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Variations of Conway’s Game of Life Eswar Kondapavuluri.

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1 Variations of Conway’s Game of Life Eswar Kondapavuluri

2 Rules of Conway’s Game of Life Generation: The board can be generated randomly or by user input  Original rules:  A cell comes “alive” when it has 3 alive neighboring cells  An alive cell stays alive if it has 2 or 3 alive neighboring cells  A cell dies if it has 1 or more than 3 alive neighboring cells  Gnarl (named after the inverse function of Curl (in mathematics)  A cell comes alive when it has 1 neighboring cell  A cell stays alive if it has 1 neighboring cell  A cell dies if it has no neighboring cells or if it has more than 1 neighboring cell.  MAZE – with mice  A cell comes alive when it has 2 or 7 alive neighboring cells  A cell stays alive when it has 1,2,3,4, or 5 alive neighboring cells  A cell dies if it has none or more than 5 neighboring cells

3 Movies Run my code with: gameoflife

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