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No Metal; All Glass aquarium Do not use tap water because it could have metal in it. “ Universal solvent” holds salts in solution chlorine can evaporate.

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2 No Metal; All Glass aquarium Do not use tap water because it could have metal in it. “ Universal solvent” holds salts in solution chlorine can evaporate out of water North Atlantic/ pacific= 50 to 68 degrees F. South Atlantic/ Gulf of Mexico= 70 to 85 degrees F Direct sunlight and unusually bright artificial light should be avoided Period of conditioning to establish the bacterial population in the filter system

3 Calcium Carbonate substrate: easiest method for buffering Provides surfaces for bacterial attachment Breaks down waste (poop)

4 15 It gets rid of the toxic waste products One-fourth of the water is removed and replaced with new salt water Filters and removes particulate matter and helps keep the water clean Removes organic matter Clears up the water quickly

5 Type, size, and metabolism of animals Filtration Conversion rate of animal waste

6 D.O.

7 Place where nothing will pollute or spill into the aquarium. If moving aquarium siphon as much water as possible into plastic buckets.Then move the nearly empty aquarium. Aquarium tank lid should be wiped off with a wet paper towel to remove dust. Do not use glass cleaner or detergent to clean. Reseal all tank seams and let it dry for 48 hours. Assemble first undergravel filter by threading one end of air-line tubing through hole in back air-lift plate. Make sure back air-lift plate fits tightly against aquarium glass. Carefully wash the marine gravel under running water until all fine particles are removed and the water runs clear. Add around 18 gallons of water from any pure source to the aquarium. Plug in air pump and see if filter system is working. Carefully add six bags of the sea salts to the water and let the aquarium operate for at least 24 hours to assure that the salts become a solution. Shut off filters and check the specific gravity by floating the hydrometer in the salt solution. Specific gravity should be between 1.020 and 1.025. If it is less than 1.020 add more sea salt, if more than 1.025 remove some of salt solution and replace it with fresh water. After adjusting, turn filters back on, wait several hours then check again. Wash the bag of charcoal to remove dust and small particle, add clean charcoal to compartment in power filter. Cover charcoal with filter floss and connect filter to aquarium. With a wax pencil or other marker mark the water level on the outside of the tank. Order animals

8 Never bring metal in contact with salt water. Metal can cause death of the animals. Never use a metal bucket when mixing water. Before reaching in tank, rinse the well with water. Make sure all lotions, soaps, etc. Have been washed off. Cloudy water is usually a sign of bacterial growth which could kill most of the animals quickly.

9 Every day someone who knows the aquarium and it’s operations should make an inspection of the systems and animals. ( dead animals should be removed immediately) A daily log of water temp., activities of animals, propagation, deaths, and other interesting facts should be kept for the aquarium. Filtration should be stopped and the specific gravity of water should be checked in case it needs adjusting. A volume of artificial seawater equal to one-fourth of the tank’s volume should be mixed and allowed to stand for at least 24 hours.

10 The toxicity of Ammonia can be reduced by maintaining maximum dissolved oxygen and by lowering the pH. Should never exceed 1 or 2 ppm. if amounts greater than 1 ppm are found, immediately find the malfunction in the filter. Nitrate concentration can be kept at the safe level of 20 ppm or less. pH of aquarium water between 8.0 and 8.4. A decrease in pH of the water is a sure sign of trouble. Normal salinity for a marine aquarium is 35 0/00. Most organisms will tolerate variations in salinity between 28 0/00 and 38 0/00.

11 Ammonia (NH 3 ) > 0.1 ppm Bacteria Oxygen Nitrites (NO 2 ) 1-2 ppm Nitrates (NO 3 ) (fertilizer) Bacteria Oxygen Marine Animals NITROGEN CYCLE POOP!!!

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