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John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19981 GLOBAL MARKETING RESEARCH Chapter Six.

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Presentation on theme: "John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19981 GLOBAL MARKETING RESEARCH Chapter Six."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19981 GLOBAL MARKETING RESEARCH Chapter Six

2 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19982 Overview Chapter Six 1. Research Problem Formulation 2. Secondary Global Marketing Research 3. Primary Global Marketing Research 4. Market Size Assessment 5. New Market Information Technologies 6. Managing Global Marketing Research

3 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19983 Overview (cont’d) Steps –1. Define the research problem(s) –2. Develop a research design –3. Determine information needs –4. Collect the Data (secondary and primary) –5. Analyze the data and interpret the results –6. Report and present the findings of the study

4 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19984 Overview (cont) Exhibit 6-1 Multi Country Marketing Research Project Challenges –Complexity of research design due to environmental differences –Lack and inaccuracy of data –Time and cost requirements to collect primary data –Coordination of multicountry research efforts –Difficulty in establishing comparability across multicountry studies

5 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19985 1. Research Problem Formulation Issues for a BMW positioning study –What does the motorist in the country demand for his/her car? –What does s/he believe s/he is getting from the various brands? –What does that imply with regard to positioning the BMW brand across borders ? Exhibit 6-2 ACNielsen SRG’s China Omnibus

6 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19986 2. Secondary Global Marketing Research Secondary Data Sources –Exhibit 6-3 Resources for Secondary Data Problems with Secondary Data Research –Accuracy of Data –Age of data –Reliability over Time –Comparability of Data –Lumping of Data

7 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19987 3. Primary Global Marketing Research Focus Groups Survey Method for Cross-Cultural Marketing Research –questionnaire design conceptual and functional equivalence –back translation and parallel translation translation and scalar equivalence –Exhibit 6-4 The Funny Face Scale –Sampling

8 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19988 3. Primary Global Marketing Research (cont) Contact Method –Exhibit 6-5 Comparison of European Collection Methods Collecting the Information

9 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 19989 4. Market Size Assessment Method of Analogy –longitudinal method of analogy –Exhibit 6-6 Market Potential estimates for McDonalds’ Trade Audit Chain Ratio Method Cross-Sectional Regression Analysis –Exhibit 6-7 Model For Analgesics

10 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 199810 5. New Market Information Technologies Exhibit 6-8 1993 World Wide Scanning Penetration (Percent ACV Scanner) Point of Sale (POS) Store Scanner Data Consumer Panel Data Single Source Data

11 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 199811 5. New Market Information Technologies (cont) Major developments/innovations –shift from mass to micro marketing –continuous monitoring of brand sales/market share movements –scanning data are used by manufacturers to support market decisions –scanning data are used to provide merchandising support to retailers

12 John Wiley &Sons, Inc c 199812 6. Managing Global Market Research Selecting a Research Agency –Exhibit 6-9 Cross-Country Cost Comparisons for Market Research Studies Coordination of Multi-Country Research –emic versus etic dilemma –coordination measures

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