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School Uniforms: An Investigation Status Report Harford County Public Schools December 17, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "School Uniforms: An Investigation Status Report Harford County Public Schools December 17, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Uniforms: An Investigation Status Report Harford County Public Schools December 17, 2007

2 Harford County Public Schools: Environment for Teaching and Learning Whereas most Harford County students feel comfortable and safe in their school, still Some students report harassment from peers Some students feel their belongings are not safe at school Some students believe that learning is not valued in the school There are continuing violations of disciplinary code Some members of the school community have asked that the school system investigate the use of school uniforms

3 The Board of Education’s Response Harford County Board of Education asked the Superintendent of Schools to investigate community support for a recommendation that the wearing of school uniforms be requirement for students attending Harford County Public Schools

4 Investigation Process Group of stakeholders identified to gather and consider evidence regarding pro’s and con’s of school uniforms –School Uniform Committee established and chaired by Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education –Purpose, audience, intended outcomes shared with Committee –Relevant research reviewed –Stakeholder survey form, parameters,and process designed Survey forms to be distributed at school level to all school administrators, teachers, parents, as well as students grades 8 through 12 Forms for parents were sent home with students and returned by the student Consensus decision to include ONE item only on the survey

5 What We Learned about School Uniforms: What are the Pro’s? –Principals say –Improve image of the school –Improve classroom discipline –Builds self-esteem and sense of belonging –Prevents children from wearing “gang colors” –Teacher say –Uniforms promote a focus on learning in the classroom –Parents say –Uniforms improve the image of the school –Uniforms improve classroom discipline –Uniforms improve students’ self esteem and sense of belonging –Kids get dressed with no argument –Kid’s aren’t “picked on” because of their clothes –It’s less expensive in the long run –Uniforms create a “level playing field” for students –Students say –It’s hard to “act like a thug” when you’re not dressed like one

6 What We Learned about School Uniforms: What are the Con’s? –Researchers say –There is no evidence to support the theory that school uniforms improves student behavior or achievement –The history of implementation of school uniforms suggests the effects are mixed –Parents say –Uniforms are expensive –Parents want a voice in deciding what their child wears to school –Students should be able to express individuality in their clothing selection –A dress code is a better way of approaching inappropriate clothing –the selection of their children’s clothing –Clothing is a means of self-expression for students –Uniforms may not be appropriate for some children –Students say –They should have the right to decide what they wear

7 Survey Document Directions –HCPS studying the use of uniforms to increase safety and security, to build school spirit and pride, and to enhance the learning atmosphere Demographics –Respondents identified school, role (parent/guardian, student, administrator, teacher), grade level, student gender

8 The Survey Question... Harford County Public Schools students should be required to wear a school uniform. –Agree –Disagree

9 What Did We Find Out from Our Schools? Our stakeholders responded –All schools participated –About half the survey forms distributed were returned –Stakeholder groups varied widely in their response to the question

10 Summary Results 16,439 parents responded: –58.4% agreed 10,173 students responded: –22.1% agreed 1,882 teachers responded: –74.5% agreed 136 administrators responded: –80.1% agreed 28,630 TOTAL responses –46.7% agreed

11 High School Summary: Participants 2, 597 Parents Responded 433 Teachers Responded 38 Administrators Responded 3,068 Total Non-Students 9,224 Students Responded –2,824 Grade 9 –2.476 Grade 10 –2,200 Grade 11 –1,724 Grade 12 –12,292 High School Respondents (Total)

12 High School Summary: Responses 50.6% Parents AGREE 81.8% Teachers AGREE 78.9% Administrators AGREE 55.3% Total Non-Students AGREE 33.1% Students AGREE –28.5% Grade 9 –28.6% Grade 10 –25.7% Grade 11 –46.4% Grade 12 –30.3% Students EXCLUDING Grade 12

13 Middle School Summary: Participants 3,581 Parents Responded 464 Teachers Responded 29 Administrators Responded 4,074 Total Non-Students 2,404 Students Responded (Grade 8 Only) –6,478 Middle School Respondents (Total)

14 Middle School Summary: Responses 52.5% Parents AGREE 83.4% Teachers AGREE 86.2% Administrators AGREE 56.2% Total Non-Students AGREE 16.4% Students AGREE 42.3% Total Middle School Sample AGREE

15 Adjusted Secondary Participation and Response 7,049 Parents Responded* 53.1% AGREE 897 Teachers Responded 82.6% AGREE 67 Administrators Responded 82.0% AGREE 8,013 Total Non-Students 56.7% AGREE 9,904 Students (Grades 8-11) 25.5% AGREE Responded** –17,930 Total 39.4% AGREE – * Includes all parents with children in at least one secondary school – *Grade 12 students excluded

16 Elementary School Participants 9,498 Parents Responded 867 Teachers Responded 59 Administrators Responded 7,845 Total

17 Elementary School Summary: Responses 63.7% Parents AGREE 65.7% Teachers AGREE 81.4% Administrators AGREE 63.9% Total Non-Students AGREE

18 Problematic Issues Parent responses represent self-selected sample Impact of distribution of forms through students Clarity of directions Student attitude about the survey process and forms

19 Findings and Recommendation The input received from more than 28,000 stakeholders indicates that about half the parents and more than three-quarters of the staff are supportive of the concept of school uniforms. Students are less supportive of the concept. Whereas many issues related to school uniforms raised by community members merit further study, the amount of interest expressed through the survey process leads the Committee to recommend that the Board of Education continue to pursue further the concept of requiring students in the Harford County Public Schools to wear a school uniform.

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