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4 th Grade O’Neal Elementary. Vocabulary perfume : liquids with the sweet smell of roses missionary : a person who does religious work kettle : a pot.

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1 4 th Grade O’Neal Elementary

2 Vocabulary perfume : liquids with the sweet smell of roses missionary : a person who does religious work kettle : a pot used for boiling liquids canoe: a small, light boat moved by paddles furs : the soft hair covering the skin of some animals island: an area of land smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water

3 What the Europeans knew in 1493… The Europeans enjoyed many Asian items. Cinnamon Ginger Cloves Nutmeg Pepper Gun powder Paper Silk To get these things traders had to travel across several thousand miles to the east. They used horses and wagons to make this difficult trip that took many months.

4 The first country to look for a better route was Portugal. Portuguese sailors begin exploring the African coast. Vasco De Gama was the first to reach Asia by an all water route. He helped make Portugal a rich nation. This was still a long difficult trip. Vasco De Gama Music Video

5 Then Spain…  Christopher Columbus was a sailor, like other educated people of his time he knew the world was round.  He believed by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean that he could reach Asia in a few weeks.  After eight years of trying to find someone to fund his trip. Queen Isabella of Spain gave him ships and money to make the trip.  Queen Isabella believed that if he was successful, that this would make Spain rich.  In 1492 he left Spain with three ships the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.  Six weeks later they spotted land, He thought he had reached the East Indies, he called the people “Indians”.  Columbus was wrong. He had discovered an island off the coast of a new continent. (North America and South America)  Columbus Day Columbus Day

6 More Spanish…  Soon Spain knew that they had discovered new land. A mapmaker names it America. He named it for Amerigo Vespucci.  Spain continued to send explorers to the Americas is search of gold and silver. Several of them traveled far into the continent of North America, but could not find any precious medals.  None of these explorers ever reached Missouri, the closest was Hernando de Soto. In 1451, DeSoto reached the Mississippi River near Memphis, TN.  The Spanish set up many settlements in Mexico. The resources from those places made Spain Rich.

7 Finally the French…  The French had watched Spain become a rich powerful nation, and began sending explorers into what is now called Canada.  They could not fins gold or silver, however, they did find other valuable products. The French began to trade with the Indians for furs.  The French traders traveled along the rivers into the centeral part of North America.  Catholic missionaries traveled with the French traders, they began teaching the Indians Christainity.

8 Discovery of Missouri…  Louis Jolliet (trader) and Father Jacques Marquette (missionary) were told of a great river that flowed all the way to the sea. The called the river ; Mississippi, which meant “the father of the waters.”  The French explorers paddled down the great river in canoes (1673).  Near the place where the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers came together, they visited member of the Missouri Indian Tribe.  Marquette and Jolliet were the first Europeans to explore Missouri.  The Missouri Indians told the traders that Indians further down the river were unfriendly, so they turned around and returned home.  Soon other French explorers returned and traveled all the way to the gulf of Mexico. They claimed all the land for King Louis and named it Louisiana.

9 New Settlers French people soon followed the explorers to Missouri. Why: To trade with Indians Missionaries came to teach the native Americans about the Christian faith. Others came looking for valuable metals What they did find: lead (used to make bullets) Salt springs (used to make salt, important for preserving meat.

10 French Settlements in Missouri  First one located on the River Des Pres (St. Louis), vanished after the Indians moved.  Second, in the middle of Missouri on the Missouri River called Fort Orleans. Was a trading post, but lost money so they closed the fort.  Third, St. Genevieve

11 1750 St. Genevieve  French farmers, and African Slaves  Raised corn, wheat, oats, barley, cotton, tobacco, and vegetables.  Built houses along the riverbank  Often flooded (1785 the worst one ever)  Moved the city to higher ground.  Many of the original houses are still in current day St. Genevieve.

12 1764 St. Louis  Pierre Laclede a French merchant in New Orleans decided to set up a trading post and settlement near the mouth of the Missouri River.  In 1764 he sent his clerk Auguste Chouteau (14 years old) to clear the land to build the first buildings.  Laclede named the new town St. Louis, it became an important fur trading center.  ST. LOUIS WALK OF FAME ST. LOUIS WALK OF FAME

13 Chapter 3 Review  Missouri History Chapter 3 Missouri History Chapter 3  Europeans Make Their Way To Missouri Timeline Europeans Make Their Way To Missouri Timeline  Europe Discovers America and Missouri Game Europe Discovers America and Missouri Game

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