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Hannah K. Lily W. Lydia G..  The nickname of New Jersey is the Garden State.  The region in the U.S is Mid-West Atlantic.  Capital city of New Jersey.

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Presentation on theme: "Hannah K. Lily W. Lydia G..  The nickname of New Jersey is the Garden State.  The region in the U.S is Mid-West Atlantic.  Capital city of New Jersey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hannah K. Lily W. Lydia G.

2  The nickname of New Jersey is the Garden State.  The region in the U.S is Mid-West Atlantic.  Capital city of New Jersey is Trenton.  New Jersey’s major cities are Camden, Elizabeth, and Paterson.  The population of our state in 2010 was 8,791,894 people.

3  New Jersey’s state bird is a Eastern Goldfinch.  New Jersey’s state flower is a violet.  New Jersey’s state tree is called the Red Oak.  Here is a picture of the New Jersey’s flag and flower and also New Jersey’s bird:

4  New Jersey’s current governor is Chris Christie.  The state senator of New Jersey is Jeffrey Chiesa ( republican ) Bob Menendey (democrat).

5 NNew Jersey’s borders are New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. NNew Jersey is the forth smallest state. It has sandy beaches and also rugged cliffs. There is 8,722 square miles in New Jersey.

6  New Jersey’s natural resources are fertile soil and small deposits of minerals.  New Jersey would be a good farming land because it grows tomatoes, cranberries, spinach, and peaches. They also grow hay, corn and soybeans.

7  One place to visit in New Jersey is Waterloo Village in Stanhope is a restored village of the 1700’s. The village includes a grist mill, black smith shop, and many furnished homes.  In Camden, has exhibits featuring penguins, sharks, tropical fish and more.

8  In December 18 th 1787 in became the third state.  Through some dependents of the origin Lenape still resides in New Jersey.  George Washington’s troops won the battle of Trenten the day after Christmas, 1776.  Giovanni da Verrazano is the first European explorer earth in New Jersey in 1524.

9 IIn 1969 Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin from New Jersey is the second person to walk on the moon. NNew Jersey’s long shoreline with barrier islands is part of the why tourism. UUnusually heavy snowstorms cause New Jersey to declare a state of emergency. IIn 1948 John Bardeen, Walter Brattin, and William Shockley invented the transistor at Bell Laboratories. IIn 2012 a state of emergency is declared as hurricane sandy strikes New Jersey,causing widespread evocations, power out stages, and flooding. FFactories also produce clothing, glass, and sporting equipment. The fruit and vegetables grown in New Jersey are so fresh that the state has been nickname The Garden state.

10 ““New Jersey” Culture Grams States Edition ProQuest 2014 web.17 March 2014. KKaren Connors Fuson “New Jersey” world book encyclopedia. 2004 ed. Print.

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