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John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director

2 1.SAPT 2.Prevention plan ($5 million) 3.Recovery housing ($5 million GRF, $5 million capital) 4.Crisis and housing earmark ($20.1 million) 5.RSS ($7.5 million) 6.Specialty docket payroll subsidy ($4.4 million) 7.Questions and concerns 8.Next steps 2

3 3

4 Support for the pass-through and direct providers is augmented in 3 ways: 1.GRF ALI 507: $1.4M additional for women’s treatment 2. GRF ALI 507: $1.5M additional for prevention 3.SAPT Award: $1.3M supplement for other SAPT pass-through and direct providers (e.g. TASC, SAMI, Circle for Recovery programs, etc.) 4

5 Result 1: During FY 15, direct and pass-through prevention grant providers will be funded at levels approximately 100% of FY 14. Result 2: During FY 15, direct and pass-through treatment grant providers will be funded at levels approximately $2.3 million less than FY 14. Result 3: Board allocation gap remains as published in November. 5

6 Prevention: $5 million ObjectiveAmountUsesDisposition Community coalitions $3 million Training & TA for coalitions; regional workforce development; evaluation of statewide network Competitive bid and grants Evidence- based prevention Collaborative workforce development for evidence-based practice Competitive grants Youth-led prevention Training & TA for youth groups; regional & statewide network development; evaluation planning Competitive bid and grants Statewide student survey $2 million Instrumentation, sampling, school recruitment and training, consent, IRB, data capture Competitive bid 13

7 Designed for coalitions pursuing Ohio Coalition of Excellence (OCoE) designation & new/emerging coalitions seeking implementation of SPF & EBPs Training, TA & peer coaching Funds can be used for: prevention workforce development, training in EBPs, travel to regional trainings and mentoring/coaching sessions, community-based processes, SPCA and CADCA memberships, supplies, and sustainability planning. (Note: $20,000-$30,000 grants would give an opportunity for approximately 20 coalitions) 7

8 8 Total Percentage of Prevention Services that are Evidence-Based by Year 201120122013 27.3%28.4%32.1% According to a 2012 National Prevention Network survey, 78% of states fund a higher percentage of EBP than Ohio 65% of states spend 61-100% of their prevention funds on EBP Only 5 states reported a lower percentage of EBP than Ohio Designed to increase prevention capacity to share & adopt EBPs demonstrating a high ROI Note: Applications will be accepted for up to $100,000 each.

9 Designed to increase number of groups implementing Ohio’s evidence-based model of youth-led prevention and number of youth acquiring Ohio’s Youth Peer Prevention Certification (CSAP recommended) New/emerging & established middle/high school student groups Training, TA & peer coaching Note: Preference will be given for schools with Start Talking Ambassador groups. A range of $10,000-$25,000 for each project which will fund approximately 20 OYLPN groups. 9

10 Release RFP4 for training and technical assistance for all areas (July). Award (August). Release RFP5 for evaluation planning and EBP workgroup for all areas (July). Award (August). Release RFP6 for four program areas (July). (Award September). 10

11 CSAP requirement for outcomes: o “States must be prepared to report the outcomes of their efforts on substance abuse-related attitudes and behaviors. This means that state-funded prevention providers will need to collect data and report this information to the state (SAMHSA, 2012).” Need local data for assessment, planning & evaluation o We are aware of 59 survey efforts across Ohio out of 88 counties, 251 cities, 1,295 townships, 681 villages (2.5% of localities) as of the end of 2013 11

12 12 Note: State & local funds can be used as match for DFCCs. Federal funds cannot be used to match federal grants. “The coalition must have a strategy to solicit substantial financial support from non-Federal sources to ensure that the coalition is self-sustaining. (21 U.S.C 1531 §1032 (a)(5)(C)) & (21 U.S.C 1531 §1032 (b)(1)(A)(i)) “

13 13 Note: State & local funds can be used as match for DFCCs. Federal funds cannot be used to match federal grants. “The coalition must have a strategy to solicit substantial financial support from non-Federal sources to ensure that the coalition is self-sustaining. (21 U.S.C 1531 §1032 (a)(5)(C)) & (21 U.S.C 1531 §1032 (b)(1)(A)(i)) “

14 Convene Interagency Prevention Partners (July) & community partners (August) Release Technical RFP1-Instrument, sample development, consent, IRB, expert advisory panel (July) Release Recruitment & Training RFP2-School recruitment, assistance with selecting local survey items, development of packets & protocols for training on administering the survey & using data (July) Release Data Capture & Reporting RFP3-Development of data capture methods, database and reporting Note: Although externally developed, Ohio will own. (July) Award contracts (August) Target date for fielding survey (Fall 2015) 14

15 15 Recovery Housing is defined as housing for individuals recovering from a drug addiction that provides an alcohol and drug-free living environment, peer support, assistance with obtaining drug addiction services, and other drug addiction recovery assistance where the length of stay is not limited to a specific duration.

16 $5M GRF earmark $5M Capital earmark The purpose of these funds is to increase state and community capacity to provide recovery housing to individuals with a substance use disorder, including co-occurring drug addiction New due date for boards’ capital plan: Friday, July 11 th, 2014 16

17 $5M earmark for Capital use related to recovery housing: Distribution of dollars will follow existing capital processes Deadline to revise capital projects has been extended to Friday, July 11, 2014 o Both revisions to existing projects and new projects will be accepted Targeted to underserved/areas without recovery housing Projects that are ready to proceed will be given priority MHAS will be looking for a 50% local match 17

18 Eligible Uses of Funds ($5 million GRF) o Straight purchase o Direct recovery housing operations support Process/Timeline o Funding announcement o Proposals due o Notifications o Awards Priority o Will be given to projects in underserved counties or counties that do not currently have recovery housing. 18

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21 “The remainder of the foregoing appropriation 335507, Community Behavioral Health, an amount up to $24.1M, in FY 15 shall be invested in addiction and mental health recovery supports, with an emphasis on crisis and housing. These investments shall prioritize funding projects that fill gaps in the continuum of care established by [ADAMH boards] under ORC 340.03(A)(11). Projects shall be identified in consultation with & may be implemented by the boards except in areas for which the Director of OhioMHAS identifies unmet needs.” 21

22 22 $24.1 million – “up to” amount in MBR $ 2.5 million – proposed set aside for AOD hot spots $ 1.5 million – women’s treatment providers (SAPT) _________________ $20.1 million – remaining

23 23 OhioMHAS MBR SFY 2015 GRF 507 Budget Planning - $20.1 M by Region Note: Amount by region is calculated using 2012 Ohio County population estimates provided by the Department of Development Services Collaborative RegionAmount Appalachia$1,685,989 Central$4,101,344 Heartland$2,983,510 Northeast$4,406,890 Northwest$3,002,233 Southwest$3,920,035 Grand Total$20,100,000

24 Soliciting general suggestions via our stakeholder network regarding how to address current system gaps Survey Monkey Suggestions may be broad or specific OhioMHAS, in consultation with boards, can use this information to inform decisions regarding FY 15 and/or FYs 16/17 budget planning 24

25 Financial assistance for adults with low incomes Have disabilities and/or are at least age 60, but do not require long-term care at a nursing facility Accommodations, supervision and personal care services at community residences Present eligibility criteria: Age 18 or older; enrolled in Medicaid (not a waiver program); receiving Social Security, SSI and/or SSDI; and currently receiving treatment in a nursing home and planning for discharge 25

26 26 Living Arrangement Type Monthly Allowable Fee Adult Family Home$774 Adult Foster Home$774 Adult Group Home$877 Residential Care Facility/Assisted Living $877

27 Program changes:  Open enrollment  Licensed homes < 16 individuals  Increased allowable fees & RSS benefits

28 Purpose: The $4.4M in FY 15 is to defray a portion of the annual payroll cost associated with the employment of one full- time or full-time equivalent specialty docket staff member by a court of Common Pleas, a Municipal Court, or a county court including Juvenile or Family Courts that currently have or anticipate having a Family Dependency Treatment Court 28

29 Timeline: Funding will be initiated to the courts no later than mid-September, 2014; however, additional eligible courts could receive funding throughout the year when eligible Project Lead: Joani Moore (Supervisor Bob Baker) 29

30 Who is eligible? Common Pleas, Municipal and County Courts including Juvenile or Family Courts that have or anticipate having a Family Dependency Treatment Court certified by the Supreme Court of Ohio for a specialized docket that targets participants with a drug addiction or dependency; and 30

31 Who is eligible? The specialty docket staff must be trained or educated in alcohol and other drug addiction, abuse and recovery and demonstrate an understanding of their training to engage a person in treatment and recovery as well as understand other health care systems, social service systems and the criminal justice systems. 31

32 Funding methodology (as defined in the legislation): One-time direct funding to the courts The amount of compensation and fringe benefits (total payroll cost) of a FTE or FTE equivalent will be proportionally reflected in the specialized docket duties and responsibilities or $78,000 (the lesser of the two) and the state’s share of the total compensation shall be up to 65% of the payroll cost not to exceed $50,700. 32

33 Legislation establishing requirements for a continuum of care (House Bill 369) were amended into the MBR bill. Major provisions of this language take effect in two years. Will be a planning focus starting later this summer. 33

34 Join our OhioMHAS e-news list-serv for all of the latest updates! 34

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