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WORLD GEOGRAPHY Sept. 5, 2014. Today - Basic geographical concepts - Introduction to human geography.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD GEOGRAPHY Sept. 5, 2014. Today - Basic geographical concepts - Introduction to human geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD GEOGRAPHY Sept. 5, 2014

2 Today - Basic geographical concepts - Introduction to human geography

3 First… …Why study geography? Let’s look at some basic aspects of geography and see what you know already.

4 1. What countries make up Great Britain? 2. What language is spoken in Great Britain? 3. What is the nationality of a person from Amsterdam? 4. What is the world’s tallest mountain? 5. What are people from Denmark called? 6. How many Great Lakes are there? 7. The English Channel is between which two countries? 8. How many oceans are there? 9. What is the largest country in South America? 10. Where is Iraq? 11. In which country is the Panama Canal? The Panama canal allows ships to travel from where to where? 12. Where was the Berlin Wall located? 13. Where is the Outback?

5 1. What countries make up Great Britain? Photo credit: England Scotland Wales

6 2. What is the main language spoken in Great Britain?

7 What is the nationality of a person from Amsterdam? Photo credit: Photo credit: Dutch

8 What is the world’s tallest mountain? Photo credit:

9 What are people from Denmark called?

10 How many Great Lakes are there? Photo credit:

11 The English Channel is between which two countries? Photo credit:

12 How many oceans are there? Photo credit:


14 What is the largest country in South America? Photo credit:

15 Where is Iraq? Photo credit:

16 In which country is the Panama Canal? The Panama canal allows ships to travel from where to where? Photo credit:

17 Where was the Berlin Wall located? Photo credit:

18 Where is the Outback? Photo credit:

19 Why study geography? - Geography helps us to understand the world we live in: - Locations - Interactions - Circumstances - It can help create better-informed citizens, with a better understanding of important issues facing the world’s communities.

20 Geographic study Physical geography: - Examines how natural forces shape the Earth. Photo credit:

21 Geographic study Human geography: - Examines how human interaction modifies the environment and the spatial organization of human activity. Photo credit:

22 Human Geography Essentially deals with the world as it is and the world as it might be made to be. Emphasis on people: - Where they are - What they are like - How they interact over space - What kinds of landscapes humans create on the world’s natural landscapes

23 Geography – key concepts Spatial organization is an element of all fields and sub- fields of geography. Concepts: - Location- Pattern - Space- Regionalization - Scale- Globalization - Place

24 Key concepts - Location The position of something on the Earth’s surface. 2 types: 1. Absolute location 2. Relative location

25 Key concepts - Location Absolute location: exact spot (longitude/latitude coordinates).

26 Key concepts - Location - Relative location: location compared to another place. Photo credit:

27 Key concepts - Space The physical gap or distance between two objects/places. Photo credit: 9,023 km 4,079 km

28 Key concepts - Scale The relationship between the size of an object or distance between objects on a map and the size of the actual object or distance. Photo credit:

29 Key concepts - Scale The relationship between the size of an object or distance between objects on a map and the size of the actual object or distance. Photo credit:

30 Key concepts - Scale The relationship between the size of an object or distance between objects on a map and the size of the actual object or distance. Photo credit:

31 Key concepts - Place A specific point on Earth that has both human and physical attributes that distinguish it from other points on Earth. Photo credit:

32 Key concepts - Pattern Photo credit: The arrangement of objects on Earth’s surface in relationship to one another.

33 Key concepts - Realms & Regions

34 Key concepts - Regionalization The organization of the Earth’s surface into distinct areas that are considered different from other areas. Photo credit:

35 Key concepts - Realms & Regions


37 Key concepts - Globalization The expansion of economic, political, and cultural activities that have influence/impact on many areas of the world

38 Key concepts of geography These key concepts help you understand this concept: Spatial Organization: - Location of places, people, and events. - Connections among places and landscapes (natural and cultural).

39 Human Geography Essentially deals with the world as it is and the world as it might be made to be. Emphasis on people: - Where they are - What they are like - How they interact over space - What kinds of landscapes humans create on the world’s natural landscapes

40 Human Geography - Example This video demonstrates the relationships between places, wealth, and life expectancy, and changes over time.

41 Cultural Landscape “Landscape” = the material character of a place - natural features (hills, mountains, forests, etc.) - human structures (houses, towers, cities) Cultural landscape = the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape.

42 Cultural Landscape



45 Human Geography This field of study involves all of the previous concepts (and more, of course). Examining: how people make places, how we organize space as a society, how we interact with each other in places and across space. - language - religion - identity - and more

46 Human Geography - Maps One of the tools used in any field of geography is maps. - Used to identify regions and analyze the content of those regions. - The content of the map can determine the regions being analyzed.

47 Human Geography - Maps







54 Perceptions and expectations




58 This semester - Topics Over the semester we will examine: - Population & migration - Culture - Ethnicity, language, and diversity - Underdeveloped nations - Human impacts on natural systems

59 Before next class Do the readings on the website (they will be “live” tomorrow).

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