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DRAFT May 25 rd, 2011 Pearson Common Core Positioning and Value Proposition.

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1 DRAFT May 25 rd, 2011 Pearson Common Core Positioning and Value Proposition

2 11 A key objective of the messaging is to establish thought leadership to position the company as #1 in Common Core Reason To Believe: Pearson deploys deep expertise across all aspects of the CCSS. So deep, the spirit of the standards can be traced back to many of the same renowned leaders behind Pearson’s materials, tools, technologies, and professional development and consultative services. This depth of expertise ensures the highest quality portfolio of products and services that meet the full content and spirit of CCSS. Common Core Architects & Experts (e.g., Sally Hampton, Phil Daro, Skip Fennell, Karen Wixson) Expertise in PD & School Improvement Assessment Leadership Our close association with key authors and architects of the CCSS ensures that the spirit and pedagogical approach of the CCSS initiative are embodied in our instructional materials, assessments and services. Pearson’s A&I division leads the way in the new technologies and performance task assessments required under CCSS as well as in building data systems and online transitions. The depth and breadth of Pearson’s PD combines with lessons learned from America’s Choice to maximize teacher effectiveness throughout the transition to CCSS Pearson’s Thought Leadership

3 The tangible benefits can be summarized by the statement “Our deep expertise helps you successfully transition to Common Core” 2 Pearson offers a range of curriculum Math and ELA programs that meet the full content and spirit of the CC, including programs built from the ground-up to the new standards ‒ Math programs facilitate transition with: Integration of math practices into materials Coherent content that is all relevant to the CCSS standards Sequencing of topics that fully integrates to the Common Core Standards ‒ Literacy programs facilitate transition with: Rigorous expectations for all students supported by scaffolding Pacing that ensures full coverage of CCSS Non-fiction texts to serve grade level complexity bands ‒ Performance tasks that meet the expectations of CCSS are embedded in the curriculum ‒ Transition support to help bridge state standards and CCSS

4 Tangible benefits - continued 3 The depth and breadth of professional development, consultative services and technology integration allows Pearson to assess where you are and build a cohesive transition plan Industry-leading, evidence-based tools, technologies and services Training in how new instructional approaches will be needed to address critical content shifts and the overall goals the CCSS to help build 21st Century thinkers Strategic planning and consultative services to assist in analyzing diagnostic data and aligning curriculum and instruction based on a proposed curriculum framework On-site job-embedded assistance to apply, extend, and sustain CCSS knowledge gained in training Teacher observation tools and rubrics to drive teacher effectiveness Integration with the leading assessment provider supports transition to next generation assessments and supporting technology Data-driven learning systems and tools to enable seamless transitions. Formative Common Core assessments to help monitor student progress throughout the school year, and provide critical information to target remediation and instruction throughout the transition. Technology to deliver on CCSS vision of personalized learning using technology to link instructional material with formative and summative assessment. ‒ Support in using assessment data to make meaningful comparisons and integrate early childhood through college and workplace readiness Consulting services for planning and vision building with data systems

5 4 The Common Core is more than just a new set of standards to be mapped to your old curriculum. It is about new ways of teaching, instilling higher-order thinking skills and preparing students for the challenges of college and career. Pearson understands that the Common Core can be a growth opportunity or a scary reality for schools. Our Common Core expertise runs deep and our evidence-based portfolio of materials, tools, technologies and services can help you move forward and achieve a successful transition. Only a company as deeply involved in the Standards as Pearson is capable of bringing you such a comprehensive and practical portfolio of offerings to help your teachers and students meet the demands of even more rigorous teaching and learning environments by supporting the transfer of skills, knowledge and the SPIRIT of the Common Core into your work. Partner with the company that offers deep expertise matched by an expansive portfolio to ease the transition to the Common Core standards and make your school successful in delivering true college and career readiness for your students. The essence of Pearson’s Common Core brand messaging can be summarized with an “elevator speech”

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