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APRIL 15, 2014 Demography: The Study of Population and Population Change.

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Presentation on theme: "APRIL 15, 2014 Demography: The Study of Population and Population Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 APRIL 15, 2014 Demography: The Study of Population and Population Change

2 What is Demography? The study of population, with an emphasis on quantitative aspects such as birth and death rates. Who studies it?  Demographers Why study population?  To address the issue of rising population around the world  To understand where and why populations exist

3 What is a Census? “the official process of counting the number of people in a country, city, or town and collecting information about them” (Merriam-Webster) from Latin, meaning “to tax”

4 History of Censuses 500BCE: Regional Censuses in Rome 1086: The Doomsday Book  Earliest example of a public record outlining ownership of resources and landholdings, obligations to pay taxes and to complete military services 1749- first national census in Sweden  Relied on records from churches and other organizations 1790- first national census in United States  Used enumerators for the first time

5 Enumerators Enumerators:  “Name things one after another in a list”  “To ascertain the number of”  “A census taker” (Merriam-Webster)

6 English Census, 1851

7 History of the Canadian Census First census conducted by Jean Talon in New France (what is now part of Canada) in 1666  Measured the age, sex, marital status, and occupation of the~3000 people living there After Confederation, the first national census took place in 1871  To be taken in 10 year increments from this point onward Jean Talon

8 History of the Canadian Census The year after Alberta and Saskatchewan became provinces (1906), special censuses were conducted for these areas  Also taken in 10 year increments In 1956 the government decided to combine these two censuses and hold one every 5 years

9 Canadian Census, 1871

10 Current Census Most recent census took place in 2011 Two formats  Short form- 8 questions (mandatory)  National Household Survey – replaces the long form which had ~55 questions on occupation, ethnicity, citizenship, and income (optional) Those who refuse to participate may be:  Fined up $500  Imprisoned for up to 3 months

11 Short Form National Household Survey Name Gender Date of birth/age Marital status Language Occupation Home ownership/rent Citizenship Ancestry Education Income Tax What information is recorded?

12 Role of Enumerators Today In MDC’s- enumerators mail out census forms and expect them to be mailed back IN LDC’s- enumerators go door to door to collect information In 2006, census forms became available online

13 Inaccuracies Caused by:  Refusal to cooperate  Failure to count all citizens  Homelessness  Fear of slums or high crime areas  Isolated areas  Privacy issues Why does this matter?  Unfair political representation  Unfair funding  Lack of funding for homeless

14 Any Questions?? Today: “What is a Census?” Questions  Due April 16 th When you finish those please work on completing Reading Review #7

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