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Careers of women in advertising before & after motherhood Erica Thein 5/14/08.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers of women in advertising before & after motherhood Erica Thein 5/14/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers of women in advertising before & after motherhood Erica Thein 5/14/08

2 The business situation Of 16 account executives, only 2 were mothers The Glass Ceiling The Mommy Track Defined through various characteristics: Flexible work schedules Ability to work from home Women who takes extended leave from work following birth of child

3 Changes in work behavior after motherhood Hours worked per week Means utilized to complete work Most important area of life Perceived change in value to employer

4 What I am trying to determine Do women working in advertising change their professional goals and behaviors after having children?

5 Design of the research Qualitative Interviews 15 subjects Women working in advertising who are mothers Quantitative Surveys 360 surveys sent, 146 responses, 40% response rate The survey included 16 questions overall Women working in advertising who are mothers Respondents included a wide range of career levels and ages of children




9 Self-perceived change in value Committed 50% believed employer view had decreased Driven 46% believed employer view had decreased Hardworking 36% believed employer view had decreased Successful 23% believed employer view had decreased Competent 10% believed employer view had decreased

10 Research question and answer Do women working in advertising change their professional goals and behaviors after having children? Yes

11 After motherhood Women have less time available to dedicate to their careers Women are less able to attend after-hours events Women shift priorities Women lose confidence in their work performance

12 Recommendations for women in advertising Learn a little history Develop an awareness of current challenges Focus on changes to benefit future generations

13 “One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.” - Chinese proverb

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