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Introduction to speakers Videos and questions for staff meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to speakers Videos and questions for staff meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to speakers Videos and questions for staff meetings

2 Reading Word and World Click “WHAT IF” to watch introduction video

3 Contents 1.Jeff Bethke 1 click here click here 2.John Stonestreet click here click here 3.Mark Sayers click here click here 4.Rod Thompson click here click here 5.Justine Toh click here click here 6.Jeff Bethke 2 click here click here 7.Mark Roques click here click here

4 Jeff Bethke Some Christians are Actually Thieves Back to contentscontents

5 Jeff Bethke Before watching this video, do you agree that there are some things in this world that are not really as important (e.g. politics, art, food, music, trees, exercise) as other things (e.g. church, evangelism, Christian music, baptism). Discuss this as a group

6 Jeff Bethke Click on image above to open in YouTube

7 Jeff Bethke What might be some of the ways, in an average day of teaching, that you might find yourself being a “cosmic thief”? Are there some days where the outworking of your faith at school just looks like you are following the “moral manual” that Jeff speaks of.

8 Jeff Bethke How does this passage from 1 Timothy impact upon the adventure of Christian education? 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

9 Jeff Bethke Where does the death and resurrection of Jesus fit in this notion of cosmic theft?

10 John Stonestreet Secular Delusion and Christian Dualism Back to contentscontents

11 John Stonestreet Back to contentscontents Click on image above to open in YouTube

12 John Stonestreet Would you agree with John that real atheism is actually pretty rare? What about among your non- professing students?

13 John Stonestreet John introduces the notion of “practical atheism”. This occurs when we keep our faith tucked away in a private place and it has no real impact on the world or on our day to day understanding or actions. Do you battle with this at your school/college? How and when does it specifically express itself in your classroom?

14 John Stonestreet “Embedded secularism”—John states that besides a committed belief in secularism, there is also what he calls the “secularist mood that pervades western society”. What were the characteristics of this that he highlights?

15 John Stonestreet John highlights a deep-seated dualism where Christians can find themselves living with a constant anxiety; because if faith is just private then the shape of the world and our lives is up to us. In this framing, hope is simply relegated to the future when we leave this world for heaven. When we as Christian educators approach the Australian Curriculum how do we safe guard against the notion that there is the Kingdom of God on one hand and the world on the other? Share with others what has been your journey of understanding in this regard. Watch the following animation that helpfully unfolds this.

16 Click on video to open in YouTube

17 Mark Sayers Something Can be Done Back to contentscontents

18 Mark Sayers Back to contentscontents Click on image above to open in YouTube

19 Mark Sayers Mark speaks about young people needing a “healthy sense of self”. He says that on one hand there are those that carry a load of self- hatred and then a number who have an over inflated sense of self. How can one culture produce both views and what do you think is the predominant sense of self held by students at your school/college?

20 Mark Sayers “Empty happiness”—great phrase of Mark’s to describe the state of most young people in Australia. One of the expressions of this is self-harm. Discuss what you think is the connection between this empty happiness and it leading specifically to self-harm (particularly among girls).

21 Mark Sayers Mark describes a world for young people that has great relational breadth but limited depth (think of the impact of social networking). What capacity and opportunity have you as a teacher to transform this situation for your students?

22 Mark Sayers Highly sexualised childhoods— discuss your observations of the level of this at your school/college. What can be done at the school community level to lessen the shaping impact of this?

23 Rod Thompson An Interview With Rod Back to contentscontents

24 Rod Thompson Back to contentscontents Click on image above to open in YouTube

25 Rod Thompson This introduction to Rod is insightful in that he demonstrates how we can often see the gospel-narrative in popular culture. Can you think of other examples of media/movies that have similar themes that could be drawn to the attention of young people and perhaps contrasted with other media that tells a completely different story?

26 Rod Thompson Rod speaks about his research into how the Bible actually shapes how we live, and he speaks about “messy ministry”. Does this phrase resonate with you in the school context? How? Why?

27 Justine Toh Debate: Religious Education in Schools Back to contentscontents

28 Justine Toh Back to contentscontents Click on image above to open in YouTube

29 Justine Toh “Can we just keep it secular, honey?” In this vignette, Justine is debating the place for ‘faith-based education’. She quotes this response from a school principal to a child at an assembly when they ask about how God could allow bad things to happen. Justine makes the point helpfully that education is not neutral, value free, and objective. Religious or faith perspectives have nothing to do with learning, is the cry often heard. Is this view sometimes sitting close to the surface for members of your school community? What are the factors that can bring it bubbling up—pragmatics, busyness, ignorance, dualism etc.? Discuss.

30 Jeff Bethke Are Tattoos Sinful? Back to contentscontents

31 Jeff Bethke Click on image above to open in YouTube Back to contentscontents

32 Jeff Bethke In this video Jeff deals with the issue of tattoos. However, while exploring this issue he helpful unfolds for us two other areas that impact on Christian education: 1.Reading cultural trend or memes (like tattoos) through a biblical worldview 2.Good healthy contextual reading of scripture Would you show this video to a Year 6 class? What would be the strengths and weakness of doing this?


34 Jeff Bethke What would you like to ask Jeff about his tattoo?

35 Mark Roques James Bond and Rat Worship Back to contentscontents

36 Mark Roques Back to contentscontents Click on image above to open in YouTube

37 Mark Roques This is a video of a presentation that introduces you to Mark and his commitment to use contemporary narratives to authentically reveal the Christian faith to young people. What contemporary Australian cultural ‘stories’ could be used to tell the gospel to Australian school students?

38 The End We are looking forward to see you there Back to contentscontents

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