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How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter By Pierce H..

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Presentation on theme: "How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter By Pierce H.."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter By Pierce H.


3 Step 1. What you need… Marshmallows (22 inches of 1/2 PVC pipe (1/2 is a the nominal diameter, its actual outer diameter is closer to 7/8 inch), 2 end caps, 2 three way junctions, and 2 elbows.)

4 Step 2: Cut the PVC to length Cut 1 length of 7 inches and 5 lengths of 3 inches. Hacksawing is a good choice for cutting this PVC to length

5 Step 3: Assembly Layout your pieces and assemble them. Friction should hold them all together.

6 Step 4. test. Point the gun in a safe direction. Load a mini marshmallow into the mouth piece, seal your lips to the mouthpiece, and give the gun a quick burst of air. Keep your ammunition sealed. Dry marshmallows don't work very well.

7 Conclusion

8 Thanks for watching!

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