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Multimodal Teaching and Learning for Today’s Diverse Classroom GAIL MORONG.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimodal Teaching and Learning for Today’s Diverse Classroom GAIL MORONG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimodal Teaching and Learning for Today’s Diverse Classroom GAIL MORONG

2 1. Types of Diversity 2. Modalities of Content Delivery 3. Importance of multimodal learning 4. Learning Styles 5. Multiple Intelligences 6. Use of Multimedia 7. Multimedia Design Principles Outline of Workshop

3 Diversity in Education

4 What types of diversity exist in your current classes?

5 Types of Diversity

6 Diversity is not easily apparent

7 How can we find out about the diversity in our classes?

8 Icebreaker Ideas I am…(students complete list) Questionnaire (place of birth etc) Self or peer introduction /14134569/gails-intro

9 DIVERSITY brings challenges for educators

10 Need to level the playing field

11 Need to deal with cultural issues

12 Need to build rapport and community

13 Need to ensure comfort and safety

14 Need for engagement

15 What types of multimodal teaching and learning are there?

16 Multimodal Learning Field Work Lecture

17 Modalities of Content Delivery Multimodal Teaching and Learning Modes of Information Acquisition and Output

18 Traditional Face to Face


20 Distance Education Online paced cohort Independent web-based Independent print-based MOOCs

21 Online Paced Cohort

22 Web-based Independent

23 Print-based Independent

24 Blended Courses and Programs +

25 MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses

26 What are some benefits of different modes of delivery?


28 Why is multimodal learning important?

29 Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning (from:'s_cone_of_learning.gif


31 1. Learning style affects how people ____ and ____ information. 2. What are the main types of learning styles?

32 Gardiner’s Multiple Intelligences


34 Digital Literacy The ability to manipulate digital tools, engage critically in online information gathering, and “evaluate and integrate information in multiple formats that the computer can deliver.” (Mifsud 2006; Gilster 1997) Digital Literacy

35 Learners in this digital age need to be able to read multimodal texts that use visual images, drawings, sounds, and words to represent and communicate ideas (Evans 2004) Digital Age and Multimodal Learning

36 1. Name various types of multiple intelligences. 2. Name various types of literacies students need for today’s work world.

37 Use of multimedia is one good way to incorporate multimodal teaching and learning into courses. Multimedia

38 Uses of Multimedia Delivery of Content Learning Activities Assessments

39 All multimedia and other multimodal teaching and learning strategies should be for sound pedagogical reasons.

40 Interaction Inquiry Collaboration Connectedness Sound Pedagogical Reasons

41 Engagement Reflection High-level thinking

42 Problem solving Research Critical thinking

43 Consider multimedia creation as an assessment since it has many pedagogical benefits.

44 Students become Researchers

45 Students become Authors

46 Students become Designers

47 Students become Creators Bloom’s Taxonomy Old New

48 Students can be asked to create a… website, pamphlet, comic strip, blog, play/skit, song, poster, map, image, presentation, manual, poem, case, podcast, advertisement, digital story, dance, calendar, a game, a sculpture, machine etc

49 Clark & Mayer’s (2003) design principles are based on empirical research. Some Design Principles of Multimedia Learning

50 Multimedia Principle GRAPHICS WORD

51 Contiguity Principle 640 × 640 -

52 Coherence Principle Avoid using unnecessary texts, graphics or sound. Media should not be used for decoration.

53 "When things have to be made interesting, it is because interest itself is wanting…the thing, the object, is no more interesting than it was before." (Dewey, 1913)

54 Personalization Principle Use images and examples that are familiar and personal to your audience.

55 What are Clark and Mayer’s four multimedia design principles?

56 A few multimedia tools Xtranormal: http://www.xtranormal.com CroakIt!: Soundcloud: Screencastomatic: Sliderocket: Voicethread:

57 Multimodal Teaching and Learning Tips 1. Consider diversity in your class

58 2. Consider learning styles and multiple intelligences (become aware of individual preferences).

59 3. Vary your types of content delivery, resources, activities and assessments.

60 What ideas do you have for varying content delivery, resources, learning activities and assessments in your courses?

61 Gail Morong Instructional Designer Thompson Rivers University 250-852-6836

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