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Searching for Science Generalities Fred O’Bryant Applied Sciences Librarian Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Library University of Virginia 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Searching for Science Generalities Fred O’Bryant Applied Sciences Librarian Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Library University of Virginia 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching for Science Generalities Fred O’Bryant Applied Sciences Librarian Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Library University of Virginia 2006

2 What We’ll Cover… Some basic definitions Major resources (mostly online) for researching general science and engineering topics History of science resources An experiment or two Hands-on work

3 What Is Science? A way of learning about the physical universe by applying the principles of the scientific method, which include making empirical observations, proposing hypotheses to explain those observations, and testing those hypotheses in valid and reliable ways. Adapted slightly from NOAA’s Coral Reef Information System webpage Science also refers to the organized body of knowledge that results from scientific study.

4 Let’s Do Some Science… …with Falling Bodies

5 The “Sapienza” (Place of Wisdom): the oldest building of the University of Pisa.

6 Aristotle (384 – 322 BC)

7 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

8 Go to the experiments…

9 The Essence of Science Observe Propose Test Record Modify Repeat as often as necessary…

10 Science ≠ Absolute Truth

11 Categories of Science Physical Sciences Life Sciences Applied Sciences Mathematics

12 Natural Science The study of the physical world… …rather than of divine processes.

13 Mathematics Not a science, strictly speaking.

14 Physical Science Astronomy Physics Chemistry Geology Weather

15 Life Science Biology & Botany Biochemistry Ecology & Environment Genetics Medicine Psychology

16 Applied Science Aerospace Biomedical Civil Chemical Computer Science Electrical Mechanical Materials Science Systems

17 LC Science Classifications BFPsychology HAMathematical Statistics QNatural Science RMedicine SAgriculture TApplied Sciences and Technology

18 Generalities Broad topics All fields Typical undergrad or educated layperson Databases with non-technical coverage Databases with highly technical coverage but a broad subject base

19 Life Blood of the Sciences InfoTrac OneFile Lexis-Nexis CQ Researcher Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Ei Compendex Web of Science Factiva









28 Sneak Peek – Compendex Via Engineering Village 2














42 Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)




46 History of Science Scientific Biographies

47 History of Science America: History & Life Covers the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to present. Covers material published since 1964.America: History & Life Historical Abstracts Covers the history of all the world except North America back to 1450 CE. Covers material published since 1954.Historical Abstracts Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) Valuable for its coverage further back in time than America History & Life and Historical Abstracts, and for its links to full text.Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) L'Année philologique sur Internet The standard index for ancient Greece and Rome.L'Année philologique sur Internet International Medieval Bibliography The standard index for the European Middle Ages.International Medieval Bibliography

48 History of Science ATLA Religion Database Provides international coverage on all aspects of religious studies including the religious and ethical aspects of technology and medicine. Philosopher’s Index Provides indexing and abstracting from books and over 300 journals of philosophy and related disciplines. Iter—Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance Includes over 700,000 citations pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). Proquest Digital Dissertations Information on over 2 million dissertations and theses published since 1861

49 Biography Scientific and Engineering Biographies BSEL subject guide page Dictionary of Scientific Biography BSEL reference collection; covers classical to modern times but no living persons Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science BSEL reference collection; from ancient times to the mid-20 th century Distinguished African American Scientists of the 20 th Century BSEL reference collection; includes portraits

50 Science on the Web

51 More You Can Do with

52 Still More You Can Do with Calculate : What is the square root of 4823650? How many cubic feet are in a cubic mile? 50 meters is how many yards? How much does a gallon of liquid weigh? Dictionary: Use the define: function to get definitions of terms. Search by Number: Parcel tracking IDs, UPCs, patents and other specialized numbers

53 And There’s More Than Just Google! Search Engines Athenus EEVL Globalspec Scirus Metasearch Engines Ixquick Mooter Directories BUBL DefenseLINK INFOMINE

54 Any questions???

55 Want to Do Some More Science? Heavy, Heavy Hangs over Your Head: How Much Does a Thunderstorm Weigh? It’s a Long Way to Tipperary – and a Whole Lot Farther to the Nearest Star

56 Now It’s Your Turn! Time for a Hands-on Exercise…

57 Thank You! Fred O’Bryant Applied Sciences Librarian Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Library E-Mail: March 2006

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