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 Our system is a Web based system.  The question is what does a recruitment consultant do?  A recruitment consultant is the intermediary between companies.

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Presentation on theme: " Our system is a Web based system.  The question is what does a recruitment consultant do?  A recruitment consultant is the intermediary between companies."— Presentation transcript:


2  Our system is a Web based system.  The question is what does a recruitment consultant do?  A recruitment consultant is the intermediary between companies seeking to recruit professional staff (The Client) and professional staff (The Candidate) seeking a career move or contract assignment.

3  However, this process has endless variations and complications depending on such factors as the skills and experience required, the environment and career development offered and just as importantly, the personality fit.  It is the executive recruitment consultant's job to facilitate this exercise for both the employer and the job seeker and to satisfy both.

4  A fundamental part of this process is to obtain information by talking to, and meeting with, people:  You talk to and meet potential and existing clients to find out about their business, their culture, their current and future recruitment needs, and to develop a loyal and powerful relationship with them - so that when it comes time to recruit a professional, they choose to use our Jobing site.

5  You talk to and meet job seekers to assess their skills and experiences, their career goals, and their suitability for different positions. The more information and therefore the more knowledge you have, the more opportunities you can create in bringing your clients and candidates together in a successful match or placement.  The recruitment consultants spend the majority of their day on the phone and visiting companies to ensure that vacancies are placed with their recruitment organisation.

6  We aim for a "win win" situation between the candidate and the company. It is their role to ensure they provide an impressive shortlist of candidates who meet the criteria the vacancy requires.

7  In this world of rapid conversation everyone is advancing in all fields. If we consider our technology, it is growing so fast that make man work totally computerize. Now everything is computerized starting from small thing to big thing all work done on computer because of the ease.

8  Our Project Mainly concentrates on Recruitment Consultancy Service, which deals with the recruitment/ hiring needs of any Company/ Organization as well the job needs of various prospective talented candidates. The whole process of a Company/ Organization registering it’s need of hiring employees with our consultancy services to searching for prospective candidates for the Company/ Organization to contacting them, then preparing a schedule for their interviews, following them after their interviews, the process goes on till the Company/ Organization is done with their requirement being fulfilled.

9  All these things are considered and to ease it we develop our software so that using it within a fraction of time person gets information about any particular candidate’s follow up. It is difficult to maintain these things on paper and cannot be modified easily. But if whole thing is done on computer it will be done in very short time and we get output quickly. Visualization off any information give better idea to person compared to any other way.

10  Title : Recruitment Consultancy Service  Institute : Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications&Geo-informatics [BISAG]  Duration :5th January, 2010 to 30th April, 2010  Front End :Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (ASP.NET Framework 3.5)  Back End :Microsoft SQL Server 2005

11  External Guide : Ms. Kinnari S. Kotak  Internal Guide : Mr. Rajiv Kanzaria  Developed By : Dimple Modi (5034) Akruti Patel (5050) Sona Nair (5036) 5th year MSc (IT) (K S School of Business Management)

12 Hardware Requirements: -  A minimum processor speed of 1.7 GB.  A minimum of 128 MB RAM (256MB recommended).  A monitor with at least 16-bit color depth.(24 bit color is recommended).  The system require minimum 5GB of hard disk space.

13 Software Requirement:-  Operating System :  Windows Xp  Front-End:  Microsoft Visual Studio 2008(Asp.Net)  Back-End:  Microsoft SQL Server 2005

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