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Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | Wolfhard Möller Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | Wolfhard Möller Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | Wolfhard Möller Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Dresden, Germany NuPECC Meeting Jülich, March 2013 SPIRIT 4-YEAR STATUS and HORIZON 2020 PERSPECTIVES

2 page 2 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | European Access to Ion Technologies Coordinated by  11 Partners from 6 European Member States and 2 Associated States  Free Access for European Users at 9 European Ion Beam Laboratories  Ion Technologies: Energy Range ~ 1 keV... < 1 GeV  Materials Analysis and Modification

3 page 3 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | The SPIRIT Consortium U Surrey KU Leuven CNRS/U Bordeaux CEA Caen/ Saclay UPMC Paris ETH Zurich UBW Munich HZDR Dresden JSI Ljubljana RBI Zagreb ITN Lisbon

4 page 4 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | SPIRIT Dates and Numbers Project Duration1-March-2009 – 31-Aug-2013 (6 months prolongation approved in Feb-2013) Total EC Funding 6.991.000 € Total User Time> 13.000 h Distribution of Budget Distribution of Activities ● All activities very well on track

5 page 5 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | European Access to Ion Technologies  Ion-beam based quantitative materials analysis Rutherford backscattering (RBS) Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD) Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) Proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) ….  Ion-beam modification of materials Conventional ion implantation Plasma-based ion implantation Ion-assisted thin film deposition  Ion irradiation Nuclear materials Biological cells Ion-induced tracks.... SPIRIT offers

6 page 6 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | SPIRIT Transnational Access (TNA)  total user time to be delivered: 13800 hrs (+5% against original contract) (46/54 months delivery: 12300 hrs)  estimated number of user proposals: 230 (46/54 months: 204)  rejection rate 6% (however, critical prescreening at individual infrastructures)  low industrial participation (few proposals only) (however, significant direct industrial cooperation at infrastructures – up to 30% of total activity)  intra-SPIRIT use < 10%  new users > 75%  strongly interdisciplinary Environmental Geology, Mineralogy, Metallurgy Nuclear Materials Forensics Cultural Heritage Biomedical Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics Materials Research ~ 55% Others

7 page 7 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | SPIRIT Transnational Access (TNA)  user proposals from 25 countries  ~ 35% from EU-12 new member states

8 page 8 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | Industrial Applications and Services  SPIRIT TNA: only little industrial use 3 of ~200 proposals However: significant industrial services at SPIRIT infrastructures (up to ~30% of total activities)  Industrial criteria Non-disclosure: no peer reviewing! Fast delivery Nearby partnership (mostly) Quality control (ISO certification?) Bilateral cooperation or purchase contracts preferred  Multidisciplinary Applications Ion beam materials analysis Ion implantation

9 page 9 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | SPIRIT towards Horizon 2020 – Bridging the Gap  Continued access to SPIRIT infrastructures most of the infrastructures will offer free access no coverage of user travel and local costs website maintained by HZDR for central application and allocation of infrastructures no central evaluation of proposals  SPIRIT JRA and Networking continued under MC ITN SPRITE Coordinator: University of Surrey, U.K. Full Beneficiaries: SPIRIT Consortium plus one SME 9 Associated Partners: SME's, Hospitals, IMEC, IAEA Duration: Jan-1, 2013... Dec-31, 2016 Financial Volume: 3.5 Million €

10 page 10 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | SPIRIT towards Horizon 2020 – Proposal Preparation  Coordination by HZDR (Jürgen Fassbender)  Core Team 4 leading SPIRIT partners  Thematic Portfolio based on SPIRIT but open to changes  European Ion Beam Laboratory Survey List of European Ion Beam Laboratories (presently 57 entries, see Appendix) Distribution of questionnaire  Configuration of Consortium based on criteria similar to SPIRIT 2007/8  Competition / Agreements with other envisaged Follow-up's ? ITS LEIF, ENSAR, CHARISMA... Jürgen Fassbender Director HZDR-IIM

11 page 11 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | Appendix: List of European Ion Beam Laboratories

12 page 12 Wolfhard Möller | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | Appendix: List of European Ion Beam Laboratories (Ct'd)

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