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Yesterday, you separated a mixture of solid substances…. Create a possible procedure to separate two liquids.

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Presentation on theme: "Yesterday, you separated a mixture of solid substances…. Create a possible procedure to separate two liquids."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yesterday, you separated a mixture of solid substances…. Create a possible procedure to separate two liquids.



5 Theories vs. Laws % Composition Using Graphs to analyze data

6 I will differentiate between chemical and physical properties.


8  The Study of Matter and how it behaves.

9  Anything that has mass and takes up space.

10  Solids  Liquids  Gasses  Plasma

11 The properties of matter Properties are characteristics

12  Physical properties are: A characteristic that can be measured or observed without changing what a substance’s composition

13  Think, pair, share… What are some physical properties of water?  Odorless  Colorless  Liquid at room temperature  Boils at 100 ˚C  Freezes at 0 ˚C  Density = 1 g/mL

14  Shiny (luster)  Reddish brown color  Malleable  Ductile  Conducts electricity  Good conductor of heat

15  Chemical property… The ability of a substance to combine with, or change into, other substances, Video

16  What are some physical properties of Hydrogen?  What are some chemical properties?

17 Chemical Properties of Copper

18  A change that does not change what a substance is made of Paper Copper

19  A process that involves a substance changing into one or more other substances

20  Color change  Odor  Heat change  Gas is given off (bubbles)


22  What are some physical properties?  Chemical Properties?

23 Classify each of the following as physical or chemical changes: 1. Copper reacts with Nitric Acid 2. Water boils 3. Aluminum Conducts electricity 4. Methane burns

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