in 5 Easy Steps”Podcasting in 5 Easy Steps See handout “Podcasting for Teachers and Students” from Learning in HandLearning in Hand

6 Posting podcasts Use ◦ iTunes iTunes ◦ Pod-o-matic Pod-o-matic ◦ divShare – This site allows you to post multiple file types and then embed into wikis, blogs and websites divShare

7 Other Helpful sites Podcasting Tools How Stuff Works – PodcastingPodcasting Video: How to Create a PodcastHow to Create a Podcast Creative Commons Podcasting Legal Guide Creative Commons Podcasting Legal Guide

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