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National Approach and Experience on Disposal of Intermediate Level Waste in the Russian Federation A. Smetnik FSUE VO “Safety” Vienna, 9 – 13 September,

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Presentation on theme: "National Approach and Experience on Disposal of Intermediate Level Waste in the Russian Federation A. Smetnik FSUE VO “Safety” Vienna, 9 – 13 September,"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Approach and Experience on Disposal of Intermediate Level Waste in the Russian Federation A. Smetnik FSUE VO “Safety” Vienna, 9 – 13 September, 2013

2 2 RW Generation Sources The RW generation sources in the Russian Federation are: mining and processing of radioactive ores; fabrication of nuclear fuel; operation of NPPs, nuclear research facilities, nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) enterprises, vessels with nuclear power units and their maintenance bases; SNF reprocessing; use of NM, RS and ionizing radiation sources (IRS) in industry, medical institutions, research institutes etc.; decommissioning of nuclear facilities and rehabilitation of areas contaminated with radioactive substances.

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4 4 Radioactive waste reprocessing Re-melting — Ecomet-S (SRW, LLW; 2,000 tons/year), Vitrification — PA Mayak (LRW, HLW; 300-500 l/h) SUE MosNPO Radon (LRW, ILW; 200 l/h), Incineration — SUE MosNPO Radon (LRW ILW; 20 l/h; SRW ILW; 60 kg/h) Cement solidification — at NPPs, a standard facility (LRW, SRW, ILW; 255 m 3 /year) Over 90 facilities for reprocessing of different types of radioactive waste are in operation, for example:

5 5 Radioactive Waste Inventories As of the end of 2010, a total of: over 486 mln m 3 (4.27·10 19 Bq) of liquid radioactive waste (LRW), and 87 mln tons of solid radioactive waste (SRW) (3.59·10 19 Bq) were accumulated.

6 6 RW Generation in 2010

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8 8 RW Placement and Storage All RW is placed in 1,466 temporary storage facilities at 136 enterprises located in 43 regions of the Russian Federation, and 3 disposal facilities of liquid radioactive waste (under continuous monitoring) in deep geological formations. A large amount of intermediate-level LRW (89%) is consolidated at Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC), Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC), Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR) and is isolated from the environment in deep geological formations.

9 9 Fuel Cycle and Disposal Facilities

10 10 National Operator for RW Management After the Federal Law No. 190-FZ "About Radioactive Waste Management…" (11.07.2011) has been enacted, it is only the National Operator for RW Management (FSUE "NO RAO") that is authorized from 20 March 2012 to dispose radioactive waste at the territory of Russia. At present FSUE "NO RAO" has only started to establish its own infrastructure to enable acceptance of radioactive waste for disposal.

11 Activities of the National Operator Национальный оператор Provides operation of disposal facilities Ensures safe management of waste accepted for disposal Maintains the state register of radioactive waste and state waste inventory of storage facilities Prepares forecasts for RWM infrastructure development and volume of the wastes to be disposed Serves as the customer’s design and construction of waste disposal facilities

12 Duties of the National Operator Национальный оператор To perform radiation monitoring of disposal facilities, including post-closure period To accept from RAW producers RAW meeting the WAC and paid in the prescribed manner To provide information on the activity of the National Operator upon request To transfer funds to the RF when receiving wastes from irregular waste producers To ensure fire & radiation safety, sanitary-epidemiological well-being of public during operation and post-closure period

13 13 Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!

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