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The Unique Haitian Revolution Alexis Cureton. Fighting Back.

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Presentation on theme: "The Unique Haitian Revolution Alexis Cureton. Fighting Back."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Unique Haitian Revolution Alexis Cureton

2 Fighting Back

3 Haiti's Global Importance Haiti aka St. Domingo Geographics  Haiti was a french owned colony that produced most of the world's sugar (Bob).  In the 1800s, the importance of sugar in the global market was extremely high (Bob).

4 Is This Revolution Important??

5 Is The Sky Blue? Of course it is!  The Haitian revolution is important and relevant to both black and American history, because no other ethnic group has fought and successful gained their independence from a ruling power the way Haiti did.

6 The Father of the Revolution Touissant L'Ouverture So What?  A former slave, Touissant was self taught and over time became the leader of the Haitian Revolution. (Thomas)  Rebelled, Educated, and Rebuilt.

7 Touissant L'Ouvertur

8 Peace Talks Napoleon Bonaparte Touissant  Rise to power in France.  Returns in 1802 with troops.  Does not succumb but instead engages in peace talks (White 72).

9 Why this???  Ignorance  Personal Interest  My History

10 Learning Experience  Personal growth  Pride  Historical knowledge

11 Never been repeated  This act has never been followed in history. Debunks the notion that blacks can't not get things done.

12 Works Cited 1. Corbett, Bob. The Haitian Revolution of 1791- 1803. February 2012. 2. Ott, Thomas. The Haitian Revolution. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. 1973. Book. 3. White, Ashli. Encountering Revolution: Haiti and the Making of the Early Republic. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Book.

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