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SEPAM Communications Troubleshooting. Power  Communications module not powered.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPAM Communications Troubleshooting. Power  Communications module not powered."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPAM Communications Troubleshooting

2 Power  Communications module not powered

3 Power  Communications module not powered

4 Terminating Jumper

5 Protocol

6 Modbus Wiring  2-Wire RS-485 + connects to + and – connects to -  4-Wire RS-485 +’s and –’s are swapped TX+ > RX+, TX- > RX-, etc.

7 Modbus Configuration  Modbus Address, Parity, Baud Rate

8 Incorrect Sepam Port selection  Sepam 80 has dual comm and remote module ports

9 ION Master Connections  To communicate to an ION meter there are two communication port settings that need to be made. Comm port on the meter needs to be set to Modbus Master Modbus Master Options Module must have the comm port assigned to ModbusGate Connection

10 ION Master Connections (cont)



13 Common Wrench Errors  Wrench 1 (most common) Typically CCA63x (CT module) is absent I/O module is absent  Wrench 2 Typically caused by faulty wiring between remote module connection.  Wrench 3 MET148-2 (Temp Module) module is not available  Wrench 4 MSA141 (Analog Module) is not available DSM303 (Remote Display) is not available  Wrench 5 MCS025 (Sync-Check) is not available  Wrench 10 CPU overload (Sepam 80 only) typically caused by excessively large Logipam program

14 Wrench 1 (Most Common)

15 Wrench 1  Normally caused by: CT module not attached to relay I/O card is configured in the software but is not attached to relay If you are unable to connect with SFT2841 it could indicate a major fault with the base unit On Sepam 80 it could indicate a faulty memory cartridge

16 Verifying Cause of Error  IF you are able to connect with the software…

17 Questions?

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