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Synonym Poems. With a partner… Discuss the following questions with the person next to you. You have 3 minutes. What is a noun? What is an adjective?

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Presentation on theme: "Synonym Poems. With a partner… Discuss the following questions with the person next to you. You have 3 minutes. What is a noun? What is an adjective?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Synonym Poems

2 With a partner… Discuss the following questions with the person next to you. You have 3 minutes. What is a noun? What is an adjective? What is a synonym? Can you think of examples of each?

3 What is a noun?  A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.  Examples: People: mother, boy, Jane, neighbour Place: home, Barrington, Japan Thing: pencil, cat, computer, Eiffel Tower Idea: gravity, time

4 What is an adjective?  An adjective describes a noun.  Examples:  The blue house  The lazy dog  The colourful and sweet-smelling flower  The fast car

5 What is a synonym?  A synonym is a word that has almost the same definition as another word.  Examples: PRETTY ~ attractive, beautiful, breath-taking TIRED ~ fatigued, exhausted, sleepy SOAP ~ detergent, suds, cleaner, shampoo

6 Synonym Poems Rancid Sour, musty, putrid, rotten This old trash won’t be forgotten. Outlaw Pirate, bandit, thief or crook At them the judge should throw the book.

7 Synonym Poems Ghost Spirit, goblin, boogeyman They will haunt you if they can. Fast Swift, speedy, fleet or quick Go too fast and you’ll make me sick.

8 Ingredients of a Synonym Poem  A synonym poem is descriptive.  It is always made up of a couplet – two lines that rhyme.  The subject or title of the poem is always a noun or adjective.  The first line contains three or four synonyms of the title.

9 Ingredients of a Synonym Poem  The second line tells how you feel about the subject, or describes the subject a little more.  Each line generally has 7 or 8 syllables arranged in a way that gives the poem a distinctive pattern.

10 Writing your own synonym poems… 1.Choose a subject (noun or adjective). 2.Find that word in a thesaurus. 3.Write down 8 – 10 synonyms of your subject. If you cannot find at least 8 synonyms, choose another subject. 4.Choose 3 – 4 synonyms for the first line. 5.Write the second line. Remember it must rhyme with the first! You must write at least 2 synonym poems.

11 Homework Complete 2 synonym poems in draft form.

12 Creating Your Final Copy  Choose your favourite synonym poem that you have written.  Write your poem neatly in the middle of a blank page.  Illustrate your poem poster to further describe the subject of your poem.

13 Writing Folder  In your writing folder please put: 1.Draft copies of your two synonym poems including the list of 8-10 synonyms 2.Final copy of illustrated synonym poem

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