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William Shakespeare BY YSEN, HANNA AND LINNÉA William when he was young William was born in april 1564 in Stratford. He´s real name was Gulielmus filius.

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Presentation on theme: "William Shakespeare BY YSEN, HANNA AND LINNÉA William when he was young William was born in april 1564 in Stratford. He´s real name was Gulielmus filius."— Presentation transcript:


2 William Shakespeare BY YSEN, HANNA AND LINNÉA

3 William when he was young William was born in april 1564 in Stratford. He´s real name was Gulielmus filius Johannes Shakespeare. He had 7 siblings. 1582 he married a local girl named Anne Hathaway, 8 years older than himself. They married each other because she was already pregnant. He was born 1564, 23 april. And he died 23 april 1616. He is buried in Trinity Church i Stratford-upon-Avon.

4 William was an author, actor and poet. He wrote plays that we still play and they are really famous. Plays named ”Romeo and Juliet”, ”Hamlet” and a lot more.

5 This is Sonnet 130, one of he´s famous sonnets.

6 BEFORE AFTER This is the globe theatre, where Shakespeare plays was played.

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