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Jason Pecori EDU 504 Harrison Yang Sp. 2011.  Between 1933 and 1945 Nazi tyranny spread across Europe. Throughout this grim period of time, millions.

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1 Jason Pecori EDU 504 Harrison Yang Sp. 2011

2  Between 1933 and 1945 Nazi tyranny spread across Europe. Throughout this grim period of time, millions of people were persecuted and systematically destroyed.  The primary target- the Jews. 6 million Jews were murdered during this time. Other groups targeted- Gypsies, Poles, Slavs, and the Mentally or Physically disabled.  The concentration camp was and still is a sad reminder of death, and a symbol of a lesson we all could learn from the past.

3  You are to make a scrapbook using pictures, journals, memorabilia, and other pertinent information by answering a series of questions.  Each person will be assigned to a group of 5. The research is divided into 5 topics. Each person will be assigned to a particular topic of research.  You will collaborate and share information to complete the scrapbook. The topics are as follows: 1. Holocaust Overview 2. Concentration camps 3. Anti-Semitism 4. Ghettos 5. Survivor Stories.

4  Each individual within the groups of 5 will research their topic using the Internet sites provided.  Each student will be provided with specified websites to research their topic. Each person will work alone on a computer researching and collecting information on the chosen topic. This information will be used to make the scrapbook.  Class time will be provided for students to assemble scrapbooks, each group will also present scrapbooks to class.

5  Holocaust Overview  U.S. Holocaust Museum -choose 4 exhibitions to describe; please include a title, picture and brief description. U.S. Holocaust Museum  U.S. Holocaust Museum- Read the Introduction to the Holocaust article. Answer the following: 1. What was the Holocaust ? 2. What was the Final Solution?- Define genocide, do you know of any current examples of genocide? 3. What lessons can be learned from the information provided? 4. What was the aftermath of the holocaust? U.S. Holocaust Museum-  Concentration Camps  Auschwitz-Birkenau Photos – Pick 4 images to describe (print them out) and give them a title and bring them to class. Auschwitz-Birkenau Photos  Concentration Camps 1933-1939 – Read this article and answer the following questions; 1. What/when were the first concentration camps (When were they established)? 2. What was the primary reason for having these camps? 3. Were there any other major camps built? Where? Concentration Camps 1933-1939  Bring in a picture of the front gate into Auschwitz which states “Arbeit macht Frei” -What do you think it means in your own words? What can you glean from the information given form the resources?

6 Kristallnacht Night of Cristal-KristallnachtNight of Cristal-Kristallnacht- Answer the following; 1. Who instigated this and when did it take place? 2. What do you think a synagogue is? 3. How were these synagogues affected? 4. Printout a picture of a synagogue. 5. Lastly what was the aftermath of Kristallnacht, and now after reading can you tell what Kristallnacht was? Ghettos Family PhotoFamily Photo – Print this picture out. Describe it in your own words and give it a title. Describe where you think this family is going and what they are doing. Abe’s StoryAbe’s Story –Bring the map to class. Scroll down and click on “Exploring the Kutno Ghetto., Winter 1939” Were the conditions of this ghetto satisfactory? What does the picture show? Children during the HolocaustChildren during the Holocaust –Generally how were the children treated? How many children were killed during this time period? Imagine you were a sympathizer with the children… what would you do to help? What can you glean form the information about a ghetto?

7  Survivors  Safe Haven Museum- you are now reading a story entitled “The Safe Haven Story”. Read all 4 pages, and provide a summary of what happened. Safe Haven Museum  Voices: Stories of the Refugees- You will find 4 video clips of stories of survivors.1. The Voyage 2. Coming to America 3. The story of Maurice Kamhi and lastly, 4. The story of Ivo Lederer, provide a brief report of each video and bring them to class. What were some of the things you found most interesting? Why? Describe Maurice Kamhi’s story, how important or significant were the “clouds” in your opinion? Listening to Ivo Lederer; What are the three stories he speaks of? What was it like for these people to come to America? How did they find Oswego to be? Imagine you were one of these would you feel after listening to the videos? Voices: Stories of the Refugees

8  Students will be evaluated as a group based the following criteria:  Preparedness, Content (including writing accuracy), Questions answered, Creativity, Organization of Material, Time Management, Efficient use of computers, Collaboration, and finally the participation which will require each student presenting information on the scrapbook created.  Collaboration, or cooperative learning is the purpose of this web quest and it is vitally important that you work together efficiently in order to complete the web quest.

9  Upon completion of the web quest it is my intent that you become more knowledgeable consumers and producers of information on the Holocaust, and how it came to and it’s effects on those involved. Hopefully you have taken away the valuable lesson that sometimes difficult things must be discussed and learned in order that the past does not get repeated. Our past is intrinsically connected to our present and our future, it is how we can educate ourselves with the tool of reflection. It was also the intent that we learned something together in humanity and how an act of kindness could make a huge difference in the lives of others.

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