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The Road to WW I.  Nations want peace after 1815  Belief that restoring old order would bring stability.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to WW I.  Nations want peace after 1815  Belief that restoring old order would bring stability."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to WW I


3  Nations want peace after 1815  Belief that restoring old order would bring stability

4  Great Britain  Austria  Prussia  Russia  France

5  Prevent future French aggression  Made few serious demands on France so not to instigate revenge  Maintain peace through balance of power  All Great Powers were to be of equal strength through treaties and agreements  Restore old Monarchs: Democracy a threat  But French & American Revolution still admired


7  Result of French Revolution & resistance to Napoleon’s invasions  Italy & Germany try to unify in 1848  Stopped by Great Powers who fear them

8  By mid-1800’s, impact of Industrial revolution led to demands for democracy throughout Western Europe


10  Scientific Farming  Increased Population  Abundant Natural Resources  Geographic Location  Strong Banking System  Political Stability

11  New Inventions  Machines  Factories  Improved Transportation  (steam engine- R.R.)  Increasing Population  Move to Cities  Karl Marx  Communism  Government Reforms  (protective laws & unions)

12  Capitalism  Communism  Socialism

13  Example: USA  Laissez-faire  Individual choice/ freedom of choice  Individuals run the business  Economic Classes: Rich and poor and middle-class  Competition makes goods better and cheaper  Government: Democracy


15  Government & Economy of the people

16  Everyone agrees to share economy  Everyone is equal in terms of money  Each person will receive money according to how much they need  No competition  Social Classes: NONE  Government: Should be democracy, but dictator never stepped down

17  In history, the dictator had NEVER stepped down!  Problem with Marx’s theory, he didn’t take in to account the nature of man

18  Government controlled Economy  Government controls all business decisions  No competition  Economic Classes: Rich government and Poor citizens (proletariat)  Government: Dictator

19  Karl Marx said Industrialization would lead to a two-class system: Bourgeoisie & Proletariat  Civil War would occur between rich & poor  Poor would win  Dictator would take power just long enough to set-up socialist society  Dictator would step down  Reality:  Communism not Socialism

20  Italian & German Unification


22  Common culture, history, traditions, language (though diff. dialects)  Common Religion: Roman Catholic  Dislike for Austria who prevented earlier attempt to unite

23  Opposition by state rulers who were backed by Austria, so wanted Austria to remain powerful  Pope feared losing power over Papal States  Disagreement over type of government once united: democratic republic (favored by Mazzini), constitutional monarchy (favored by Cavour), confederation under Pope  Foreign Opposition: Austria would lose territory and influence France feared a powerful neighbor

24  Austro-Sardinian Wars (1859): Napoleon III helped b/c of promise of Nice and Savoy, and Sardinia got Lombardy  Conquest of 2 Sicilies by Garibaldi (1861): Kingdom of Italy declared, but Rome not capital because in hands of Pope & protected by French troops  Austro-Prussian War (1866): Italy allied with Prussia and gained Venetia  Franco-Prussian War (1870-71): French troops removed from Italy to fight Germany, Rome now capital  World War I (1914-18): Italy claimed rest of land still under Austrian rule.

25  The Soul: Mazzini  Led first unification effort in 1848, inspiration of the people  The Sword: Garibaldi  Led the “Red Shirts” from Sardinia to conquer the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies on to Lombardy  The Brain: Cavour  Prime Minister to King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia  He believes nationalism can only happen through smart diplomacy and well-chosen alliances  1871– Italy is Unified!


27  German plan for government that meant: Calculating politics in which idealism played no part.  Often pejoratively referred to amoral, coercive, or Machiavellian politics.

28  Common language, history, culture, traditions  Industrial Revolution: Roads, railroads, growing trade united German states  Zollverein– customs union, NO tariffs within German Confederation EXCEPT Austria

29  Opposition by state rulers who feared losing power  Religion: Protestant North, Catholic South  Jealousy & fear of Prussia; largest state  Rivalry between Austria and Prussia over control of smaller German states  Opposition from France who feared a powerful bordering neighbor

30  Bismarck wanted Germany united!  Blood = War  Iron = Industrialization

31  V. Denmark (1864) for prestige and territory; Schleswig- Holstein  Austro-Prussian War (1866) Germans defeated Austria, and were very lenient in treaty, to keep Austria as ally in future war with France.  Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) Only a war against a foreign enemy could unite Protestant North with Catholic South. Germany humiliates France and takes Alsace & Lorraine (France’s richest coal & iron deposits)

32  The Soul: Kaiser Wilhelm I  King of Prussia, largest, wealthiest, industrialized state in un-unified Germany  The Sword: von Moltke  General who led all 3 wars of German Unfication  The Brain: Bismarck  Prime Minister to Kaiser Wilhelm I  Believed in Realpolitik  “Blood & Iron”  1871– Italy is Unified!

33  Germany is unified in 1871!  Quickly surpasses Britain as most industrialized nation in Europe (2 nd to only U.S.A.)  France & Germany HATE each other!!

34  The Policy of Extending the rule or authority of one nation over foreign countries for the purpose of acquiring of colonies  Cause: Industrial Revolution and the need for raw materials and cheap labor

35  Largest in the world: ¼ of world’s land and people controlled by Britain

36  U.S. and Germany industrialized and between 1870 and 1900 caused G.B. Production to drop from 1/3 of world’s total to 1/5.  Countries now charging tariffs on British goods to protect their own Industrialization.  Raw Materials on British Isles were depleting.

37  Other countries begin to recognize both the economic gain of colonies as well as national pride.  France becomes 2 nd largest empire.  Dutch, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, and Germany all expand in Africa  Austria-Hungary moves into Balkans (major cause of WWI)  Even U.S. gets involved (Cuba, Philipines, Puerto Rico, Guam)  Hope that where business goes, the flag will follow

38  Countries took great PRIDE in colonies, even more important than economic gain  Europeans believed they were superior and had a duty to spread their technology.  Racism became a strong element at this time


40  In 1875, less than 10% of Africa controlled by Europeans  In 1900, over 90%



43  Indian tax payers paid for all technological improvements  Indian workers did hard labor jobs  Resented signs “For Europeans Only”  Prevented from getting top jobs and the few mid-level jobs they could get they received as much as 20 times less than their British counter-part



46  China was self-sufficient with 300 million people, more than all of Europe.  Britain wanted to trade but China was not interested– didn’t need it  So, Britain introduced a highly addictive drug into China and it led to the manipulation of China by the British

47  Unfair treaties with British  Opium Wars  Unfair treaties with other Western nations  West tries to help but China just wants them gone  Refusing help weakens them more  Open door policy ends colonization but puts China at constant mercy of outsiders

48  Copy the Best of the West  Japanese economy grew to modern Industrialized economy within 30 years  Railroads built throughout country  Coal production increased by over 21 times  Many factories built  Very little $ borrowed by U.S. and Europe to maintain independence  Japan copied BEST MILITARIES of the West  German Army  British Navy  So strong could defeat Russia (Russo-Japanese War-- 1904)  Able to renegotiate unfair treaties made with U.S in 1850’s  Began own imperial dominance


50  Each European country & Japan want to be an Empire  France insists it will take back Alsace & Lorraine and make Germany pay  SIX Great Powers (not just 5)  Germany & Great Britain– very strong  France– mildly strong  Russia & Austria-- weak

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