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Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton An comprehensive and insightful look at the differing natures of two of America’s founding fathers.

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1 Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton An comprehensive and insightful look at the differing natures of two of America’s founding fathers.

2 Washington’s Administration

3 Washington’s Cabinet (Secretaries)

4 Residence Act: the only time Jefferson & Hamilton agreed on anything…

5 Differing opinions on human nature: Thomas Jefferson held a positive view of human nature. He felt that the innate nature of man is good, and that left to their own devices they would govern themselves fairly. Lockean Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, had a very pessimistic view of nature. He thought that man was inherently corrupt and that strong government was necessary to govern the masses.

6 Alexander Hamilton proposed the idea of an electoral college, where the well-known wealthy and powerful people would decide on the next leader of the nation. He held that the average person was incapable to choose their leaders. Aristocracy of merit Ideas on who should govern: Thomas Jefferson believed in a direct rule of the ordinary people. He thought that Americans had the mental capacity to choose directly who should lead them. Education was key. Thomas Paine

7 How much power should the central government have? Jefferson wanted to advance democratic principles and maintain a weak central government. He maintained that the central government should mainly concern itself with maintaining the states, and the states could maintain the people.Jefferson wanted to advance democratic principles and maintain a weak central government. He maintained that the central government should mainly concern itself with maintaining the states, and the states could maintain the people. Alexander Hamilton pushed for a strong central government that would interpret the Constitution somewhat loosely.Alexander Hamilton pushed for a strong central government that would interpret the Constitution somewhat loosely.

8 The Basis for the Economy: Thomas Jefferson wanted a mainly agricultural economy. America had had the ability to maintain itself since the English settled there. Classical Republicanism Virtue of farmers (cities were corrupt) Alexander Hamilton wanted to dramatically increase the amount of industry in America. He felt that America had the raw materials to support itself and become an industrial superpower. This ended up becoming the economics system used today. He had a commercial vision for America

9 What does it mean to be a capitalistic society? Thomas Jefferson wanted more of a pure form of capitalism, meaning that the people would take more of an active role in determining the economic direction of the nation. Thomas Jefferson wanted more of a pure form of capitalism, meaning that the people would take more of an active role in determining the economic direction of the nation. Hamilton wanted the government to interfere with the market, creating more of a command economy and lessening the grip that the people had on the nation’s wealth. Hamilton wanted the government to interfere with the market, creating more of a command economy and lessening the grip that the people had on the nation’s wealth.

10 Foreign Affairs:  Jefferson strongly supported the initiation of friendly diplomatic ties with the French. He had witnessed the French revolution and saw the good that it had done for the people. He supported an all-out assault on absolute monarchies.  Hamilton, on the other hand, wanted closer diplomatic ties with the British. He reasoned that because England was a powerful ally to have. In addition, he wanted America to renew trade with the former enemy.

11 Debt/National Bank Thomas Jefferson feared commercial interests. He did not like the idea of a National Debt in which bankers/investors would profit from American citizens. Alexander Hamilton wanted a strong banking system/debt to build the nation’s credit abroad. Other nations would be willing to invest in America’s fledgling economy. Bank of the United States

12 Who supported them? The supporters of Jefferson’s policies were generally farmers, slave owners and people in the South & West The supporters of Hamilton’s party would have been business/urban dwellers/property owners and others that would have benefited from Hamilton’s policies. (North Eastern States)

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