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Above the Rim 2013 Parent Orientation Meeting. What is Above the Rim? In a world ruled by the “win at all cost” mentality, Above the Rim uniquely defines.

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Presentation on theme: "Above the Rim 2013 Parent Orientation Meeting. What is Above the Rim? In a world ruled by the “win at all cost” mentality, Above the Rim uniquely defines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Above the Rim 2013 Parent Orientation Meeting

2 What is Above the Rim? In a world ruled by the “win at all cost” mentality, Above the Rim uniquely defines winning as teaching and learning lessons in the game of life. Above the Rim goes well beyond the game of basketball by teaching lessons that will serve the young player well as they grow toward maturity.

3 2011 vs. 2001 Youth Sports Participation Study Baseball-31% Basketball-15% Cheerleading-36% Soccer-29% Softball-37%

4 Why? 6. Too Costly to Continue 5. The Coach Plays Favorites 4. No Further Interest in the Sport 3. Unrealistic Expectations on the Child 2. There is an Overemphasis on Winning 1. Poor Coach/Parent Behavior

5 Our Purpose! Quite simply, it is to provide your child with a great basketball experience that transcends winning and loosing. Our focus is not as much on basketball as it is sportsmanship, fair play, and the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. THIS IS A TEACHING LEAGUE!

6 I am an ATR Parent – Now What? 1.Be an example! – Your child is watching your every move. He/she is like a sponge that is absorbing your attitudes, values and work ethic. The attitude that you portray toward the league rules, the coaches, other parents, players, scorekeepers, and officials will quickly be reflected in the attitude of your child.

7 2. Be an Encourager! Children feel pressure from every angle today. Playing on a sports team, especially ATR, should be a place where a child can experience joy. Unfortunately many times the stress level brought on by fan expectations doesn’t allow the child to really experience the joy of participating in a game. Your child will not always be the best athlete, and there will be times when he or she blows it in a game. It is during these times that you must remember that they are only children. Your encouragement or discouragement will impact him or her long after the game is over.

8 3. Be Enthusiastic! Playing ATR has many purposes, but one for the most important is that the players have fun. You need to be enthusiastic at your child’s games, but make sure that the enthusiasm is always positive and never negative. Cheer for your child and their team, but never cheer against the other team or it’s players. Never scream miss it, or make loud noises when the other team is shooting. Remember that the other team is not the enemy. They are just children, like yours, trying to have fun. Seeing parents and fans having bad attitudes is not fun. Worse than that, their attitudes will more than likely begin to match what they see.

9 The Ten Commandments of a Christian Fan. 1. I shall practice good sportsmanship at all times. 2. I shall not criticize the officials. 3. I shall not coach from the stands. 4. I shall keep my perspective-remembering that a college scholarship does not ride on the outcome of the game. 5. I shall remember that only a few players can play at a time. 6. I shall not be critical unless I am willing to be part of the solution. 7. I shall remember that referee’s are not perfect and will miss calls. 8. I shall remember that my child is not the only one on the team. 9. I shall volunteer my services to the coach when ever possible. 10. I shall understand that the children are our top priority.

10 Noteworthy News! 1.Uniforms will be received at the last practice before your first game. The colors are Vegas Gold and White. 2.Game Schedules will be received after your second practice. 3.During practices and games please be observant of your children not participating in ATR. Please do not allow them to play in the hallway or on the stage at Lawndale. Please help us by removing all of your trash from the gym and keep drinks and food out of the hallway. 4.Please be on time for the beginning and end of both practices and games. Your coach is a volunteer graciously giving his/her time to work with your child.

11 About Practices: 1.You will be contacted, if you have not been already, in the coming few days concerning your practice schedule. Practices begin the week of January 7th. Due to the large number of children in our league we can not change practice times. 2.There will be a one hour practice each week until the beginning of the season for kindergarten. Kindergarten will then practice before their game on Saturday’s. All others will practice one hour each week and have a one hour game on the weekend. 3.During each practice there will be a devotion time for the players. 4.Children will have the opportunity to learn scripture verses each week. The memorization of scripture verses by the children will result in the awarding of a green cross patch for their pennant. 5.If your child can not be at practice please notify the coach before practice. This will help them to better plan an effective practice. 6.Your child does not need to bring water bottles or basketballs with them. We provide everything the player will need for a successful practice.

12 About Games: 1.Schedules will be given after your first practice. Games begin the weekend of January 18-19, 2013. 2.Games will be on Friday nights and all day on Saturday. 3.We will play the 5 th and 6 th graders on Friday night and everyone else on Saturday. 4.The home team will wear the lighter side of the uniform and the visiting team the darker side. 5.Court numbers will be posted on the side wall opposite the entrance doors. 6.All games will begin with prayer at center court. 7.Games consist of six 6 minute periods with a 5 minute halftime. Kindergarten will play 6 four minute periods with a 5 minute halftime. 7 th and 8 th grade will play four 7 minute quarters. 8.After every game your coach will gather the team together to award post game awards to every player. I encourage you to actively participate in this team time!

13 Game Day Awards Lightning Bolt – Outstanding Offense “D” – Outstanding Defense “T” – Teamwork “A” – Attitude “V” – Victory Cross – Scripture Memory

14 Rules Unique to ATR 1.There are no “Time Outs” In Kindergarten through 4 th grade. Two “Time Outs” per game are permitted in 5 th and 6 th grade. 2.Only Man-to-Man defense is allowed to be played in Kindergarten through 2 nd grade. To help them to know who they are guarding, an colored wrist band will be worn to signify who they are to guard. 3 rd and 4 th grade will be allowed to play zone in periods 3 and 4. 5 th -8 th grade may play any defense at any time. 3.Defensive players must stay within an arms reach of the person they are guarding in K – 4 th grade while in man-to-man. 4.NO double teams are allowed in K – 4 th grade. They may play help defense in the lane, on fast breaks, and off picks and screens. Any defense will be allowed in 5 th -8 th grade leagues. 5.We do not call back court violations in Kindergarten through 4 th grade. We do in 5 th -8 th grade.

15 6. In kindergarten and 1-2 grade leagues, steals are not allowed. We encourage ball handling skills critical to development. 7. A player committing 2 fouls in one period will be removed from the game and will go back in when the rotation allows them to. 8. The game clock will run continuously except in the sixth period of 3 rd -6 th grade and the 7 th -8 th grade boys league. 9. Full court presses are only allowed in 5-8 th grade.

16 Kindergarten You will play 6 four minute periods. The clock will run continuously. No score will be kept on the clock. Man to Man defense will be the only defense played in this league. You can only play half court defense. On turnovers or made baskets, you must get back behind half court. No full court press is allowed. No steals are allowed. Backcourt violations are not called. Three second violations are not called.

17 1 st -2 nd Grade You will play 6 six minute periods. The clock will run continuously. No score will be kept on the clock. Man to Man defense will be the only defense played in this league. You can only play half court defense. On turnovers or made baskets, you must get back behind half court. No full court press is allowed. No steals are allowed. Backcourt violations are not called. Three second violations are not called.

18 3 rd -4 th Grade You will play 6 six minute periods. The clock will run continuously for the first five periods. The clock will stop on all whistles in the sixth period. Man to Man defense will be played in periods 1, 2, 5, and 6. A zone will be played in periods 3 and 4. You can only play half court defense. On turnovers or made baskets, you must get back behind half court. No full court press is allowed. Backcourt violations are not called. Three second violations will be called beginning with game #3. Warnings will be issued in games 1 and 2.

19 5 th -6 th Grade You will play 6 six minute periods. The clock will run continuously for the first five periods. The clock will stop on all whistles in the sixth period. You may play any defense you wish. Full court press is allowed at any time. Coaches are encouraged to be sportsman-like in their decisions. It is not your responsibility to help the coaches with this. The gym supervisor will be watching closely and will warn coaches if need be. Backcourt violations will be called for boys and girls. Three second violations will be called beginning with game #1. Each team has one timeout per half.

20 7 th -8 th Grade Boys We will play four seven minute quarters with the clock stopping on all whistles. Halftime will be five minutes in length. The three point line will be in play. Boys will play with a regulation men’s ball. You are free to play either zone or man defense at any time and for any length of time. You may full court press at any time during the game. Remember that sportsmanship is the key. We will begin each game with a jump ball and play alternating possession after that. Players will foul out upon committing their fifth foul regardless of their playing time in the game. You will be allowed one full (1 min.) and one thirty second time-outs per half. Official High School Rules will apply to situations other than those listed above. Should a game end in a tie, you will play one 3 minute overtime period. Should the game remain tied, the game is over.

21 Jimmy’s Unique Rules 1. At NO TIME are you to approach a scorekeeper, referee, or coach with criticism or in anger either during or after the game. If you have a question about something that has happened in your game, you may pose your question to your coach or the gym supervisor or to me personally if I am there and they will either answer your question or direct it to me so I can answer your question. 2. You are to follow the “Ten Commandments of a Christian Fan” at all times. It should guide your experience here at Lawndale. 3. Our league is a unique league. We do not keep standings. We do not give trophies at the end of the season. Our focus is not as much on basketball as it is sportsmanship, fair play, and the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. This is a teaching league. College recruits will not be sitting in our stands observing your son or daughter. 4. We always willingly accept your help in accomplishing our goals. We ask that you partner with us over the next 10 weeks as you have given us the distinct privilege of working with your child.

22 Substitution Pattern The ATR substitution system is designed to provide every player an equal opportunity for improvement. No child will sit out more than one period at a time. Every child will have an equal opportunity to “start” the game. By the end of the season, each child will have played virtually an equal amount of time.

23 Inclement Weather Policy Should snow and/or ice become an issue either on a practice night or game day you may find out if there are cancellations in one of two ways: 1. On the web, 2. Call 288-3824, extension 315 for a message.

24 Award’s Night – March 11, 2013 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM The Comedy and Magic of Matt Fore

25 Lawndale Basketball Academy 2013 Academy Schedule January 10 - Beginning Speed and Agility Training January 17 - "Back to the Basics" - Ball Handling January 24 - Rebounding January 31 - Passing Skills February 7 - "Defense" wins championships! February 14 - Basic Shooting February 21 - Advanced Shooting February 28 - Academy Skills Competition (prizes will be awarded)

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