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Brigadier G E (George) Lowder MBE Commander 51 (Scottish) Brigade NHS Scotland Scotland's Health Commitment to the Armed Forces, Families and Veterans.

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Presentation on theme: "Brigadier G E (George) Lowder MBE Commander 51 (Scottish) Brigade NHS Scotland Scotland's Health Commitment to the Armed Forces, Families and Veterans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brigadier G E (George) Lowder MBE Commander 51 (Scottish) Brigade NHS Scotland Scotland's Health Commitment to the Armed Forces, Families and Veterans

2 Aim To explain how we are delivering The Firm Base in Scotland.

3  Headquarters 2 nd Division (Craigiehall, NI, Scotland, NW and NE Scotland)  Headquarters 51 (Scottish) Brigade (Stirling)  Regional Recruiting Scotland  4 Regular Infantry Battalions  8 Major Territorial Units  12 Minor Territorial Units  4 Officer Training Corps  10 Army Cadet Forces  15 Combined Cadet Forces The Army in Scotland

4 Army Regular Army - 4000 Territorial Army – 1845(2636) University Officer Training Corps - 747 Army Cadet Force - 5250 Combined Cadet Force, Army component - 1786 Total = 13,528 Post SDSR? Increase (Reg Army) HQ 1 (UK) Armd Div Multi Roled Brigade + 4500 TBC 269 Miles 432 Miles 1

5 Royal Navy 269 Miles 432 Miles Regular RN and RM - 4800 RN and RM Reserve - 350 University RN Squadrons - 80 Sea Cadets - 1480 Combined Cadet Force, RN component - 218 Total = 6928 Post SDSR?Increase (Reg RN) Submarine force will bring +2000 Reg RN and +2000 civilian contractors

6 Royal Air Force Regular RAF - 5200 RAF Reserves - 400 University Air Training Squadrons - 200 Air Training Cadets - 2900 Combined Cadet Force, RAF component - 390 Total = 9090 Post SDSR Decrease (Reg RAF) RAF Kinloss and Leuchars to be handed over to Army RAF Lossiemouth to grow - 3000 TBC 269 Miles 432 Miles

7 Military in Scotland Regular Forces - 14000 Reserves - 2595 University Officer Cadets - 1027 Cadets - 9630 Combined Cadet Force - 2394 TOTAL – 29,646 Some 400,000+ veterans Post SDSR?Increase (Reg Forces) Army +4500 RN +2000 RAF -3000 Net Change +2500 TBC 269 Miles 432 Miles

8 Manning RegularReserveCadets Future Regular Army4000184552508500 Royal Navy 480035014806800 Royal Air Force 520040029002200 Total14,0002,59511,754*17,500 * Includes 2,394 CCF

9 Firm Base The provision of a secure environment, at home and overseas, that sustains the Armed Forces, enables training for and deployment on operations and ensures the consent and support of the public and host nations

10 Firm Base Delivery in Scotland  Delegate responsibility for delivery of the Firm Base to Commanding Officers within boundaries, driven by Local Authority boundaries (not unit laydown). Firm Base Battlegroups  Understand the Firm Base Architectures, Process and Procedures in Scotland and Plug in.  Governance with Scottish Government. Regional Coordination = Local Coherence

11 7 SCOTS FB BG STR FB BG GSUOTC FB BG 6 SCOTS FB BG AUOTC FB BG 225 Med Regt FB BG 71 Engr Regt FB BG 105 Regt RA FB BG City of Edinburgh FB – Edinburgh garrison CE – CEUOTC

12 Firm Base  Healthcare and Recovery  Veterans  Housing  Youth  Education  UK Operations/Resilience

13 Units Firm Base Battlegroup Bde HQ In Service Firm Base Architectures Veterans Public Sector +3 rd Sector Support Scottish Govt Strategy & Policy Local Delivery In Transition Dependants SVC Children Wider Family Cadets Defence Support Defence Public Private 3 rd Sector Support Public 3 rd Sector and some Defence Support Regional Coordination


15 Dedicated LO Bde Comd PRU & Units51X HQ FB BG HQ Firm Base Scotland – Healthcare and Recovery Provide policy, direction and services to enable health, welfare and spiritual support Wounded Injured Sick In Service In Transition 3 rd Sector – Veterans Scotland, Erskine, RBLS, Combat Stress, Gardening Leave, Poppy Scotland, The Mark Wright Project Scottish Govt & 14 Health Boards Strategy & Policy Army Recovery Capability Personnel Recovery Unit Personnel Recovery Centre Local Delivery Regional Delivery VFP, GHH, HFH Headley Court* Queen Elizabeth Hospital** MRS/RRU VFP – Veterans’ First Point GHH - Glasgow’s Helping Heroes HFH – Homes For Heroes *Defence Medical Rehab Centre ** Royal College of Defence Medicine Post Service

16 Governance Firm Base Working Group Local Co-ordination Battlegroup Working Groups Firm Base Battlegroup 32 Local Authorities Units Local Delivery Scottish Government 51 (Scottish) Brigade Defence Policy UK Policy

17 Defence Change Programmes  Defence Transformation – Lord Levine  SDSR  Future Force 2020 Structures – Director General Land Warfare  Basing – Director General Change Programmes  Future Reserves 2020  Betterment and further investment  AVANTI  Regional Forces Re-structuring  And 33 other major change programmes  With over 70 minor work strands

18 Recent Announcements  Known knowns…..  HQ 1 (UK) Division to Scotland  7 Armoured Brigade to Scotland  51 Brigade remain as Regional Command in Scotland  Regular Army to 82k in 2020 via 94k in 2015  TA to 30k + 8k in 2020, with 20k avail  Bases, but work to do

19 Redford, Dreghorn and Craigiehall barracks to be disposed of by 2015 Basing Timeline 2011 2012 2013 201420152016 SDSR RAF Kinloss Drawdown RAF Leuchars drawdown and move to RAF Lossiemouth Army unit into RAF Kinloss HQ 1(UK) Div to RAF Leuchars 2 units move into RAF Leuchars 45 Cdo move out of Condor, Arbroath 1 unit moves into Condor 1 more unit moves into Glencorse ? 1 unit moves into Caledonia HQ 2 Div disbands MRB HQ and 2 units occupy Kirknewton 2016

20 3 SCOTS Engineer Unit RAF Lossiemouth HQ 1 (UK) Div & 2 Army unitsRe-Basing required for Lodger units: Craigiehall – 28 Redford & Dreghorn - 16 2 SCOTS & 1 other? Future Basing in Scotland 1 x Army unit 1 SCOTS & 3 RIFLES move to where? HQ 51 (Sc) Bde 1 x Army unit 39 Regt RA + 1 unit HQ MRB & 2 Units

21 1 Army unit RAF Lossiemouth 1 Army unit 3 HQ units 1 Army unit Future Basing in Scotland 1 Army unit 2 Army units HQ 51 (Sc) Bde 2 Army units 1 Army unit

22  Communications – Use the Firm Base Networks  Community covenants, £30M over 4 years  £3M for schools

23 Questions

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