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When Students Don’t Do Homework: Problems And Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "When Students Don’t Do Homework: Problems And Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 When Students Don’t Do Homework: Problems And Solutions

2 Introduction In the past, teachers often assigned homework and it was usually completed. These days, however, homework is almost a dirty word: students seem to hate doing it. However, this has unfortunate consequences. What are the problems with students not doing it and how can we remedy the situation?

3 Problems Lower grades/failure Poor relationship between teachers and students No ILP’s

4 Solutions Teachers must assign a suitable, relevant amount Students should make a study plan & budget their time Students can make a study buddy (friend or parent)

5 Conclusion To sum up, in today’s busy world, students obviously have difficulty finding time to do homework. Nevertheless, it’s an integral part of the learning process. Educators, parents, and students themselves must work together to ensure homework is appropriate and, more importantly, done.

6 Thanks for listening! Y o u ’ r e a l l s t a r s t u d e n t s !

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