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Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal - Physics 98/198 Spring2014 Presented by BicyCAL, UC Berkeley’s bicycle and Razor scooter repair cooperative.

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Presentation on theme: "Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal - Physics 98/198 Spring2014 Presented by BicyCAL, UC Berkeley’s bicycle and Razor scooter repair cooperative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal - Physics 98/198 Spring2014 Presented by BicyCAL, UC Berkeley’s bicycle and Razor scooter repair cooperative.

2 BicyCAL is a student founded and cooperatively run organization at UC Berkeley whose mission is to empower UCB students, faculty and staff to successfully integrate the bicycle into their daily lives. To that end we seek to provide a space where members of our community can learn how to maintain, operate and love their bicycles in an inclusive and safe place. We offer peer- to-peer bicycle repair and maintenance education in a radically positive environment.

3 Learning Objectives Safety Helmet use Theft Prevention Riding at night Defensive Riding Preventative Maintenance Bike Mechanics Basic repair on the road Regular upkeep Advanced diagnosing and repair on all components of a bicycle Outreach Learn and teach others Explore ways to help the cycling community at Cal and in the Bay Area

4 About the Class 2 hr. lecture per week – Students will learn the theory behind the basics of bicycle repair and get hands on experience on all components. 1 hr. of field study every other week. – Students will practice and improve their repair skills with field study, by volunteering in during BicyCal open hours. 1 page paper due at end of semester.

5 Attendance and Grading 2 absences allowed without make-up Absences beyond 2 must be made up with field work Maximum of 4 absences total Grading will be based on attendance and a short paper to be assigned towards the end of the semester, and a progressive skills assessment.

6 Resources Available Online

7 Resources Available Locally Missing Link Mike’s Bikes East Bay Bike Coalition (

8 Bicycle Safety – Preventative Maintenance Maybe check your bike once in awhile before your hit the road. This includes: -- Occasionally grab your brakes, make sure they don’t feel overly ‘spongy’ and that they cannot touch your handlebars. – Lubricate the chain once a month or so, more if it is really rainy or if you leave your bike outside a lot. – Occasionally check the position of your quick-release skewers (if you have them), especially if you park your bike in crowded bike racks where they can get kicked. – Pinch your tires and inflate them if they are really squishy.

9 Helmets Some people wear helmets all of the time. Some don’t. If you’re going to wear one you may as well get a good one and wear it right. YearNo Helmet HelmetTotal* Num 2004 602 (83%) 87 (12%) 722 2005 676 (86%) 77 (10%) 784 2006 730 (95%) 37 (5%)669 2007 646 (92%) 50 (7%)699 2008 653 (91%) 58 (8%)714 Bicycle Deaths by Helmet Use Helmets are important for riders of all ages, especially because 86 percent of bicycle deaths are persons 16 and older. Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Fatality Facts: Bicycles - 2008Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

10 Safer Riding

11 And the DMV says… Street Legal Vehicle! Front and Rear Lights Cateye Planet Bike Reflectors


13 Bicycle Anatomy.

14 Again.

15 And again.

16 Theft Prevention

17 Some General Rules Gone for 1 minute? Lock it. Park in visible spots with heavy pedestrian traffic. Park next to a more expensive bike. Lock your bike to something, not to itself. Don’t park your nice bike in the same place every day. Have a good lock. Accept that your bike may be stolen.

18 What Do I ‘Need’? THE U-LOCK + THE CABLE Having a cheap bike helps. Breaking the lock might cost more than the bike itself.

19 One Way To Lock Your Bike. U-lock secures the frame and front wheel to the post. Cable lock provides an additional lock to the frame and front wheel. Also can lock back wheel and seat post. Sheldon Brown Method

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