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Consent to Online W-2s Yes, it is that time of year again.

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Presentation on theme: "Consent to Online W-2s Yes, it is that time of year again."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consent to Online W-2s Yes, it is that time of year again.

2 The Final Numbers for 2010 Total W-2s Issued: 21,922 Total Printed W-2s: 14,295 Total Consented to Online: 7,672 Percentage of Active Employees who consented to online: 44%

3 Starting Numbers for 2011 Current Number of W-2s: 22,533 Current Active Employees: 17,190 Current Active Employees who have consented to On-line: 5,756 Consent Percentage of Online: 33% Goal Percentage of Active Employees Consenting: 100%

4 Campaign Alert Notice when logging into MyPack Portal reminding the employee they have not consented to an online W-2. Two Pamphlets, one for employees and the other designed for students on the convenience of online W-2s will be sent to the Payroll Coordinators. General status reports will be given at the November & December HR Connections Meetings. Payroll Coordinators will receive status reports of the current status of the online consent for their specific departments.

5 Major Points Employees who are inactive by the end of the year will receive a printed W-2 regardless if they consented during the year to on-line W-2. Focus Group this year: Students Our most computer literate group was the least represented for on-line consent. (Only 654 of 2,869 Grads on assistantships consented last year.) The Great Experiment: Payroll mailing the W-2s directly to the employees on January 27 th instead of releasing the W-2s to the department for distribution.

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