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World War I- The Battle of Ypres By: Edwin Ng, Hannah Gillette, Ivan Esmeral, Molly Spaniac, Mark Mirador.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I- The Battle of Ypres By: Edwin Ng, Hannah Gillette, Ivan Esmeral, Molly Spaniac, Mark Mirador."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I- The Battle of Ypres By: Edwin Ng, Hannah Gillette, Ivan Esmeral, Molly Spaniac, Mark Mirador

2 The Battles of Ypres was a result of the “Race to the Sea” and this allied victory led to the gaining of important ports which eventually caused the Allied Victory. Thesis

3 ● Ypre was a Belgian City ● Strategic Position ●The "Race to the Sea" began ●Devastation of Ypres was typical for WWI o High casualties ●Started the use of gas in warfare General Information- Ypres

4 ● Ypres was part of the “Race to the Sea” ● Ypres protected Allied ports. ● Geographical location of Ypres ● Germans wanted to control channel ports Reason for War

5 ● 1st-October 19 – November 22, 1914 ● 2nd-April 22 – May 25, 1915 ● 3rd- July 31 – November 6, 1917 ● 4th- April 9 – April 29, 1918 The Four Battles of Ypres

6 ● Battle begins on April 22, 1915 ● Battle was fought for control of the Flemish town of Ypres. ● Use of chemical warfare in battle through the use of chlorine gas. ● The chlorine gas was used against trench warfare. ● Effects of the gas were terrible and horrific. ● Use of gas attacks eventually push the Allied forces back to the town of Ypres. ● Battle ends on May 25, 1915 with insignificant gains for the Germans. The Second Battle of Ypres

7 -German Corporal, Adolf Hitler fought in the second battle of Ypres - He was injured and temporarily blinded by a British gas attack during the Ypres Salient in Belgium on October 14, 1918 - The injury ended Hitlers service in World War One -Rescued a wounded comrade and won the highest honor a german soldier could win- The Iron Cross. Corporal Adolf Hitler

8 ● The Alliance came out the victorious defenders against the offensive Germans ● Germany’s use of chlorine gas was not effective Outcomes

9 Works Cited

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