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Super-Resolution Dr. Yossi Rubner

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Presentation on theme: "Super-Resolution Dr. Yossi Rubner "— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Yossi Rubner
Super-Resolution Dr. Yossi Rubner Many slides from Miki Elad - Technion

2 Example - Video 53 images, ratio 1:4

3 Example – Surveillance
40 images ratio 1:4

4 Example – Enhance Mosaics


6 Super-Resolution - Agenda
The basic idea Image formation process Formulation and solution Special cases and related problems Limitations of Super-Resolution SR in time

7 Intuition D For a given band-limited image, the Nyquist sampling theorem states that if a uniform sampling is fine enough (D), perfect reconstruction is possible.

8 Intuition 2D Due to our limited camera resolution, we sample using an insufficient 2D grid

9 Intuition 2D However, if we take a second picture, shifting the camera ‘slightly to the right’ we obtain:

10 Intuition Similarly, by shifting down we get a third image: 2D 2D

11 Intuition And finally, by shifting down and to the right we get the fourth image: 2D 2D

12 Intuition It is trivial to see that interlacing the four images, we get that the desired resolution is obtained, and thus perfect reconstruction is guaranteed.

13 Rotation/Scale/Disp. What if the camera displacement is Arbitrary ? What if the camera rotates? Gets closer to the object (zoom)?

14 Rotation/Scale/Disp. There is no sampling theorem covering this case

15 A Small Example 3:1 scale-up in each axis using 9 images, with pure global translation between them

16 Further Complications
Complicated motion perspective, local motion, … Blur sampling is not a point operation Spatially variant blur Temporally variant blur Noise Changes in the scene

17 Super-Resolution - Agenda
The basic idea Image formation process Formulation and solution Special cases and related problems Limitations of Super-Resolution SR in time

18 Image Formation LR HR Scene Geometric transformation Optical Blur
Sampling Noise HR LR Can we write these steps as linear operators?

19 Geometric Transformation
Any appropriate motion model Every frame has different transformation Usually found by a separate registration algorithm Geometric transformation Scene

20 Geometric Transformation
Can be modeled as a linear operation =

21 Optical Blur Due to the lens PSF and pixel integration Usually
Geometric transformation Optical Blur

22 H PSF * PIXEL = H

23 Optical Blur Can be modeled as a linear operation =

24 Sampling Pixel operation consists of area integration followed by decimation D is the decimation only Usually Optical Blur Sampling

25 Decimation Can be modeled as a linear operation = o 1

26 Super-Resolution - Agenda
The basic idea Image formation process Formulation and solution Special cases and related problems Limitations of Super-Resolution SR in time

27 Super-Resolution - Model
F =I 1 F N Geometric warp H Blur 1 N D 1 N Decimation Y 1 N Low- Resolution Exposures X High- Resolution Image V 1 N Additive Noise

28 Simplified Model X F =I F Geometric warp H Blur D Decimation Y Low-
1 F N Geometric warp H Blur D Decimation Y 1 N Low- Resolution Exposures X High- Resolution Image V 1 N Additive Noise

29 The Super-Resolution Problem
Given Yk – The measured images (noisy, blurry, down-sampled ..) H – The blur can be extracted from the camera characteristics D – The decimation is dictated by the required resolution ratio Fk – The warp can be estimated using motion estimation n – The noise can be extracted from the camera / image Recover X – HR image

30 The Model as One Equation
=[10M×16M] =[16M×1] r = resolution factor = 4 MXM = size of the frames = 1000X1000 N = number of frames = 10 r = resolution factor MXM = size of the frames N = number of frames Linear algebra notation is intended only to develop algorithm

31 SR - Solutions Maximum Likelihood (ML):
Often ill posed problem! Maximum Aposteriori Probability (MAP) Smoothness constraint regularization

32 ML Reconstruction (LS)
Minimize: Thus, require:

33 LS - Iterative Solution
Steepest descent Simulated error Back projection All the above operations can be interpreted as operations performed on images. There is no actual need to use the Matrix-Vector notations as shown here.

34 LS - Iterative Solution
Steepest descent For k=1..N - inverse geometry wrap geometry wrap convolve with H down sample up sample convolve with HT -

35 Example LR + noise X4 Least squares HR image
Simulated example from Farisu at al. IEEE trans. On Image Processing, 04

36 Robust Reconstruction
Cases of measurements outlier: Some of the images are irrelevant Error in motion estimation Error in the blur function General model mismatch

37 Robust Reconstruction

38 Robust Reconstruction
Steepest descent For k=1..N - inverse geometry wrap geometry wrap convolve with H down sample up sample convolve with HT sign -

39 Robust Reconstruction
Example - Outliers Least squares LR + noise X4 Robust Reconstruction HR image Simulated example from Farisu at al. IEEE trans. On Image Processing, 04

40 Example – Registration Error
L2 norm based L1 norm based 20 images, ratio 1:4

41 MAP Reconstruction Regularization term: Tikhonov cost function
Total variation Bilateral filter

42 Robust Estimation + Regularization

43 Robust Estimation + Regularization
For k=1..N - inverse geometry wrap geometry wrap convolve with H down sample up sample convolve with HT sign - For l,m=-P..P horizontal shift l vertical shift m - horizontal shift -l vertical shift -m - sign From Farisu at al. IEEE trans. On Image Processing, 04

44 Example 8 frames Resolution factor of 4
From Farisu at al. IEEE trans. On Image Processing, 04

45 Example Images from Vigilant Ltd.

46 Handling Color in SR Handling color: the classic approach is to convert the measurements to YCbCr, apply the SR on the Y and use trivial interpolation on the Cb and Cr. Better treatment can be obtained if the statistical dependencies between the color layers are taken into account (i.e. forming a prior for color images). In case of mosaiced measurements, demosaicing followed by SR is sub-optimal. An algorithm that directly fuse the mosaic information to the SR is better.

47 SR for Full Color 20 images, ratio 1:4

48 SR+Demosaicing 20 images, ratio 1:4 Mosaiced input
Mosaicing and then SR Combined treatment

49 Super-Resolution - Agenda
The basic idea Image formation process Formulation and solution Special cases and related problems Limitations of Super-Resolution SR in time

50 Special Case – Translational Motion
In this case H and F commute: SR is decomposed into 2 steps Find blur HR image from LR images  non-iterative Deconvolve the result using H  iterative

51 Intuition Z=PIXEL*PSF*X X PSF*X
Using the samples can, at most, reconstruct Z To recover X, need to deconvolve Z

52 Step I – Find Blurred HR Minimize: L2  For all frames, copy registered pixels to HR grid and average [Elad & Hel-Or, 01] L1  For all frames, copy registered pixels to HR grid and use median [Farisu, 04]

53 Solution for L2 Minimize: Thus, require: Diagonal, number
Of occurrences per HR grid Sum of HR grid

54 Step II - Deblur Minimize:

55 Example 256X256 Before deblur 256X256 After deblur 64X64 LR
From Pham at al. Proc. Of SPIE-IS&T, 05. Simulated.

56 Related Problems Denoising (multiple frames) Denoising (single frame)
Deblurring Interpolation – “single-image super-resolution”

57 Super-Resolution - Agenda
The basic idea Image formation process Formulation and solution Special cases and related problems Limitations of Super-Resolution SR in time

58 Limiting Factors Main factors SNR PSF (optical+pixel) Number of inputs
Pixel size (sampling rate) Fill factor Image content

59 Limiting Factors … SNR PSF # of inputs LR1 Registration Fusion
Deblurring HR Pixel size Fill factor Image content LRN

60 SR Limits Analysis Noise SR factor Registration noise Fusion noise
Point-Spread-Function (PSF) Optical Transfer Function (OTF) Sensor pixel size Sensor Transfer Function (STF)

61 Registration Noise Using Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB)
Lower bounds for shift estimation: Better registration accuracy by: Less noise Higher derivatives in image Bigger registration area Narrow PSF

62 Fusion Noise r = super-resolution factor N = number of images

63 Registration + Fusion Noise
If N∞ then Fusion error vanishes Registration error is equivalent to Gaussian blur

64 Super-Resolution - Agenda
The basic idea Image formation process Formulation and solution Special cases and related problems Limitations of Super-Resolution SR in time Work and slides by Michal Irani & Yaron Caspi (ECCV’02)

65 “Classical” Image Super-Resolution
Scene: Low-resolution images: High-resolution image:

66 Space-Time Super-Resolution
Low-resolution images video sequences: time time High space-time resolution sequence: time Super-resolution in space and in time.

67 What is Super-Resolution in Time?
Observing events “faster” than frame-rate. Handles: (1) Motion aliasing (2) Motion blur Application areas: - sports scenes - scientific imaging - etc...

68 The “Wagon wheel” effect:
(1) Motion Aliasing The “Wagon wheel” effect: Slow-motion: time Continuous signal time Sub-sampled in time time “Slow motion”

69 (2) Motion Blur

70 (2) Motion Blur Camera 1: long exposure-time
Camera 2: short exposure-time Motion-blur – A Spatial artifact caused by Temporal blurring. exposure time time Operation of camera: 1/frame-rate

71 Space-Time Super-Resolution
Sh(xh,yh,th) t x y y x t Blur kernel: PSF Exposure time

72 Example: Motion-Aliasing
Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 25 [frames/sec]

73 Example: Motion-Aliasing
Input sequence in slow-motion (x3): 75 [frames/sec] Super-resolution in time (x3): 75 [frames/sec]

74 Without estimating motion of the ball!
Deblurring: Input: Output: Output sequence: (x15 frame-rate) Output trajectory: Without estimating motion of the ball! 3 out of 18 low-resolution input sequences (frame overlays; trajectories):

75 Example: Motion-Blur (real)
4 input sequences: Frames at collision: Video 1 Video 2 Output frame at collision: Video 3 Video 4

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