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CANopen Introduction for C2000

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1 CANopen Introduction for C2000
Solution Center WJ John Zuo

2 Delta Products in CANopen
1 Main Products DVPCOPM-SL CP02-H2 IFD9503 CME-COP01 CANOpen Master Module 127 slaves Max. Baud Rate1M bps Max. length 1000m Syn. / Asyn. methods CANOpen Slave Module Dedicated for EH2 Max. Baud Rate1M bps Modbus Module Max. Baud Rate1M bps Transformation for Canopen to Modbus For all Delta products E series Modbus Module Max. Baud Rate1M bps Transformation for Canopen to Modbus Dedicated for E inverter CMC-COP01 C2000 E standard E-C CANopen Commun. Card Max. Baud Rate1M bps Dedicated for C2000, Direct Canopen Connection By-pass Mechanism CANopen inverter CANOpen Master support Direct CanOpen Connection Max. Baud Rate 1M bps CANopen inverter Transformation for CANopen to Modbus Max. Baud Rate lower than 1M bps CANopen inverter Direct CanOpen Connection Built-in, don’t need card Max. Baud Rates 1M bps ASD-A2 Remarks CANopen Servo Max. Baud Rate1M bps Direct CanOpen connection Built-in, don’t need card By-Pass Mechanism C2000 must have the CMC-COP01 for connecting CANopen, and doesn’t need transformation from CANopen to Modbus. E standard series must have CME-COP01 for connecting CANopen, and need transformation from CANopen to Modbus by CME-COP01. So that is not a complete CANopen. E-C dedicated for CANopen realize built-in CANopen, and doesn’t need any communication card. DVPCOPM-SL can match DVP28SV, DVP32EH00R2-L and DVP32EH00T2-L. Other EH2 series don’t have the CANopen master and only CP02-H2, which is CANopen slave, can match them.

3 Delta Products in CANopen
2. Communication Accessories TAP-CN01 TAP-CN02 TAP-CN03 DeviceNet/CANOpen Connector 1 master , 2 slave ports Open terminal for connecting 121ohm terminal resistor Switch for changing resistor DeviceNet/CANOpen Connector 2 master, 3 slave ports Open terminal for connecting 121ohm terminal resistor Switch for changing resistor DeviceNet/CANOpen Connector 2 master 3 slave ports Open terminal for connecting 121ohm terminal resistor Switch for changing resistor TAP-CB01 TAP-CB02 TAP-CB03 TAP-CB04 DeviceNet/CANOpen master line Max. length 1000m for master Satisfied to ODVA standard Thicker diameter DeviceNet/CANOpen slave line Max. length 39m for slave Satisfied to ODVA standard Thinner diameter CANOpen connection line Length is 0.5m Dedicated for Canopen CANOpen connection line Length is 1m Dedicated for Canopen Remarks The master and slave ports of TAP-CN are all designed by aesthetics, namely connecting by master and slave will be a aesthetic effect but there is no any difference in physical for master and slave ports. TAP-CB01 is the master line and has a thicker diameter for ensuring longer communication length which can be up to 1000m in master artery. Besides, TAP-CB02 is the slave line and has a thinner diameter that can’t ensure a 1000m communication. So a short master artery or the application in slave artery can choose TAP-CB02 for a cheaper price. TAP-CB03 and TAP-CB04 are all for the short communication length, such as the By-Pass connection of multiple A2 or C2000. In that case, the RJ45 connectors in TAP-CB03 or CB04 are very convenient and space-saving.

4 C2000 Configuration in CANopen Network
3. The detail configuration process of C2000 in applying DSP402 control standard: CANopen network architeture Set the switch as “ON” by terminal resistor 121 ohm terminal resister

5 How to use CANopen Products
4. DVPCOPM-SL Rotary Switch Explanation Valid CANopen node number Invalid CANopen node number Baud Rate Max. Length Setting node number Setting Baud Rate Line Definition Reserved Pin Signal Explanation Shielding Reserved

6 How to use CANopen Products
By-Pass function If don’t use CANopen Master mode, set Pr09-45 to 0. Then C2000 can match PLC Master to build CANopen network。

7 CANopen Mapping 6. The main indexes of PDO in DS402 Protocol Index
Sub. Index name Length R/W Remark 6040h Control Word 16 Unsigned Integer Control current status, such as Run, Stop and etc.. 6041h Status Word RO Read current status, such as Run, Stop and etc.. 6060h Control Mode 8 Signed Integer Choose contorl mode, such as Speed, Position and Torque. 6042h Speed Com. in Speed Mode 16 Signed Integer Speed command in the speed mode. 60FFh Servo Speed Com. In Speed Mode 32 Signed Integer Servo speed command in the speed control mode. 6081h Pulse speed Com. in Pos. Mode 32 Unsigned Integer Speed of Pulse sending in the Position control mode. 6071h Torque Com. in Torque Mode Torque command in the Torque control mode. 607Ah Position Com. in Pos. Mode Position command in the Position control mode. 604Fh Acc. Time in Speed Mode Can’t be set to 0 Unit is 100ms Detailed information please refer to the back 6050h Dec. Time in Speed Mode 6051h Quickstop Dec. Time in Speed Mode 6083h ACC. Time in Pos./Speed Mode Can’t be set to 0 and Unit is 1ms Detailed Information is in the Page 25 6084h Dec. Time in Pos./Speed Mode 605Ah Quickstop Mode The options when QUICKSTOP happened. 605Ch Deceleration Mode The options for stop deceleration. 6093h 1 Numerator of Electric Gear Box Numerator of Electric Gear Box in Position Control mode. 2 Denominator of Electric Gear Box Denominator of Electric Gear Box in Position Control mode.

8 CANopen Mapping 7. 6040h Control Word
PDO 6040h is Control Word which is 16 unsigned integer. Different value of 6040h can cause different status which causes different reflection of device such as run, stop and etc.. First, we should figure out the definition of bits belong to 6040h:

9 CANopen Mapping Bit 4-6 of 6040h would have different function under different control mode. The detailed information will be given on the back.

10 CANopen Mapping 8. 6041h Status Word
PDO 6041h is Status Word which is 16 unsigned integer. Every bit of 6041h can reflect the current status of device. This is read-only index.

11 CANopen Mapping 9. 6060h Control Mode
PDO 6060h is Control Mode which is 8 signed integer. Different value of 6060h represent different control mode:

12 CANopen Mapping Canopen DS402 PDO Indexes of C2000 and E-C(All from DS402 PDO Indexes):

13 CANopen Mapping 6064h-607Ah is dedicated for C2000, not for E-C that never has Torque and Position control modes but speed mode only. C2000 possesses speed, torque, position and Homing control modes. We can choose them by h, but currently only speed control mode is O.K., and other modes are under test. 604Fh 6050h 6051h must be set to 100ms or N times of 100ms. E.g. 100ms 200ms 300ms and etc..

14 CANopen Builder Operation
12. PLC Master + Driver Slave Step one: Open Canopen Builder

15 CANopen Builder Operation
Step two: Setting Communication Port

16 CANopen Builder Operation
Step three: Scanning the on-line devices

17 CANopen Builder Operation
Step four: Set PDO for slave device, double-click the slave and set PDO

18 CANopen Builder Operation
Step five: SDO Setting, e.g. INDEX=2000, SUB-INDEX=5, VALUE=4 CANopenBuilder possesses 20 Words SDO which user can use to define parameters only one time initializing(No repeated writing or reading operation)

19 CANopen Builder Operation
Step Six: Double-click master, complete PDO mapping

20 PLC Programming 6.1 Inverter Case
E.g. if C2000 PDO mapping as follows, we can program PLC by it.

21 PLC Programming M1002 MOV H7E D6282 Inverter Ready X0 X1 MOV H7F D6282
If X0=ON, making inverter forward Run and the frequency is 40.00HZ MOV K1200 D6283 X1 X0 If X1=ON, making inverter reverse Run and the frequency is 30.00HZ MOV K-900 D6283 X2 X0 X1 MOV H0 D6282 If X2=ON, making inverter Stop. So write frequency to 0 and make CANopen to Power disable. MOV K0 D6283 END CANopen set the inverter frequency based on RPM not Hz. So motor poles must be set correctly and MCU would get the frequency by 60F/P=RPM. The case up is 4 poles for motor. CANopen make inverter forward or reverse by speed command polarity. If it is positive, inverter would forward. If it is negative, inverter would reverse.

22 CANopen Matters need Attention
7.3 How to determine the PDO number in the Syn. Mode Sync PDO N = (Syn. Period T(ms) * rate (kbs) )/250, namely among T, the total PDO amount of every slave can’t surpass N. Otherwise, it can’t realize the Syn. communication in T time. The Syn. Mode of CANopen can send SYNC to slave quickly, so every slave almost can get the SYNC on time. But whether PDO sending is time-consuming should depend on CANopen Baud Rate and PDO number. If we want to make slaves act on the data master send synchronously in Syn. Period time, the Baud Rate should be set 1M bps and PDO number should satisfy the formula up.

23 Thank You 23

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