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Unreal Mod Installer Matthew Sable 8/16/2015. Before We Begin Make sure that your mod works under Unreal 2004 v. 3369 and that client machines are patched.

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Presentation on theme: "Unreal Mod Installer Matthew Sable 8/16/2015. Before We Begin Make sure that your mod works under Unreal 2004 v. 3369 and that client machines are patched."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unreal Mod Installer Matthew Sable 8/16/2015

2 Before We Begin Make sure that your mod works under Unreal 2004 v. 3369 and that client machines are patched to this version. Install NSIS: Download Aaron Curley’s Awesome NSIS Script Make a new folder called "FilesToInstall" & drop your mod and all of it's contents into this folder.

3 FilesToInstall

4 Dissecting Aaron Curley's Awesome Installer Script For the most part, you should be able to search through the code an logically change all references to "Drone Hockey" to your own game's name The exception is the section commented as "Remove Directories Used." You will have to add in a reference to each folder & file within the root directory of your mod. These instructions will cause the uninstaller to delete the appropriate files.

5 Compiling the Installer Make sure "FilesToInstall" & the script are in the same directory Right Click the script->"Compile NSIS Script" It may appear to hang. It will finish. Be patient! If done correctly, it should now create a.exe for your game

6 If Done Properly The.exe should not allow you to install the mod in a directory that is NOT where UT is installed The.exe should not allow you to install the mod twice. (If you are sure that it is not already installed and the.exe insists, go into your UT installation directory and delete the mod's folder manually then try again.) It should also generate an uninstaller & place it in the Control Panel's installed programs list. It also creates a Start Menu & Desktop shortcut. Tested to work on Windows 7 Professional (32) on 1/12/10

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