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Quiz (Representative of what might appear on a test, see posted sample tests.) Instruction formats and addressing modes.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz (Representative of what might appear on a test, see posted sample tests.) Instruction formats and addressing modes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz (Representative of what might appear on a test, see posted sample tests.)
Instruction formats and addressing modes

2 1. Identify the addressing mode of each of the following hypothetical machine instructions.
MOV R1, R2 LD R2, [R3] LD R2, [100] LD R2, 100[R3] MOV R2, 6 B. Wilkinson Slides2-3Quiz March 18, 2015

3 2. How many references to memory are needed for each of the following hypothetical instructions?
ADD [100],[100],[100] ADD [100],[100],R2

4 3. Why are registers used in a processor?

5 4. What does the hypothetical assembly language instruction:
ADD R1, [100] do?

6 5. Which machine instruction addressing mode would be suitable for the high level language statement: x = x + 25; where x is declared as an integer (i.e. int x;). Make but state any assumptions.

7 6. Name the machine instruction addressing mode that would be appropriate for implementing the high level language instruction: x = y; if x and y are held in registers. Give an example

8 7. Which machine instruction addressing mode would be appropriate for implementing the high level language statement: A[i] = x; where A is declared as: int A[100]; and x and i are held in registers? Give an illustrative example.

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