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Multiple Intelligences
Intelligence: Definition
Capacity for logic Emotional knowledge Abstract thought Memory Understanding Planning Self-awareness Creativity Communication Problem solving Learning Intelligence can also be more generally described as the ability to perceive and/or retain knowledge or information and apply it to itself or other instances of knowledge.
Discussion: Intelligence
How can intelligence be measured? IQ tests, Standardized test, personality tests, success in life, emotionally/socially mature, etc. But scoring well on an IQ test doesn’t predict success, nor does a relatively average or lower score predict a life of misery. “That’s because having a high IQ is like owning a car with a big engine”, said David Lubinksi, psychologist and co-director of the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. “If there’s no gas in your car you’re not going to go anywhere. If road conditions are bad, you’re not going to go anywhere,” he said. In the case of intelligence, you need good health, hard work and motivation to take advantage of inherent brainpower.
How is intelligence measured?
Click on image for video (3:25 minutes)
How can intelligence be formally measured
How can intelligence be formally measured? Examples of standardized intelligence tests: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, Working Memory Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Verbal comprehension, Working memory, Executive function skills Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Verbal comprehension, Perceptual organization, Working memory, Processing speed Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities General intellectual ability, Working memory, Executive function skills Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) "Planning", "Attention", "Simultaneous", and "Successive" cognitive processes ACT English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Reasoning, Writing
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Click on image for video (3:55 minutes) Howard Gardner of Harvard identified eight distinct intelligences.
Gardner added a 9th type of intelligence
Your turn: Why is it important to learn about Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence?
To understand children better child development your own child child care career To understand yourself better What are your strengths? Help you choose your career To understand others better peers, coworkers, siblings, parents
Your Turn: Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
On your The Types of INTELLIGENCE sheet, as we go through each type of intelligence, score yourself. Mark 1,2, or 3 if you believe you are: highly intelligent (3) moderately intelligent (2) need more development (1)
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Learns By . . . Saying Hearing Seeing Words
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Memorizing Spelling Descriptive Language Imagination
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Possible Careers: Writers Poets Public Speakers Politicians Lawyers Famous People: William Shakespeare Robert Frost Tony Robbins Barack Obama J.K. Rowling
Video Clip: Multiple Intelligences
Verbal-Linguistic Click on image for video clip (2:41 minutes)
Remember to score yourself
Highly intelligent (3) You are confident this is a strength Moderately intelligent (2) You feel you are fairly smart in this area Need more development (1) Weaker in this area
Existential Intelligence
Learns By . . . Make connections between what is being learned and the world Utilizing an overview/big picture Summarizing information Teaching others
Existential Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Seeing the big picture Looking beyond the senses to explain phenomena Perceiving society
Existential Intelligence
Possible Careers: Philosophers Theologians Life Coaches Cosmologists Famous People: Socrates Buddha Wayne Dyer
Interpersonal Intelligence
Learns By . . . Sharing Comparing Relating Cooperating Interviewing
Interpersonal Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Understand people and feelings Leading Organizing Communicating Mediating conflicts
Interpersonal Intelligence
Possible Careers: Politicians Teachers Counselors Social Workers Diplomats Coaches Famous People: Anthony Robbins Bill Clinton Dr. Phil Oprah Winfrey
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Learns By . . . Working alone Doing individualized projects Self-paced instruction
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Understanding self and feelings Following instincts Pursuing interests Being original
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Possible Careers: Psychologists Poets Counselors Writers Therapists Famous People: Anne Frank Walt Whitman Aristotle Oprah Winfrey Albert Einstein
Your Turn: Are you OR ? Interpersonal (social) Intrapersonal (self)
Thumbs up Raise your hand
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Learns By . . . Categorizing Classifying Working with patterns and relationships
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Math Reasoning Logic Problem Solving Concept Thinking
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Possible Careers: Scientists Accountants Computer Programmers Mathematicians Inventors Famous People: Thomas Edison Albert Einstein Bill Gates Warren Buffet Stephen Hawking
Video Clip: Multiple Intelligences
Logical-Mathematical Click on image for video clip (2:54 minutes)
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Learns By . . . Visualizing Dreaming Using the mind’s eye Working with colors and pictures
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Understanding use of space Thinking in 3-dimension Imagining visual images
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Possible Careers: Physicists Architects Engineers Builders Artists Computer Science Famous People: Neils Bohr I. M. Pei Buckminster Fuller Salvador Dali Galileo Galilei
Video Clip: Multiple Intelligences
Visual-Spatial Click on image for video clip (3:15 minutes)
Musical Intelligence Learns By . . . Rhythm Melody Music
Musical Intelligence Is Good At . . . Remembering melodies
Keeping time Mimicking beat and rhythm Noticing pitch and sounds
Musical Intelligence Possible Careers: Composers Musicians
Band Directors Conductors Disc Jockeys Sound Board Operators Music Critics Famous People: Beethoven Michael Jackson Eminem Itzhak Perlman Mozart
Video Clip: Multiple Intelligences
Musical Click on image for video clip (3:14 minutes)
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Learns By . . . Touching Moving Interacting with space Processing knowledge through body movement
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Sports Dancing Acting
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Possible Careers: Athletes Dancers Gymnasts Surgeons Sculptors Carpenters Famous People: Michael Jordan Michael Jackson Tiger Woods Wayne Gretzky Mary Lou Retton
Video Clip: Multiple Intelligences
Bodily-Kinesthetic and Musical example Your Turn: Everyone please stand up and participate NOTE: This is a video we use in Culinary and Nutrition I to help students remember proper hand washing techniques. Click on image for video clip (2:33 minutes)
Naturalistic Intelligence
Learns By . . . Visualizing Hands-on activities Relating to the natural world
Naturalistic Intelligence
Is Good At . . . Measuring, charting, mapping Observing plants & animals Keeping journals, collecting, classifying Outdoor activities
Naturalistic Intelligence
Possible Careers: Zookeepers Veterinarians Gardeners Marine Biologists Animal Trainers Farmers Conservationists Famous People: Jack Hanna Steve Irwin Charles Darwin Linnaeus Gregor Mendel Jane Goodall
Video Clip: Multiple Intelligences
Naturalist Click on image for video clip (3:14 minutes)
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom
Multiple Intelligences Thrive in Smartville (7:28 minutes)
Your Turn: Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Referring to your “The Types of Intelligence” sheet, circle your top types. Discussion: (raise your hand to share whole class) What are your areas of strength? What areas need the most improvement?
Your Turn: The Multiple Intelligence Quiz
Click on image for quiz
Your Turn: Multiple Intelligence Admit Slip
On a separate piece of paper, write an analysis of your two self-evaluations, noting similarities and differences between the two. Include your supported opinion regarding the defining factors of the different types of intelligence. Describe thoroughly and concisely, the relevance of the nine multiple intelligences to you, your learning style and your strengths/weaknesses. Explain why it is important to understand multiple intelligence in relation to the development of children. Incorporate relevant vocabulary. Relevant Vocabulary: Musical, Visual–spatial, Verbal–linguistic, Logical–mathematical, Bodily–kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Existential, Gardner, highly intelligent, child development 1-2 pages in length Monday, November 17th DUE:
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