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Odd behaviour Your fish is behaving in an unusual way – why?

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Presentation on theme: "Odd behaviour Your fish is behaving in an unusual way – why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Odd behaviour Your fish is behaving in an unusual way – why?

2 Get the water right It’s essential to have a functioning filter producing good water conditions for your fish to survive. Many behavioural oddities are down to poor water quality. Here’s our Geordie friend again… IKhuQ

3 Odd behaviour To spot disease problems early you need to keep a close eye on your fish. The first indication of a problem is often the behaviour of all, some, or individuals among your fish. The next few slides show some of these problems. But first:

4 Gasping at the surface Your fish is gasping or “biting” at the surface. Causes: Water pollution – ammonia or another pollutant is/has damaged the gills of your fish. Your pH reading is wrong. Your filter isn’t working Parasites: A parasite has got into the gills of your fish –either a gill specific parasite or white spot. Low oxygen – Your aquarium is too warm (heater wrong/broken, house too warm) and oxygen is depleted. Your air pump has stopped working or your filter is running badly. The surface of the aquarium has a film of pollution.REMEDIES Check all equipment first then do an emergency water change. Check the fish for parasites.

5 Clamped fins Your fish has clamped down fins Causes: This is classic behaviour from a generally unwell fish. All pollution/disease causes are possible. The fish may also be stressed by poor diet, bullying, over or under stocking and lack of hiding places.REMEDIES Check all equipment first then consider an emergency water change. Check the fish for parasites, wounds, reddening of the skin etc. Watch the fish in the aquarium for aggressive behaviour. Read up on the fish’s specific needs.

6 Fish hiding Your fish is constantly hiding Causes: Usually the fish is being bullied but it may be unwell from other causes and is hiding away.REMEDIES Always check that this is not natural behaviour (is the fish nocturnal?) Look closely at the fish to see if it is showing obvious signs of disease. Watch it carefully – you don’t want it dying in a hidden spot and rotting away. May be a prime candidate to be netted and placed in a quarantine tank. May also need more fish of its own species to be comfortable in a shoal.

7 Shoaling A recent study found that fish as diverse as Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi), Tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona) and White Cloud Mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) actually grew and thrived better when kept in a small shoal. It’s important to know your fish.

8 Not eating Your fish isn’t eating Causes: As fish are nearly always hungry a fish not eating is a sign of disease. Often the cause is hard to spot but it often relates to an internal disease problem. It could also be bullying and/or the wrong tank partners.REMEDIES Treat as an early warning of problems and carefully remove the fish to a quarantine tank. If all your fish aren’t feeding you have major problems.

9 Shimmying and/or twitching Your fish “swims on the spot” (shimmying) or twitches/scratching Causes: Shimmying is an early warning of an unhealthy fish and the causes may be many and varied. Mollies are particularly prone to shimmying. A fish that twitches or scratches on objects in the aquarium is usually suffering from a parasite (often whitespot). However both may be a symptom of pollution in the aquarium.REMEDIES Check all equipment and do an emergency water change. Look for signs of parasites and if found treat whole aquarium accordingly.

10 Swimming oddly Your fish swims on its side or upside down Causes: Usually caused by swimbladder disease or by constipation trapping digestive gas. Very common problem with fancy goldfish.REMEDIES Most fish do not recover - however goldfish may respond to salt baths and more often to a change of feeding to natural foods including lettuce, spinach, earthworms and daphnia

11 Reddened skin Your fish has reddened skin Causes: In ponds pale coloured Koi can suffer from sunburn but in aquaria this is usually a sign of either pollution problems, bacterial disease or early signs of a parasite infestation.REMEDIES Do an emergency water change and monitor the fish carefully. Ulcers may appear which is a sure sign of a bacterial infection which can be treated accordingly.

12 Frayed fins Your fish has frayed fins Causes: Bullying tail-nipping from other fish; tail-rot (an actual disease which we’ll cover shortly).REMEDIES Watch the fish and look for the bully. Some fish (Tiger barbs are an example) are notorious tail nippers. Either remove the bully or place the bullied fish in a quarantine tank. Treat with anti- bacterial and/or a salt bath to stop wounds spreading.

13 Quarantine tank Gentle filtration Mature air- powered sponge filter Heate r Water as close as possible to main aquarium Cover sides and back with dark paper Temperature as close as possible to main aquarium No substrate so easier to clean Keep aquarium somewhere quiet Do frequent small water changes and observe fish closely for developing problems Add cave or shelter if needed


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