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Prvi strani poslovni jezik II - engleski. Bodovanje Bodovanje Prisustvo 5 Aktivnost 10 Seminarski 10 Kolokvijum 20 Minimum predispitnih bodova 23 Ispit.

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1 Prvi strani poslovni jezik II - engleski

2 Bodovanje Bodovanje Prisustvo 5 Aktivnost 10 Seminarski 10 Kolokvijum 20 Minimum predispitnih bodova 23 Ispit 55 – polozen ispit 28 Krajni rok za predavanje seminarskih radova – 21. maj 2010. Seminarske teme na linku Kolokvijum – sredina maja

3 Literatura  New insights into business ( predavanja)  ENGLESKI POSLOVNI JEZIK – Milka Markovic (vezbe)


5 Key Vocabulary- Company structure  Shareholders (AmE/ stockholder) – people who provide capital - akcionari  Management – people who have the power to make decisions - uprava  Workforce – all the people working in a company - radna snaga, radnici

6 Organisation Chart  Board of Directors – a group of persons who govern the corporation - upravni odbor  Chairperson/ President - predsedavajući, predsednik (kompanije)  Managing Director (MD) – person who has overall responsibility for the way it is run - generalni direktor  Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - generalni direktor  Senior managers –is responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary - viši menadžer  Middle managers - lower executives and employees who manage supervisors overseeing day-to-day operations.

7 Departments within the company  Marketing - the part of a business which controls the way that goods or services are sold marketing, plasman robe na tržište  Public Relations (PR) – promoting a favorable relationship with the public - odnosi sa javnošću  information technology (IT) the development, and implementation of computer systems and applications - informaciona tehnologija  Human Resources (HR) or Personnel -personnel recruitment and management. kadrovsko  Finance – the management of money, banking, investments, and credit finansije  Production - the creation goods proizvodnja  R&D Research and Development – istraživanje i razvoj

8 Listening

9 Phrasal verbs  A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb. I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. run + into = meet  Some phrasal verbs are intransitive. He suddenly showed up.  Some phrasal verbs are transitive. I made up the story.  Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable. She looked the phone number up.  Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. I ran into an old friend yesterday.

10 Vocabulary development: Verbs and prepositions  apply to somebody, apply for something  benefit from  approve of  result in  believe in  refer to  succeed in  belong to  depend on  report to somebody on something

11 Practice

12 Describing changes Intransitive verbs – verbs which do not have objects Transitive verbs – verbs which have objects Porast Intransitive verbs: increase, rise, go up The population is increasing. Transitive verbs: increase, raise The government has raised taxes. Pad Intransitive verbs: decrease, go down, fall, decline, drop The prices have fallen. Transitive verbs: decrease, reduce, drop We reduced our prices.

13 Practice 2

14 Describing jobs  Company  Salary  Present Position  Background  Present responsibilities:

15 Useful vocabulary  Demanding, rewarding, challenging, stressful,  Work shifts, work flexitime, work overtime,

16 Job presentation  This job involves  I report directly to  I am employed as, I work as, In this role …  I am responsible for  I have been with this company for..  The next position I held  I was promoted



19 Presenting companies  Name of company:  Established:  Headquarters:  Chairman:  Business activities:  Main markets:  Sales in (year):

20 Company presentation  The company is based/located in London.  The company’s headquarters is in London.  The company employs 500 people.  The company specializes in financial services.  The company is a market leader in this field.  …..

21 In the 1920s, Philips decided to protect its innovations. Since then, Philips has continued to develop new products.

22 Present Perfect  FORM [has/have + past participle] Examples: You have seen that movie many times. Have you seen that movie many times? You have not seen that movie many times.  USE the present result of something that happened at an unspecified time in the past actions which started in the past and continue in the present

23 Past simple  FORM [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs Examples: You called Debbie. Did you call Debbie? You did not call Debbie.  USE Completed Action in the Past Last year, I traveled to Japan. I saw a movie yesterday. I lived in Brazil for two years.

24 Present Perfect vs. Past Simple  Which tense has a connection with the present?  Which tense only tells about the past  Past Simple: yesterday, last week (year, month), two years ago, in 1999  Present Perfect: just, for, since, ever, never, lately, so far, up to now



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