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 What do you know about the industrial revolution?  List 5 elements that influence you to work more efficiently and faster while performing a task. Share.

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Presentation on theme: " What do you know about the industrial revolution?  List 5 elements that influence you to work more efficiently and faster while performing a task. Share."— Presentation transcript:

1  What do you know about the industrial revolution?  List 5 elements that influence you to work more efficiently and faster while performing a task. Share  What comes to mind when you hear the word monopoly?  What comes to mind when you hear the word industrial revolution?


3 Chapter 2, Section 1 Evolution of Management

4 Read Section 2.1 Quiz Create Timeline - Group Application Activity – Individual Homework

5 Read Section 2.1 Post-it notes – write any questions you have while reading Answer Questions Quiz

6  Create Timeline ◦ Individually create a timeline of management evolution from Industrial Revolution to present day. ◦ In your groups, collaboratively piece together a final timeline and neatly write on presentation paper. ◦ Post your timeline on the front board so that we can compare it with the rest of the classes.

7 Application Activity Image you are the owner of a small business with one employee. Write a one page policy manual describing how that employee would be treated if the policy were based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

8  P.40 in Book ◦ Fact and Idea Review 1-4 ◦ Critical Thinking 1-2 ◦ Case Analysis ◦ DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD!

9  Go over homework  Bell Activity – Copy terms on paper ◦ + = expert ◦ - = heard of it ◦ 0 = do not know of it. ____Theory X___________Decentralization_____ Theory Y Total quality management (TQM) Centralization Theory Z

10 Theory X—Assumes workers will avoid working. Managers must impose strict rules and make all important decisions. Theory Y—Assumes that people find satisfaction in their work given the proper working environment. Managers give employees quite a bit of freedom and let workers make mistakes. Theories X and Y—Most companies combine elements of both theories. Development of Modern Management

11  Your group will be assigned either theory X, Y or XY. You will have five minutes to create a role play situation based on your theory. You will then perform in front of the class and they must guess which theory is being demonstrated.

12  Centralization  Decentralization ◦ Ie. GM Development of Modern Management

13  Total Quality Management Flawless quality standards and teamwork. - ex. Toyota W. Edwards Deming came up with a mathematically based approach to quality control that became known as total quality management (or TQM). TQM is a system of management based on involving all employees in a constant process of improving quality and productivity by improving how they work.. Development of Modern Management

14  Read Deming's 14 points  Do you agree with W. Edwards Deming's TQM System?

15 Development of Modern Management

16  Management in a Japanese Type Organization Development of Modern Management

17  Management in an American Type Organization Development of Modern Management

18  Management in a Theory Z Type Organization Development of Modern Management

19  Fact and Idea Review 1.Identify five of Deming’s Fourteen Points. 2.Describe the difference between Theory X and Theory Y. 3. List three ways in which Japanese business practices differ from traditional American practices. Development of Modern Management

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