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2 United states government
The Constitution created a government of three equal branches, or parts. The Constitution is the plan and set of rules for our government. The three branches are: LEGISLATIVE EXECUTIVE JUDICIAL

3 The legislative branch
The Constitution created Congress. It is a group of people elected to make laws for the country. Congress has two parts: The Senate and The House of Representatives.

4 The senate There are 100 senators. Each state has two senators.
A Senator is in office for 6 years. This is called a “term.” Senators meet in the U.S. Capitol building

5 The house of representatives
There are 435 representatives. The more people that live in a state, the more representatives it has. Representatives serve for a term of two years. They can be elected for more than one term.

6 The Executive Branch The president, or Chief Executive, is the head of the government. Americans vote every four years for their leader of their democratic society. After elected to serve his/her country, the president lives and works in the White House. The president is in charge of the armed forces. The president works with leaders of other countries.

7 The Judicial branch The Supreme Court is the highest court is the U. S., and is the system of courts to settle questions about the laws. The nine justices can serve for as long as they live, or wish to retire. Each justice is chosen by the president.

8 Government The president carries out the laws of the United States. The Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) makes the laws. The Supreme Court explains the laws.

9 Branches of Government Foldable
On the lines provided, write 3 main powers given to that branch by the U.S. Constitution. DESCRIBE IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!! In the blank box, draw a picture that represent that branch of government. You should have 3 boxes at the end

10 Powers listed in the Constitution=expressed or enumerated powers
Legislative Branch Article I Section 8 Executive Branch Article II Section 2, 3 Judicial Branch Article III Section 1, 2, 3

11 Powers Executive Judicial Approve or veto laws
Makes treaties with foreign governments Nominates federal judges and ambassadors Serves as commander in chief of the military Judicial Serves for life Interprets the constitution Determines the legality of laws based on the constitution—judicial review Legislative Taxation Borrowing money Regulate trade Citizenship and bankruptcy laws Establishing money Punish counterfeiters Copyrights and patents Establish court systems Crimes at sea (piracy) Declare war Raise and army Maintain Navy Regulate armed forces Call up militia Control federal property Elastic clause

12 Democracy Rules !


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